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Her Hidden Truth

Her Hidden Truth (1995)

November. 12,1995
| Thriller TV Movie

A young Billie Calhoun is accused of killing her mother and sister in a house fire. she is taken to a juvenile detention center. When she reaches 18 she requests an early release, but it is denied. so she escapes to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Eventually she seeks the aid of a cop, Matt Samoni.


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When an arsonist strikes the Calhoun household, a single mother and her baby are killed while the only surviving family member, ten year old Billie, is accused of committing the crime. Eight years later, she is attending a hearing for early release only to have it denied to her. She pleads with her guard to set her free because the guard knows she is innocent. Her guard makes it look like Billie simply escaped, and Billie hides out in an abandoned apartment. From there she moves on in her quest to prove her innocence. Her only problem is that everywhere she goes - people wind up dead. She finds sympathy in an attractive young detective who aids her in her quest and allows her to stay with him. Can he save her in the end when she encounters the real killer?I might be a little biased because I saw this as a ten year old girl, but I really like this film. It's not meant to be a "thinker", it's just meant to entertain - and in that respect it has my vote. Yes, there are plot holes...Why was she in a women's prison? How did she know how to drive when she grew up in prison? How come Father Paul looked young enough to be her brother?Who cares? These are minor details that can't ruin the film for me. Everything that needed to be explained was explained. All the viewer really wants to know is the identity of the killer. I still find it somewhat suspenseful and fun. It's not meant to be a psychological film, just a fun way to kill time on a rainy Saturday afternoon. In that sense, it does it's job well.


i loved the movie i have been trying to buy it for a long time but cant seem to find one so if anyone has one they would like to sell i would love to buy it i loved the part where she escaped and was trying to find out who killed her mother and sister and set her up and where she got captured by the cop but she turned it on him that when he decided to help her find what happened to her family it was a very sad movie i love all the movies Kellie martin is in but my all time favorite is her hidden truth i also love the guy who plays the cop that helps her i really thought that the man her mother was having the affair with killed them not the son i felt sorry for the mother of the son for what he did


I loved this movie.Thrilling and romantic at the same time. Wondered when it comes out on DVD. Let me now if it does. Have been looking for the DVD since 1996. Should be scripted a little more fun between them and some more heart to heart talks. isn't easy being alone in the world missing the mother and no one to turn to. Should have some more tricks and excitement up it sleeves. It was fabulous as it is. listen to your girls. Good communication is the best way. they both are great in this movie.don't ever cover up your own crime by blaming others, it always comes back to bite your ass. good luck in making movies to make us entertained, but don't forget that you are only human.

Avram Jarek Fawcett

Yes, a ten year old going to jail for murder is unreal, but that's the only real flaw in this movie. It still carries suspense and intriuge the whole way. None of the actors are bad, and it is executed very well. You've got a shadowy killer (used in slashers often) and some good murder scenes thrown in. The detective that helps the girls adds in a romantic connection that never really gets played out (course, being in jail for a decade, she's new to mating). Lifetime did a good job with this, though I doubt any of their other films are as good as this. Ah well, look for this one one TV (it was one a few months ago).not rated, but very adult themed with mild language and violence
