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The Killing Strain

The Killing Strain (2010)

January. 01,2010
| Horror Thriller

A man-made virus, 'The Killing Strain'-- an out-of-control swine flu-- turns infected humans into raging monsters. As it rapidly spreads, a group of uninfected survivors must make life-or-death decisions before the U.S. military firebombs the area in a desperate attempt contain the contagion. The survivors are unaware that the virus has already reached their group-- by infecting one of them-- and now the merciless metamorphic process has begun.


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You can tell right from the start that this is a low budget film, so if you're expecting top of the line acting, directing, and writing, then this just isn't for you. Remember Robert Rodriguez's low-budget flick El Mariachi? This movie's style reminded me of that one in many ways. This felt like a low budget attempt by passionate people doing the best they could with what they had and watching it from that perspective, I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would! In that vein, I think it has a lot in common with Romero's original Night of the Living Dead as well. Unfortunately, this felt a little like someone trying to remake it rather than do something original. If you love zombie movies like I do, then you probably won't see anything new, but I don't think you'll be disappointed, either.


I don't know what version of the movie you guys watched, this was the broadcast premier on the Chiller channel by the same name.The acting really wasn't that bad. The FX weren't really that bad either. It wasn't really exceptional, just what you'd come to expect from a mid/low level budget made for cable movie.You can't expect the quality of a polished production from some major studio, but this was much better than a lot of garbage that's been produced and then, somehow, actually gets aired.Yeah, there are a few of the maddeningly stupid plot devices to build suspense - let's go down into the dark cellar all alone, and if you hear a strange noise don't bother to tell anyone or call for help.There's the loudmouth bully, and the nerdy guy, and the chick who lost her family, and the sensible guy everyone wants to listen to. Nothing too revealing, but well played non-the-less.And you do notice one or two scenes that never seemed to be followed up on even though you knew something was supposed to happen with them. But nothing was so glaringly terrible that it would ruin the entire movie.Solid B grade movie with decent acting and storyline.

Perry Bee

I love a good zombie film, great bit of escapism, most times it makes for good viewing, even the B grade variety are OK to watch for a laugh. But this horror of a film is as bad as a B grader will get! Where do they get these 2 bit actors from? no not the people that act the zombie roles. The blood and guts parts are OK, but that's where it stops, the acting is so poor it nearly turned me into a brain dead zombie! And damn that script is horrible, and yes the directing is not much chop either. Should you watch it? sure why not, but be warned it is crap, but it is a great film to remind you of better films from the past, or hopefully better one's to come.A very solid 1 out of 10


I just saw a screening of this at it's weekend debut at one of the three theaters it showed in San Antonio. I have to say that it does some decent justice to the zombie genre.I actually went to school with and acted in the director/writer's first stage production back in high school. Daniel has come a long way since "Await The Eclipse" by a long shot.Not to say this is the most ground breaking zombie film by any means (it is quite hard to do so as the genre has been milked out of all scenarios it can possibly handle), but it is very entertaining in it's own right.If anything it is a great glimpse of what is to come from these great actors and formidable director. There were great performances from the leads and the comic relief of the the character 'Neil' caused much intentioned laughter from the crowd. By the applause after the screening I think the crowed got what they came for and I would deem this effort a success.
