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Soft for Digging

Soft for Digging (2001)

January. 08,2002
| Drama Horror Thriller

A man wanders into the woods in search of his cat and witnesses a murder


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C.H Newell

I have to say, I'd made it an hour in, and I was absolutely ready to turn it off- not because it wasn't interesting, or that it was boring, but because I just didn't feel like there was going to be a great pay off - I always stick with a movie, and there are only two movies I've ever turned off with no intentions of every finishing later. So, to my surprise, the ending of Soft for Digging absolutely blew me away! There are a few shots where I felt a very strong Kubrickian vibe (particularly from The Shining's influence), and others where it was just pure terror. The finale most definitely made the wait worth it. A lot of people, rightfully so, were not impressed with the running time, in terms of how much dialogue it offered, and also not much action in regards to the plot itself. I agree- not a lot went on. However, I think Soft for Digging burns slow, the way any suspense should in my opinion, and it works- the end is incredible! I'm not saying you're going to throw up on yourself or urinate, or stay up for nights on end due to nightmares solely caused by the film's finale- I'm just saying it was well done, it was intense, a little disturbing. The images were wonderful! It was a treat to see, and I'm so glad I didn't let myself be fooled by the rest of the film. Now, the lead-up to the finale wasn't bad either- I just didn't expect the pay off that came. Once it did, I had a whole new look on what came before it, so the entire film became a great piece of work by the time the end credits rolled.J.T Petty is not necessarily one of my favourites, though I hope to see him continue making some unique pictures. Soft for Digging took awhile to find, but I'm now glad I tracked it down after so long, it was well worth the wait. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys indie horror to check this out- if you can handle a slow-burn film with minimal dialogue, maximum imagery, then go for it! 10 out of 10 for me; a great, original independent work.


The thing that really gets me about this movie (that is, the thing about this movie that makes me physically ill) is that someone actually paid to have it made. There is absolutely no purpose for the existence of this movie. It is not frightening, it is not thought provoking, it is not entertaining, it is not good. It is a sleeping pill made of cyanide. The DVD case compares it to Blair Witch, Evil Dead, and a few other decent movies, making the filmmaker's desperation glaringly obvious. It is nothing like any other movie ever made; it is far, far worse. The claims of an "extremely shocking ending you will never forget" are the equivalent of one ton of stinking horse droppings. Please do not ever waste your time watching this piece of trash, because it may make you sterile. The man who wrote this movie should be wiped off the Writer's Guild membership list, and never allowed to film anything again. Because if he thought THIS was a movie worth making, he probably does not have much of anything to offer in the future. Zero stars. May Grod have mercy on the soul of anyone unfortunate enough to see this. I am going to go vomit now.


Virgil Manoven is an old man who lives alone in his remote rural farmhouse.Chasing his beloved cat one morning into the woods around his property,Manoven glimpses what looks like the murder of a young child in the middle of the woods.He reports the crime to the police but there's no body to be found.Troubled by disturbing visions,he investigates further and eventually is guided to a spooky orphanage where events take a supernatural turn…"Soft for Digging" is a fantastic experimental horror with lots of creepy atmosphere to spare.This minimalist film is almost completely devoid of dialogue.Some scenes are genuinely nightmarish and the acting is excellent.The location sets provide plenty of creepiness:the eerie Maryland woods rival those used in "The Blair Witch Projcect".Give this strange horror film a chance.9 out of 10.


This movie will appeal to elderly women who may have seen the Exorcist in a daring moment of their middle age and were absolutely terrified into a near heart attack by THAT movie and are now trying to get that little jolt from watching something not billed as 'graphic horror.'This movie is NOT a horror movie. Well, it would probably scare someone who was shocked by 'Blair Witch,' but that movie is not worth expounding on here. But, elderly women would love this. It has an elderly man running around in his long-johns a lot. It has a a little girl with 'dead' make-up on being shown in quick, flashy shots, and we know that that kind of film making is scary itself! Did I see it? Was that blood? Is that the killer's eyes running through the woods? William Malone used that technique way too much in his recent horror flicks.I laughed at the inane lack of exposition of this film. It had potential and should have had dialogue. Yes, yes, it is sooooo artistic to have a movie with three lines spoken. Yes, but it is also highly pretentious. *spoiler* The 'horror' is an old man witnessing a supposed child being strangled. Granted, it's not SUCH a surprise since the director puts in these little 'silent movie' screens of text explaining the 'chapter' we are about to see, so I knew the kid was gonna get it, along with everything else that happened.I'm not knocking J.T. Petty's attempt at making a film. In fact it had many aspects that I found rather pleasing. The choice of music was excellent in that it was so melancholic and dreary that it added to the dream-like quality of the filming. The lingering on objects, or watching the action going on behind an object, that is creativity and I enjoyed that. The use of locations was quite nice and atmospheric. I see that this film was made in 2001 and he has another one from 2003, 'Mimic:Sentinel,' that I will certainly check out. I also liked the clandestine sense of humor displayed; the farting, the whole cat thing, the priests method of delivering his lines.However, for future, new, budding filmmakers, please note that you can get people who can REALLY act (and for free) if you try harder to get them. Perhaps a University, a local playhouse, high school drama teachers, etc. You can also have a 'silent' film if there is enough in the story to challenge the viewer to think (this films intention I'm sure) and have visuals equal the story, but to have it be all so.....vague, is a bit trying too hard to be innovative. Especially if you have characters walk up to other characters and not say anything but gesture instead. How often does that happen? Especially at a crime scene?A 3 out of 10 for sure attempt and probably a good future for J.T. Petty, but he may try comedy instead.
