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The Addicted

The Addicted (2014)

January. 01,2014
| Horror

25 years after a patient in a drug rehab clinic commits suicide, 4 friends decide to spend a night in the abandoned clinic to try and film some of the reported paranormal goings-on. Shortly thereafter, an up and coming TV journalist is persuaded to spend a night in the clinic with 3 of her friends to try and film some of the spooky activity. In the course of one night, they discover the sickening truth about the history of the clinic and have to face the possibility that they might never leave.


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Mike Hunt

This film starts out just like every other "we're gonna go spend the night in some spooky asylum" movie, and it never delivers. I knew it was going to be garbage after the useless scene in the beginning where it's the 4 main characters drinking and smoking weed while some terrible, terrible music plays. What the hell was the point of that scene??? So they get in the place, and almost immediately, Mike gets drug off just like in the opening scene. At that point, any sane person would get out of there, but the show must go on, so they stay. All of them manage to drop their flashlights at the same time, so there goes any light other than what the generator provides. Then, Mike gets taken again and you see the bad guy in a clown mask who has a magical nail gun that doesn't need to be hooked up to an air compressor shoot Mike up with some drug and then drags him out somewhere so friends can find him. The whole time I'm wondering how in the hell are they just sitting there so calm when there's obviously someone or something trying to kill them. They're literally just sitting on a couch talking about how they shouldn't have come there. Didn't they get in with a crowbar? Why can't they use it to get out? So Mike gets taken for a third time, and once again, they're just sitting there on the couch like nothing happened. I'm just gonna stop right there and say that this movie is a complete waste of time. I understand it's low budget, but that's no excuse for how horrible it is.

Peter Pluymers

"Jezus Christ Liz, you got him"Sometimes you think no film can be painfully worse than the one you just watched. And then you come across something like "The Addicted". Really anything you can think of is of a pitiful level in this movie and makes sure you'll grind your teeth out of misery. Technically and in terms of the scenario it's all hugely laughable and abominable. Enervating poorly filmed. No originality and inventiveness. Stupid and incomprehensible story twists. Special effects from long time ago. Terribly boring in-between fragments and an endless repetition of the same idiocy. Even the fact that this is a low-budget B-movie, it can't condone that it is a pitiful and miserable spectacle. Even though I am a huge fan of non-commercial, low-budget creative inventions, I found that this monstrosity is not worth to use the word "creative".The start wasn't that bad actually. It looked really clichéd, but I was hopeful. I ignored the fact that again a well-known concept was used and I didn't yield to the temptation to mull about the decline of the intelligence of today's youth. Another gang of teenagers who feel the irresistible urge to visit some creepy building, this time an old drug rehabilitation center, for one night to fulfill a scary evening activity. "Why the hell would anyone want to do this ?" I wondered again. The quartet is a mixed bag of known impersonations. First, a dumb blonde, which of course thinks it's just fun, and her fearless tough boyfriend. Then there is a little less brave female member of the company who only wants to return home and who is accompanied by a gallant young man who will watch over her. If only I could have placed a bet somewhere that the fearless blonde would be the first one to kick the bucket, I would have made a lot of money. After they forced a door (of which the lock is attached to a single ring. Sophisticated security), there's somebody who gets out an Ouija board from under his coat. And then suddenly it starts to go woefully wrong. Lights explode (That was as frightening as a light that goes out in the Christmas tree at home), probably a sound technician starts to slam on iron with a solid hammer and then the first victim is drawn into the shadow and returns as if she had a kind of Olympic accident. The last victim was killed in a rather unique way (hopefully she took the Ouija board with her).But after this promising start, the level and credibility went down quickly. The way the movie continues defies all imagination and it seems as if they assume that the intellect of the viewer is equivalent to that of a mayfly. Inaccuracies, errors and incredibility's follow each other steadily. After a night guard (why this poor sucker needed to guard this building which will be demolished in the future anyway, goes over my head) disappears, the journalist Nicole Hunter (whose father was employed in this center. How is it possible? What a coincidence.) has to make a sensational reportage and therefore decides to spend the night there together with her boyfriend and a couple of friends. They are going to use a lot of technical material to record any supernatural phenomena there. The fact that she concluded already that something supernatural is going on there,is mind boggling in itself.And now a brief summary of some moronic things I've noticed. Breaking into this building seems so ridiculously easy. And apparently there's a huge instruction manual at the entrance because everybody knows where the generator is located. The lighting looks like Christmas decorations, I noticed immediately. Nicole has a load of high-tech film equipment, but she needs to attach a camera with tape to a gantry. There are countless attempts to get through the door where they entered the building. And yet it was not until the end that Nicole discovered the grinding wheel which she uses on the steel door like a real metal worker (including a cigarette dangling between her lips). If you are good in maths and think logical it won't be very difficult to guess who's behind all these disappearances. That this person interacts with a supernatural entity is completely ridiculous. It started look more and more like a failed Scooby Doo cartoon. And it appeared as if the disgruntled spirit walked out of the PC game "The 7th Guest".Technically the film was sometimes painfully amateurish. Several times there was even incomprehensible camera work. For instance the image was moved from a conversation to a side view of a car. Weird. Or during a phone call the camera goes back to the start of the scene without any reason. The film is also filled with immense long fragments that look like a home video. Like the 3-minute fragment of a pleasant evening the four friends spent at home, where they probably made ​​the decision to pass the night in that building. 3 Minutes of footage with cozy chatting and smiling people who enjoy a glass of liquor. The whole thing was so meaningless that they repeated the same dreadful things many times. I've lost count of how many times they did the same route to the next floor using the stairs. And the fire doors where checked twice to make sure if it was possible to escape from there.After the ridiculous ending and the attitude displayed by Nicole and her sister, my conclusion was made quickly. This is the most absurd movie I've seen this year. A film not worthy to be called horror and a mockery to the medium film in general. The only thing that gave me shivers when talking about this film, is the fact that I've seen it completely. My worst nightmare now is the idea that I have to watch it again (harrowing scream). More reviews at http://opinion-as-a-moviefreak.blogspot.be

