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Area 51: The Alien Interview

Area 51: The Alien Interview (1997)

January. 01,1997
| Documentary Science Fiction

A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly real video of an alien being interviewed by government officials.


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Even though everything about this show is absurd, I still find it funny as hell. I like watching these shows from time to time just to see how people can ignore reality: 1) Why do aliens from a different galaxy or universe than ours and selective pressures look more like us (i.e. hands, head, legs) than we look like most of the creatures on our planet (compare us to squid or a zebra)? 2)Why would an enormously technologically advanced race who is capable of intergalactic space travel just not go undetected while coming here by using nanotechnology or something else entirely rather than being seen by a handful of white people who tend to make less than $40,000 a year? 3) Since we know about area 51 BEING a secret government facility AND they probably test things like NEW AIRCRAFTS, particularly cold war aircrafts AND they would probably test new aircrafts in the desert where most people wouldn't see them AND not denying everything would screw with the Russians' heads into thinking we might have flying saucers that can do this...how do we ignore this reality? Bob flippin' Lazar--that's how! LOL..oh, and a crappy video of my brothers alien costume from two Halloween's ago. The only thing believable about this film is that only the government could possible make such a crappy quality video of an alien...lots of fun though if you are bored.


maybe you want to watch that video yourself Travis and actually listen to the dialogue, it tells what the 'doctors' are doing and why,it also tells why its in near dark and even why the 'aliens' head appears jerky ('like most animals', bit of a strange thing to say when we are talking about a supposed 'alien being'). I'm not saying its real or not because I simply don't know, but your comments were all centered on things that were explained in the video. Watch it again but this time try turning your sound up a notch.Its certainly thought provoking if nothing else, I really wouldn't like it to be real because I'd hate to think we treated any supposed ET's in the way depicted in the video.One of the things that did stick in my mind was the special effects guy saying he could do better, but we had already seen his 'creations' in the reconstruction sequences and they looked laughable.


This is a fake. Why would any interview or interrogation be conducted in darkness? I have never seen medics manhandle a patient the way these guys handle the "ALIEN." They just run and and wave their flashlights around. They don't seem to examine him at all. Also, the "ALIEN's" head doesn't move with any fluidity, like most animals. It seems to jerk unnaturally and move stiffly like a puppet. This is obviously a hoax to try and make money off of a large group of people who want to believe in something fantastic. Don't waste your money. You can see just the video on YouTube. ooh ooh IOU OR ooh ooh coo ooh ooh OR OR IOU IOU ooh Ohio


Has been 9 years since the release of this film and to all intensive purposes it's dropped off the radar, even the producers (Rocket films) have deleted the disc from release. This fact does not dilute the impact of the footage. You either accept this person 'Victor' as genuine or not. If you think he's fraudster then you won't give a shred of credence to the alien interview footage he presents. If however you're open minded enough to entertain the possibility that 'Victor' is for real and he has covertly acquired something incredible from the Nevada Groom Lake facility then the footage becomes serious food for thought. IMO the footage is at the very least impressive. Considering it was delivered to the film company in 1996 (before CGI was widespread in Hollywood) the 'interviewee' looks very real and solid. It moves oddly, in a jerky (non puppet) out of time way. I have never seen that movement depicted in any other Hollywood sci-fi flick. The glass partition between interviewer and his subject also made me think this could be real. I doubt fraudsters would have thought of adding this – especially as its so subtle on the film. Overall, I rate this tape much higher than the Santini 'autopsy' from 97. I feel the 'Victor' footage was tainted by that obvious fraud and for that reason has been largely forgotten about. Now we're approaching ten years since this tape was put into the arena I think its time 'Victor' came clean on his identity and told the entire truth. What has he got to lose? Failing that, the mere chance that this footage is not fake is enough to make it highly compelling for some time to come. I recommend this film to anyone who can find a copy to make there own mind up
