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The Delinquents

The Delinquents (1989)

December. 21,1989
| Drama Romance

A small town in Australia, in the late 1950s: Brownie and Lola are deeply in love. But because they are under-age, their parents are against their relationship and try to separate them.


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I saw this movie for the first time on you tube last week and found it to be a strong and moving love story. The Delinquents tells the tale of a young teenage couple in an Australian town in the 1950's who face opposition from parents, the law and other people for being together and in love.Kylie Minogue is a talented individual not just in the music industry but also in acting as well, her portrayal of Lola Lovell was brilliant and heartfelt. Even though this is her first movie role she does a great job with the material given to work with.Charlie Schlatter is sensitive and boyishly handsome as telegraph delivery boy Brownie Hansen, his character in the film is so sweet and his feelings so genuine.What makes this story so unique is how the young couple fights to find a way to stay together despite forces trying to pull them apart time after time. Why this film has a rating of only 5.5/10 is surprising I'd give it a 6.4.


This is the only movie I have ever walked out of. I couldn't bear wasting any more of my life watching it. I don't remember the storyline much (I guess because it was forgettable), but do remember the sets being utterly ridiculous e.g. all the cars were from the era, but they all looked like they'd just driven off the showroom floor - in fact better than showroom condition. In what world are all cars like this? Every aspect of the sets were like that. Not well thought out.On the weird side I saw this in a cinema in George St in Sydney when it came out, and the power went out for about 45 seconds. I found out later this was at the exact moment that the owner of the cinema chain who had recently died, was having his funeral at this exact moment, freaky!


As romcoms go I rather like this movie. Kylie was young and inexperienced but showed some talent. Bruno Lawrence is a great 'wise old man' figure> If anything Chalie Schlatter lets the side down a bit. As an Aussie I know the chances of their being a yank teen living in Bundaberg in the 50's were pretty scarce, about the same as finding an Aussie in Wichita. But its a pleasant feel good movie. I've watched it half a dozen or more times and keep watching so it must have something. And it does bring back an era much changed since, where people get arrested for simply not having enough money in their bank account, and police could give folks a good smack in the chops and get away with it. A time of a lot more innocence than now. These days Brownie would get Lola pregnant and then shoot through leaving her to cope with her heroin addiction. Its nice to believe there was a time when love conquered all.


I quite liked this movie. Its a bit feeble but its alright. They obviously used Kylie because of her superstar status and maybe she isn't the best choice but she pulls it off quite well. I liked it when the woman who takes Lola in teaches her manners. Her hair looks really dodgy when she bleaches it though. All in all not bad but it could've been better.
