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The Brainsucker

The Brainsucker (1988)

August. 21,1988
| Horror

A psycho killer uses a corkscrew to stick into the brains of his victims.


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A drunk judge sentences a repeat criminal offender to the care of a behavioral scientist.As the result of the mad doctor's treatment he becomes a love-doctor of sorts who sucks people's brains out with the aid of a corkscrew penis pump."The Brainsucker" is extremely bad and amateurish horror movie with several odd characters.The humor is goofy and slapstick and the characters are exaggerated and annoying.I can't believe that adults are responsible for this piece of fecal matter.Is it even possible to find worse actors or write more immature script?"The Brainsucker" will suck your brain out and kill you with the stupidity.This film is truly one of its kind.2 out of 10.


I've already commented on this film (under the name TheLegendaryWD). But I see there are others who have commented since. All I can say is: WHAT THE F**K!?". I cannot believe that a whole 16 people have commented on this film or even seen this movie. Add to that the fact that a couple give it great reviews (probably the makers of the film who went to one of those places in a strip mall that provide internet service and wrote a good review - seeing as how there is no way they could or would pay for their own internet provider... just look at their movie). Although I still admit I got a soft spot for this movie. I thought that some of the other people writing about this one might have it confused with another... until I read the reviews... especially the person who identified the tag line on the front of the box: "The Ultimate in Frontal Lobotomy" (what the f**k is that supposed to mean anyway? "frontal" lobotomy?)... I totally forgot about that until I read it in the review. People, we are a select few... I say we meet once a year to view this film... wait, does anyone still have it? If anyone does have it please contact me... I'm dyin' to get drunk.


This movie is possibly one of the most creative works of horror ever. It has everything you could want... suspense, drama, comedy, confusing subplots, native americans, brain eating... If you're looking for the be-all, end-all of brainsucking movies, look no further. The story of a man, bent on revenge. And how better to get it? "I know, I'll suck out their brains!" With great sound effects, and impressive special effects, I can't recommend this movie enough.


The worst film ever made, bar none. Give yourself a pat on the back if you can possibly sit through every excruciatingly painful minute of it. Except for the bit where the hard-luck loser turned deranged psychopath from forced medical experimentation pours his pea soup on the doctor's head and laughs like any good raving lunatic should...that's all.
