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Shut Up and Kiss Me

Shut Up and Kiss Me (2010)

September. 14,2010
| Comedy Romance

Ben is 35, facing the unsatisfying suburban dating world, and looking for more then just sex. Nightmarish attempts with video dating, bad gym run-ins, and his uproarious friends signing him up with online match-making sites have got him nowhere. Meanwhile, Ben has his eye on the hot neighborhood stud, Grey, who runs by his house everyday as he waters his lawn. He finally gets the nerve to talk to him and the chemistry is instant. But what happens when you meet someone who doesn't share the same beliefs about relationships that you do? Funny and touching, Shut Up and Kiss Me deals with sexual monogamy and dating in today’s gay world.


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"oh, no, honey...no..." The funny thing here is I immediately saw the lead character, Ronnie Kerr and thought "wait...I just saw a total piece of crap/waste of time with this guy in it yesterday" and sure enough, went to IMDb and saw not only was he also the lead in the tragic assault to gay cinema called "Saltwater", but also wrote both of them. I'd say that was the only funny thing about this film at all, but I have to be completely honest and say there are a couple of really good performances which were obviously ad-lib-ed (no, not Mark Cirillo's same tired character he does in every performance that will give him a part because he will do full-frontal) but rather the opening scene with the director...yet even HER awesome performance was butchered through very bad editing and B-roll throughout-style camera-work. Look, I get that everyone needs a hobby...but at this point I'd say this niche genre of cheap, badly written/acted/filmed gay films is reaching saturation; no one gets a "pass" anymore, so come back when you have REAL and NEW to say (or at the very least entertaining).


Though pretty poorly crafted (it looks like it cost $1.50 to film, and that includes craft services), this romance struck me as rather sweet--but then like the main character, I'm a romantic rather than a sex-driven pragmatist. Calling it a "comedy" is a huge stretch, since it's pretty much entirely a drama with relatively little humor. The performances were decent and while some people here clearly can't relate to the protagonist, I do. The biggest false note (SPOILER) is a strange, abrupt ending in which the hero suddenly seems to accept his lover's promiscuity without any actual working-through-this preparation on screen. It's one of those endings so arbitrary that it makes you think "Did they run out of money to finish the film properly, and this was the best they could do?"


"Shut Up and Kiss Me" is a disappointment for low-budget gay cinema. What could have a been an examination of modern relationships being approached from an old-fashioned mindset turns into a noxious portrayal of settling for less than you deserve. Our story revolves around Ben, a man in search of love in ALL the wrong places. He tries video dating, internet profiles, setups from friends, all to no success. Finally, by pure fate, his new neighbor, Gray, comes running into his life. For all of Ben's troubles with trying to find Mr. Right, Gray has Mr. Right and a ton of personal troubles. For the better part of an hour, we are given a cutesy development of their relationship as they try to dispose of their emotional baggage. The journey is sweet, though very short-lived, for by the time we reach the final fifteen minutes, we are given stupid choices stacked atop one another by both of the leads. This would be suitable enough if this were a study in how easily one can be blinded by love, not knowing the person you thought you did, or even just trying to look past someone's flaws that will inevitably be a relationships downfall. However, what started out as enjoyable quickly turns into disgust as you will find yourself chastising the characters like you would a friend in an abusive relationship. You know it does no good, but you still have to voice your opinion. For those looking for a sweet, light, decently made low-budget gay-themed film, stop at the one hour mark and save yourself from disappointment, which unfortunately is not what the characters in this film do.


Thank God I got to watch this for free as part of my online Netflix account, because if I had paid money for this, I would have been asking for it all back.Knowing that it was going to be bad, I didn't know just how bad, and within the first 30 minutes of this thankfully short movie, I wanted to turn away.The acting is beyond wooden, no emotional range outside of sad puppy dog face is seen on the lead actor. The secondary actor gets the chance to repeat the same tired old lines from every "you can't love me I'm H.I.V" story that's been done in the last 20 years. I'm a man whore looking for love with the one that will love me and let me play around because that's who I am, like it, love it, love me or leave.....Oh God, I just gave away the plot.There are 2 good points to this whole movie: Dylan Vox is hysterical as a trick gone wrong....funny stuff, but then he's always funny in these roles. And the other part, sudden nudity....we cut from fighting in the kitchen to "sword" fighting in the bedroom with barely any transition, at least the actors are decent size, otherwise I would had to laugh at that part of the movie too....and the "shut up and kiss me" line was over-used....just like the tired and trite dialog throughout the whole movie...writers should not be permitted to act out the lines that they're written...and this movie drives that point home like putting a steak in the heart of a vampire....kill it now before it makes more! Now that was funny....this movie is just a**