Drew Grimm Van Ess

The first thing that popped into my head when viewing this, was the lack of inspiration. I swear, almost every horror film nowadays takes place in an old rundown asylum of some sort. But, this low-budget feature starts with four brutal deaths that get you in the mood to continue watching, and see what happens. Then, the main cast breaks into the clinic to stay the night, and set up equipment like cameras all around, in hopes of recording something paranormal. All sounds good at first, but nothing of true significance happens for a while. So, we're left in the grasp of the main cast. All of whom aren't very good actors and actresses.So, we're reduced to watching a group of young adults drinking and smoking and having fun, all the while paralyzing the film from moving forward in a productive fashion. There's too much camera time on things of minor importance, and we dance around eventfulness for a long time. Then, we see a ghost on camera while the group of friends are partying and acting like fools and not paying attention. The catch is, the ghost isn't scary at all, and the makeup is flawed. At this point, I knew I was in for a long ride that I wasn't going to enjoy very much.One of the things that irks me, and I honestly don't know if it is due to budget or just bad writing, but some of the friends partying in the clinic use duct tape to hold cameras in corners. That is extremely unlikely to really happen, and just looks bad on film. It begs the question of whether the or not the amateurs are those on screen, or those behind the camera. Then, we see the guy on the cover of this flick, wearing the creepy black clown mask. And he starts off by using a nail gun to one of the people staying overnight in the creepy building. Then, he uses heroin to inject his victims with. All the while, he speaks and sounds just like Tobin Bell as Jigsaw from Saw. This ruined the effect of the villain for me. Again with lack of inspiration.The group of friends basically start getting dragged off one at a time, and there's no suspense or even as much as cheap thrills or scares. There's some decent brutality though with people being stabbed in the face and eyes with needles, and being injected with heroin in the eyes. Really, what it boils down to is that the antagonists in The Addicted are ruthless, but the protagonists are idiots doing everything they shouldn't to try and survive this type of situation. And, soon enough it's just down to the lead character Nicole (Jenny Gayner), to fight and try to escape the hospital alive. There's plot twists midway through, and at the ending. Both of which are meant to jar you, but instead have no impact due to lack of environmental scares and intensity. When it's all said and done, The Addicted is a one time watch. It's not the worst film you'll ever see, but it's also not one you'll need to view more than once. There's a million other movies like it, and if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. This does have a few touches of originality to it, but not enough to make it a stand-out effort.


I don't know where to begin with this movie except to say it was a miserable experience. I enjoy low budget horror and generally will give a break as far as production values, effects, and acting goes. It's so slow and grimy looking, the digital video camera work was appalling and often the sound was very badly recorded. It really had the look and feel of an amateur production, even worse than that, it was so non sensical that I was scratching my head trying to figure it out. The original title was rehab but I guess that didn't sound scary. On top of these the movie just had a real downer feel to it and the ending doesn't help either. My advice is to skip this and try to find something better.
