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Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl (1994)

October. 11,2003
| Drama Horror

A man meets a woman in a bar, the two go back to her flat and begin watching porno films. The man passes out and wakes to find himself strapped to a dentist chair. The woman, along with her accomplice begin to torture the man.


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Starting to work myself through the "Unearthed Films" I purchased recently, I decided to start with this interesting little take on a cross between "Man Bites Dog" and "Hard Candy". Basically a man picks up a woman at a bar, and they go back to her place. Big mistake. After passing out from a drugged drink, he wakes up finding himself strapped in a dentist chair, with this gorgeous woman ready to do as she pleases to him. The movie concentrates a lot on dialog and judgment regarding philosophical questions about society. Oh, and I might mention torture on her new guinea pig. The story takes a few twists and turns, but in the end, I found it very interesting despite the very low budget, the acting is top notch and the whole idea of the story pretty intriguing. It's nothing special, but a strange little film that "Unearthed" made available to people like me that like this sort of stuff.


A few days ago I received this film in the mail,and I must admit that I was expecting this to be something special,at least according to reviews that have praised this as something dark and unsettling.Well,I can tell you that's not the case at all,I'm afraid to say.First of all;I'm well aware of the fact that this is director Ray Brady's cinematic statement about the general portrayal of on screen violence.And I also realize that Brady had to choose an angle that didn't blur his message,meaning that he couldn't exactly revel in blood and gore.The result he would have got then,is that people would have perceived it as a sadistic gorefest,and ultimately failed in grasping his overall message.But then the question is;is it still possible to make it unsettling and dark,and at the same time let the message come across?Of course it is.Two examples that come to mind are "A Clockwork Orange",and "Man Bites Dog".Regarding the latter,it is stated on the cover that "Boy meets Girl" is "the English answer to Man Bites Dog".Well,sadly it is a far cry from this gem,and should not be compared at all!!My main objection to BMG is that the whole affair comes off as a amateurish attempt to make the viewers emphathize with the victim,and perhaps also with the perpetrator.My point is that this isn't accomplished at all,this mainly due to the apparent lack of really convincing actors,lack of top-notch dialogue,and the lack of realism that is acquired in order to make it look like a snuffpiece.To sum up;I have not watched a horrifying and unsettling film which is shaking one's foundation,I have instead watched a first-year's film student's idea of a innocent,masochistic wet dream.Mediocre at best.Definitely hardly anything that's worth banning,that's for sure!!Oh so many squeamish people out there,the reviews this one has got is a crystalclear proof of that!!


Being partly raised on horror movies, I thought I had seen it all. This is something comparable to Pasolinis SALO or the intense last half hour of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. Boy Meets Girl is far better than SALO though. It's interesting that one still can get really moved and affected by a movie after all I've seen through the years. It kind of feels like I'm a "newborn" movie viewer, and makes me believe in the power of the medium again. While I didn't really know what to think immediately after watching it, when a couple of days had gone by, I concluded that it really is an exceptional and important movie. When I watch violence in other movies now, it feels too slick, glamourizing and "movie-stylized", while in this film one gets a gut wrenching feeling of what violence is like for real. That's due to Brady's technical brilliance, the unflinching long takes, merciless sound design (during the drug trip sequence) and believable performances. Seeing a slow revenge for unnoticed/secret crimes is also a masterstroke (Phonebooth, a decade later, had a similar plot in that someone's being watching you and noting down your crimes and now they are going to make you pay). The revelation by merciless interrogation exposes acts of violent homophobia and racism, brought into context for what they ultimately are, sickening and ugly no matter what motives lie behind them. One can argue about the excessive use of profanity being unnecessary but that is one of the films target points "they are only words" and in an 18 cert film safely used, but it is more like the whole film is an expressionistic nightmare like The Cabinet of Dr Caligari than reality normal anyway. The incessant drone on the soundtrack also signals a kind of journey into dangerous and uncharted territory of the human mind. The effective use of clever camera fading and fade up techniques, invisible cuts and so forth, makes me think that it is now possible for someone to actually make the movies Anthony Burgess predicted in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, which are shown to Alex during his brainwashing. Scenes of ultra-violence filmed in long, sickening single takes, and one of the few passages in literature, which I find profoundly disturbing. Ultimately I must recommend this movie for everyone, but be prepared to be upset and shocked.


After watching and being disappointed by Day of the Sirens (the directors latest movie) I was slagging the film off to a friend when she asked me had I seen Boy Meets Girl, she insisted that I borrow her copy and to watch it. Though highly sceptical I decided to humour her, resigned that I would be turning it off within minutes I sat down to watch it. What a shocking surprise, I was glued to my seat, genuinely disturbing the film was intelligently written and felt at times as real as a documentary and left me with recurring nightmares. I was warned not to watch it alone or late in the evening and to my regret I did not heed the warning. This is the darkest film I've ever seen, you really don't believe that what you are watching is or could be a real movie, more like you are watching some sort of sick home movie made by a female Hannibal Lectern who has decided to make a demented snuff movie. I felt constantly abused and challenged throughout the movie and couldn't sleep for hours, no most of the night. Perversely brilliant and unlike any other film I've ever seen I was repelled and drawn to it simultaneously, a movie more like a play written by a reincarnated Marquis De Sade. Loved it and hated it at the same time and not for the faint hearted or easily shocked. Beware you have been warned!
