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The Galaxy Invader

The Galaxy Invader (1985)

April. 01,1985
| Horror Crime Science Fiction

An alien is hunted by a gang of drunken hillbillies who saw him crash-land his spaceship.


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The Galaxy Invader (1985) * 1/2 (out of 4)A spaceship crashes in a small rural town and pretty soon a green alien is stalking the streets. A bunch of rednecks decide it's a good idea to try and capture it so that they can make some quick cash.The third time wasn't the charm for director Don Dohler. He broke into the business with THE ALIEN FACTOR, which was about an spaceship crashing in a small town and doing damage. He remade that film a few years later as NIGHTBEAST, which was about a spaceship crashing in a small town and an alien doing damage. As you can tell, THE GALAXY INVADER is pretty much the same thing but it's not nearly as entertaining as the previous two films.It's funny to see that the director would basically make the same film three times within a seven years period. He would actually make ALIEN FACTOR 2 later in his career so I find it interesting to see the same person doing the same film so many times. THis here is probably the weakest of the original three because it basically takes away all the good stuff that made the first two films work.What is missing here? Well, there's the nudity that adds to the sleaze factor. This movie is also missing all of the violence and gore. This here is basically a watered down version of the first two movies and it's just not fun at all. I'm not sure if this stuff was cut out because of budget issues but it certainly hurt the movie and there's really no point in watching this when you've got the same movie out there in two better versions.


The Swamp Thing wannabe of the title does not invade a galaxy; it crash-lands in a small town of gun-toting hillbillies. These one- dimensional characters decide to go hunting for the space alien in the hope that capturing it will make them rich and famous. (Remember, this was years before Reality TV made celebrities out of idiots.) When one redneck asks what the creature looks like, another answers, "Who cares? It don't look like us, and that's all that matters."Imagine a film in which every character is loathsome--even the children. Imagine a cast for whom playing a bigoted lowlife was not exactly a stretch. (And yet, they still turn in rotten performances.) Imagine flubbed lines without retakes. Imagine dialogue so mindless, it's hard to believe it was scripted and not ad-libbed. Imagine several murders occurring in a 24-hour period, but no police turning up to investigate them. Imagine an alien so unconvincing, you can see his human eyes through the holes in his cowl. Imagine a fistfight so obviously staged, it looks like two buddies good-naturedly wrestling. Finally, imagine a riotous ending in which a gully suddenly becomes a cliff, and the man falling off it transforms into a life-sized rag doll.That's THE GALAXY INVADER, as incompetently made a piece of trash as any the 1980s puked out. I wish this film were a man so I could kick it in the balls.

Shite Night

Joe, our protagonist is an abusive drunken dad with many holes in his shirt. After a galaxy invader crash lands he looks to somehow make money from the invader by striking a "business proposal" with a cigar smoking man and his sleazy wife. This movie has mind bogglingly bad "special effects" with an emphasis on the word special. I'm not quite sure what this galaxy invader's motives are as they seem to change all the time. At first it looks like he's out for blood when he attacks a couple in their basement, but later on he seems to be just trying to get his gun and glowing orb back. If you like bad movies this one is a must see, so invite some friends over, grab a flat of beers, and make some time for this masterpiece. To see a video review of Galaxy Invader check out the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9orqOLYocA


3 stars out of 10 is just about right for this low budget 80s release which features dodgy performances, a drunken walk of a screenplay, cheaper than cheap special effects and an overall low resolution vibe that makes you wish you'd queued up the next movie in the Public Domain DVD collection you found this in instead of this one.But "Galaxy Invader" isn't evil or vile or nasty or anything. Without knowing anything about Don Dohler other than that he made a lot of these things, I'd guess that he really WANTED to make sci fi and horror movies and did the best he could with the resources and budget he could get.If only he'd found a real writer to polish his dialog and plots, "Galaxy Invader" might have been a "5" or a "6". If he'd known how to actually direct his cast, "GI" might have even scored a "7". So anyway...this movie won't make you retch or throw the DVD away in disgust or anything. It'll give you something to look at for 80+ minutes and give you an excuse to sit in front of the TV drinking beer. If that's what you really want, you should go for it.
