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Trace (2015)

May. 12,2015
| Horror

A group of friends experimenting with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) accidentally open a doorway allowing a powerful demon to enter our world.


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It totally worked for me. I don't watch scary movies much. But what I liked was the psychological tension and the fact that we never see "it" but feel the terror. Or at least I felt terror!!! And I liked the premise with the EVP. Different. It had honest characters who made really bad choices. I was emotionally involved. I felt something, which is all I can ask of any art form.


The Three Acts: The initial tableaux: First, the film flashes back to a Soviet research facility in the Kuril Islands, 1992. The well-funded ongoing work concerned paranormal activity and EVP (electronic voice phenomena). During the economic slide of the USSR, the research was officially abandoned, but a few scientists continued research while keeping to the underground parts of the facilities. While supposedly in contact using EVP, one scientist, Victor Konski, is assailed and killed after hearing from 'Abigor.'Second, we flash forward to Los Angeles in the current day. Three couples plus Duffy discuss EVP after consuming a number of drinks at the audio studio run by Duffy and Nick. They go to the basement to listen to this and that, such as the website 'Voices in Static' which mentions Abigor and Professor Konski.Delineation of conflicts: The fools try to recreate the calls to Abigor. Soon enough they get a reply, plus more than they bargained for. Can they close up this process?Resolution: This movie is from the 'How do I close the Hellgate?' subcategory of horror. The resolution is about how well the remaining humans do at constructing a solution once they figure out a solution needs to be constructed.


It is unusual for me to like this kind of movie. They usually get me bored. It is slow, yes. An it has just small amount of jump-scares. It is for me most like Supernatural Thriller than Terror, I found it a good exercise in suspense built with paranormal dyes, needless to say with psychological dyes or para-psychological. Convincing performances must say, except for "Parker" whom I found something bland, but he is supposed to be ... I think. Now, "Rebecca" was less than nothing, in what she is seen, only her voice convince me of something (when you see it you will know what I mean). The end worth the movie, really , especially for the effects, I liked that part. Surely some (as I did) will find something "illogical" in the actions of the character at the end (I had run, and you will realize what I mean) and the post- credit scene, apart from not being strong, it's a little useless there. I give it 7.5 / 10, for some things I did not like and that could be polished, but would be 8/10, and I repeat that I liked the end. See the movie and rate it (or do not see it if you hope horror o more action and gore)


As I said, while this lil' horror flick may not be mindblowingly scary, or add a "new" level of fear inducing cinematic magic, it does however manage to work in delivering a few thrills and entertainment throughout its short runtime.I know that I'm quite likely to be in the minority with a positive review for this lil' film, but in all honesty I did enjoy this movie, and unlike the majority of horror films these days this one was able to hold my attention throughout. It's a sad day in the horror genre history when one finds themselves hitting the fast forward button more often than not when "attempting" to watch the entirety of a horror film..yet, thats exactly what I find myself doing time and time again when trying to just make it through a film to the end. ..and that is downright pathetic that this is the "norm" for us horror genre fans.. Instead of attempting to make it all the way through to the end of a horror film(and by any means possible even scanning/fast forwarding through large parts of a film)..one should be clicking to check the runtime left and just hoping and praying that it doesn't come to the end because you find yourself loving every minute of the thrill ride that comes from viewing really good horror films.So, while I am not at all claiming that the movie, Trace falls into the latter category of being a thrill ride that the viewer doesn't want to end, it does however manage to "work" in at least holding my attention throughout, as well as my feeling no desire to scan/fast forward through large parts of the movie.
