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Asunder (1998)

November. 06,1998
| Drama Thriller Mystery Romance

When a freak accident destroys everything in a man's life, he invades the troubled marriage of his best friends.


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To begin with, whoever was responsible for the hair styles in this film should receive the death penalty. Admittedly, I'm no fan of corn rows, but they're okay. However, with Debbi Morgan and several of the other female actresses, all I could keep thinking of was Medusa! And they certainly must have run out of Afrosheen on the men. Yuck. It was downright distracting. And no, I'm not just an old white guy who doesn't like Blacks. I usually enjoy films with mostly Black casts. Just not this one. Among my favorite actors: Morris Chestnut and the exquisitely beautiful Gabrielle Union.And for that matter, Michael Beach, who at least in terms of acting ability ought to have had the lead credit in this film. He's a reliable, steady actor who never disappoints...and is excellent here...when he can keep his head above water with a less than competent script.I was not impressed with the nominal lead actor here -- Blair Underwood. I used to like him back in his "LA Law" days. But here it seemed like he had to think about acting, which results in one looking like they are thinking about how to act. Gee, I think I should look intense here. Gee, I think I should look evil here. I found it to be rather shallow acting. He gave me the creeps...and he seemed to come to the creepiness all too easily. Hmmmmmmmm.While I didn't like her hair, Debbi Morgan's acting was fine. I thought the script built around her scenes were a bit shallow, as if her character didn't have an ounce of backbone. But she did okay with what was given to her.In terms of the plot, the premise is pretty good. Two Black couples are best of friends, and at a carnival a problem with the Ferris wheel causes one woman (Underwood's wife) to fall off the ride to her death. He then turns on the other couple, attempting to destroy their marriage in revenge. Good, basic plot; nothing too new, but always good for some suspense. And the ending. Let's see, they have a Christmas party, one woman is left behind drunk, so hubby takes her home...even after the psycho stalker has shown up at their party just a little while before. Geeeez! Nothing could happen there. Right? The ending is unusually violent, but well done.Perhaps Tim Reid isn't up to directing a feature film. It all seems very contrived.


This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! I think it played down to the audience. When, at the beginning, Michael Beach's character makes the comment that Chance is crazy, it just went straight down hill from there. I love Blair Underwood----no question, but I think someone must have had something on him to get him to play this part. The ONLY saving grace in this movie was Debbie Morgan. We need to see more of her. She rises above the material, and she is one of my favorite actors, but even with a life preserver and the National Guard she couldn't rescue this fiasco. I rented this movie and I wanted my money back. I know lots of people put lots of effort into it, but they'd have done better studying the masters before trying to, off the top of their heads, do a Psychological Thriller. Stanley Donen, Peter Godfrey, Stanley Kubrik, Phillip Noyce, Renny Harlin, and of course Alfred Hitchcock would have been great places for the director to start his study. I looked at this movie twice to make sure I had the right impression. That's time I'll never get back.


I've been waiting for an African American film in the same vein as Clint Eastwood's "Play Misty for Me." I'm just sorry it took so long to find out about this one. To see Blair Underwood's character slip into madness and sill maintain his sexy edge was quite thrilling. The ladies will understand what I mean. In real life, such a character would be scary and repulsive. Yet this movie allows us to indulge in an alluring fantasy where we experience, from a safe distance, the nuances a fine Black man with a "dark side." Tim Reid is to be commended on his directing which created a sense of intense anticipation as the action increased and the movie reached its apex. Finally, the sound track was excellent. It should be produced for sell, if it has not already been done. I highly recommend this movie. It is both a romance and a thriller. Men and woman should find it enjoyable.


I have been waiting patiently for the movie to arrive in my area. I read the book in one day. Couldn't put it down. For all you thrill seekers out there, this one is a MUST read. Everything about this work (plot, characters, etc.) is perfect. My kind of action!
