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Bruce Almighty

Bruce Almighty (2003)

May. 23,2003
| Fantasy Comedy

Bruce Nolan toils as a "human interest" television reporter in Buffalo, NY, but despite his high ratings and the love of his beautiful girlfriend, Bruce remains unfulfilled. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God - and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers.


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6.7 ????? are you serious this is a amazing movie fun meaningful deep , teaches you about love and be faithful ... i love it


In the comedy, "Bruce Almighty", Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) is passed over for a job as anchorman on their local news channel. He believes that God is forgetting his needs and blatantly ignoring him. God (Morgan Freeman) contacts Bruce and gives him all his powers as a test for Bruce to show that he can do a better job. With his new powers, Bruce uses them for himself until he realizes the world's prayers are being unanswered. Before writing this review, I have watched Bruce Almighty countless times. It's my favorite movie, it's funny, and my sister and I enjoy watching it together because it's a very family friendly film. Based on the first category, Action, I would give this movie an A. There's little suspense, but the comedy in the film keeps the viewer interested. A good example of action in this film is when Bruce runs into a group of gang members beating on a homeless man, later he runs into the same group, this time, scaring them off using his newly found powers. This movie deserves an A in the category, Actors. Jim Carrey is so funny and outgoing but also believably serious when he is needed to be. A great example of this is when he asks Grace (his ex girlfriend) to come back to him and give him another chance (serious). When she refused he tried to use his powers to make her love him again even when he knew he couldn't go against free will (goofy). I gave Bruce Almighty an A in the category, storyline. The story is wacky, funny, and easy to follow. An example of putting comedy into this movie is when Bruce went to the cafe right after gaining God's powers and prating the tomato soup, resembling the parting of the red sea mentioned in the Bible. In my opinion, this film is an A in length.The runtime is about an hour and 40 minutes long. The movie is not extremely long but it's long enough to keep the viewers interested and you definitely feel satisfied by the end. In the category, cinematography, I rated this film a B. It doesn't have horrible editing and effects but they're not extremely impressive or believable. An example of this is when Bruce was filming a segment on his news channel and wanted to bring interest, so, using his powers, he made a meteorite crash down in the distance. Not fabulous editing but it made it funny. As a result, in my opinion, this move has 4 A's and 1 B. It's a great family movie and it's funny, Interesting, goofy, and some-what sad at times. It's perfect for late movie nights if you're looking for a good laugh.

Davis P

Bruce almighty is just boring and bland. Jim Carrey isn't likable at all here, he is just boring and unfunny, I really did hate his character here. Morgan freeman was alright as God, he is good in theory as the almighty, but idk he was just a little blah, nothing too special. And then there's Jennifer Aniston, she was OK, I am an Aniston fan, but it's kinda hard to be a big fan of her in Bruce almighty, because like freeman, there just isn't much to her performance in the film. Also this movie is just hopelessly UNfunny, I mean I didn't even chuckle once during the entire film, and let me just tell ya, the movie is too long, the runtime is just simply too long. The movie should've been funnier, much funnier, especially since it stars comedic talent Jim Carrey, go figure. Bruce Almighty stoops to childish mediocre stunts to gain laughs, but fails miserably at it. Steve Carrel, another comedic talent, is in the movie, but he is a flop here as well. Boring, boring, and more boring. 1/10 for Bruce Almighty, just a flat out flop. Disappointing too, the movie had pretty good potential to be something funny, original, and intelligent. Maybe Evan almighty will be better, kinda doubt it though.


Released in 2003, "Bruce Almighty" chronicles what happens when God (Morgan Freeman) gives His powers to a complaining news anchor (Jim Carrey) and takes a vacation. Jennifer Aniston plays Bruce's girlfriend and Steve Carell his rival anchor; Catherine Bell and Lisa Ann Walter are also on hand.In my opinion this is better than 1977's "Oh God!" because Morgan Freeman is superior in the role of the Almighty. Plus, how can you go wrong with Jim Carrey? While the movie starts off rather dull it perks up as soon as Bruce (Carrey) acquires God's powers; and for a solid half hour there are loads of laughs. At the end of the second act, however, the movie sorta nosedives, but then recovers in the last act with some surprisingly moving and even inspiring material. The movie runs 101 minutes and was shot in Buffalo, New York City, San Diego and the Los Angeles area. GRADE: B
