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The Day Mars Invaded Earth

The Day Mars Invaded Earth (1963)

February. 14,1963
| Science Fiction

Martians replace scientist & his family to pave way for invasion.


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Although it has now achieved something of a cult following, this "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" look-alike was completely ignored on its first release. Not even "Variety" bothered to review the movie because the editor felt its prospects were so limited, that no theaters would screen the film even if the exchange made them a gift of a free copy. And some exchanges had the further disadvantage of a cut-down copy which removed some essential background and motivation. I rated this version as less than mediocre. The full version, however, is quite entertaining and whilst the movie doesn't deserve the unstintingly overboard admiration of Maury Dexter's admirers, it's still well worth a look in its original CinemaScope format. Locations are atmospherically utilized, particularly the scenes in Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills.


Spoiler alert; Holy Cow, They win! but more of that in a moment. we are talking about "The Day Mars Invaded Earth" (1963) Directed by Maury Dexter, and written by Harry Spalding. A Black and White film. The version I watched was uploaded on You Tube, and who ever did the upload used image Stabilization. This caused much distortion to the otherwise sharp image. The film was well lit and shot, in the old school studio style, There was a minimum of special effects. The California location shooting was impressive, The Rich mansion that served as the background for the story was in fact the Greystone Park and Mansion in Beverly Hills. The acting was minimal and efficient, as was the basic editing. All things considered, this film had some intelligent thought behind it. For example, it begins with a Mars robotic rover, dropped on mars. It functions for six minutes before it is destroyed. Dr Fielding who designed the robot, and his assistant Dr Spencer are played by Kent Tayler and William Mims. Dr Spencer has taken a weekend off, to visit his wife Clair, played by Marie Windsor, and his daughter Judi played by Betty Beal, and his son Rocky played by Gregg Shank. All is not well at the home-front. It is not just the Doctors neglect of his wife and kids, He is trying to make amends, What is spooky, is that all of the members of the family experience seeing doubles of themselves. These doubles turn out to be quite real, they are energy manifestations of the intelligent life forms that survive on Mars. Even back in the sixties, we realized how hostile an environment Mars could be. The Martians are on earth, to stop the invasion of their world. Although they seem reasonable, their solution to our messing around on their planet, is to kill us off. The doctor learns of this first hand from his doppelganger. All the members of his family have been replicated, and much like the pod creatures in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) their ultimate intent is to take over Earth. This movie has much in common with the Body Snatchers, a much superior film. We only learn of the Martians desire to do away with us, in the somewhat shocking last few minutes. The film is effective because of how it is underplayed. The Musical score by Richard LaSalle is also old school, and very effective in creating the feeling of unease that this film achieves on such a limited budget. I liked this film, the Scientists acted with intelligence to understand the threat to their planet, but never truly understood the brutality of the invaders. The ending leads us to believe there is not much hope for the people of Earth. Well done, Slow moving by today's standard, it never the less builds to a satisfyingly disturbing conclusion. Eight out of Ten "Obscure but Good" Stars.


A scientist in charge of America's space program takes a vacation with his wife and two kids, only to find they are being haunted by mysterious doppelgangers of themselves. Good sci-fi story of the Body Snatchers variety. I'm not sure why this one is rated so low on IMDb. My first guess was that Mystery Science Theater was to blame but apparently not this time. The direction is static and the movie has a sort of made-for-TV quality about it, but I thought it was enjoyable. It kept my interest throughout and, despite the lack of action or special effects, I was never bored. There is also a decent amount of atmosphere and suspense. The movie makes great use of its location shooting at the famous Greystone Mansion. If you like old-school sci-fi movies, even ones filmed on a low budget, then you will probably like this one.


This was a 60's sci-fi movie that had somehow escaped my radar until today. I'm a particular fan of the genre. I almost did not watch it due to the low 4.8 rating on IMDb. This is one of the rare instances where I'm glad to say I disagree with the general consensus. I can see where the under 40 crowd, used to CGI and faced paced action/thriller type sci-fi movies would be bored with this film. Actually I would consider it a combination paranormal/sci-fi flick. The estate on which the film was made is stunningly beautiful, even in black and white. Not your average backdrop for a science fiction film. The premise is terrifying. There are the obvious flaws of "why in the world would they stay once they've seen what they did?" and other arm-chair quarterbacking thoughts that I'd have done a lot differently in their situation. I think it's difficult for 21st century viewers sometimes to put themselves in a 50's or 60's setting. How could they if they did not live during those times? I found the film to be suspenseful and entertaining. Doubt it will make to anyone's "top 10 film" list, but it was a very pleasant surprise and great way to spend a rainy afternoon. There is something primeval about the plot of the film that is very unnerving and thus makes it so scary. There are no cheesy costumed Martians or monsters to spoil this one. It's all intellectual type fear. Give this one a shot - especially if you are age 50+, you won't be disappointed.
