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Lunopolis (2010)

February. 12,2010
| Thriller Science Fiction Mystery

Lunopolis is a 2009 direct-to-video science fiction film directed by Matthew Avant. The film is presented in found footage style and takes place in the weeks preceding the rumored events of the 2012 prophecies. Two documentary filmmakers discover a mysterious device and begin to unravel a conspiracy involving the moon, time travel, and a very powerful organization who will stop at nothing to protect their secret.


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Klaus Ming

US 98m, Colour Director: Matthew Avant; Cast: Dave Potter, Jed Himel, Matthew Avant, Hal Maynor, Nathan Avant, Sarah Avant, Arte RichardA documentary styled film that is reminiscent of Alternative 3 (1977), Lunopolis is a science fiction film surrounding the discovery of a time machine. The film maker's investigations lead them to a conspiracy involving a Scientology-like cult and their control over knowledge surrounding the settlement of the moon and time travel which is used to reshape earth's future by changing events in the past. An excellently scripted production, Lunopolis is a well-crafted low-budget movie that contains some unexpectedly good special effects, and opening and closing scenes which neatly bookend this entertaining film (Klaus Ming July 2013).

Cayo Hern

I know I can watch this for free on HULU...and pay for a download on Amazon....but WHY doesn't IMDb list if it's available on DVD? I think this site was purchased by Amazon and if there was any place you would think they would advertise the fact that there was a DVD available, it would be here.....BUT NO...they only list the download for this and many other films. Most disappointing as they try to get more people into renting rather than purchasing the films. I guess there's more $$ in it if they can control access more easily. Is this the future of watching films at home? I see the same thing happening with music where CD sales are almost incidental now compared to purchasing individual songs for your IPhones, etc is the dominant way most people collect their music these days.....As a result, the quality of albums tends to drop and in the future, there will probably be fewer movies available with such special features as commentaries by the actors and director....Most disheartening!


I am a very big critic on science fiction movies, either its complete bull crap or its awesome, luckily this movie isn't bull crap. However it is by far the most laughable sci-fi topic ever invented: Aliens from the moon. Yawn. However this movie was extremely interesting with a great twist ending and a plot that kept me biting my nails. Documentary style/ found footage movies are a very popular genre this time, and it is not as unique as it was when "The Blair Which Project" came out. I say that "Lunopolis" is way better acing wise and plot wise, it was just as suspenseful than "The Blair Whitch Project." I give it an 8 out of 10.

Joe Bob Jones

Lunopolis is a superior and riveting sci-fi exploration into the docu- style which was soundly poured all over the popular film scene by The Blair Witch Project, and since carried on many times since. But, The Witch Project has absolutely nothing on Lunopolis. This film both pulls you wonderfully and helplessly in, yet also introduces a few mind bending quantum concepts (multi-verses, time travel, even what we call ghosts) into a gaping spectator style film perfect for the somewhat jaded elder infoweb generation. The story involves the crew who in their relentless curiosity, unlikely find an object which may alter space, time, and perhaps all of history. Still, this discovery becomes almost secondary to their genuine fear, insatiable childlike need to know, and pervasive want to bail out on the whole thing and save their asses after they realize that they are not alone. They do not want to believe, yet they are forced to run when pursued by a largely ineffective sorta Mormon-esque Scientologist Lunarian hit men squad (and why so merely verbally menacing? are they there to just push them forward?). They miraculously escape again and again. That they are spared does not detract from the inevitability of their quest. They meet strangely learned people, but they remain shrouded and not overly helpful. Thankfully, no cinematic, physics or sci-fi theoretical concept is slathered in sugar and dragged excessively across the stymied crew's faces too greatly, and the pacing is quite relentlessly perfect. It's an excellent film to gape slackjawed at, be a little wowed at, and yet still believe in it's possibility. X Files fans might definitely like this. The fourth wall, being broken by the nature of the film in the first place, never tires, nor is burdened by any overly prescient character narration. It's a great watch, a late night movie to enjoy.
