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WWE No Way Out 2001

WWE No Way Out 2001 (2001)

February. 25,2001
| Drama Action

No Way Out (2001) was a PPV event that took place on February 25, 2001 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was presented by Weider Nutrition. 2 Main events were scheduled. The first saw The Rock challenge Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship. The other main event was a Three Stages of Hell match featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. The featured bout on the undercard was a Fatal Four Way match between defending WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac.


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1. WWF Hardcore Title Match: Champ-Raven Vs. Big Show - There appeared Blackman, Bob Holly and Billy Gunn and Crash - A few pins, and Big Show took the belt from Raven. Hmm, weird. Totally. 5.5/10 2. WWF Intercontinental Title 4 Way Match: Champ-Chris Jericho Vs. Chris Benoit Vs. Eddy Guerrero Vs. X-Pac - Guys put a solid effort and a lot of cover moves. Jericho finally pinned X-Pac. 8.5/10 3. Trish Stratus Vs. Stephanie McMahon - My favorite feud. Girls are completely into match and so crowd. Prepared good action. Finally the Stephanie got pin with a help by William Regal. Kill me, but that was one hell of a match. 9/10 4. 2 out of 3 Fall Street fight Steel Cage Match: Triple H Vs. Stone Cold - Tough guys, that slobber-knocker prove that. Austin blooded a lot and Triple H ate unkind bump onto table. Whole match won "accidentally" HHH. 8.5/10 5. Steven Richards Vs. Jerry Lawler - Nudity vs. censor feud. Censor won that time, when Kat accidentally shot Lawler with the title, but hey, Lawler still can carry the match in 2001! 6.5/10 6. WWF Triple Threat Tag Team Title Table Match: The Undertaker/Kane Vs. Edge/Christian Vs. Dudley Boyz - Decent bout, Dudleyz retained, when Christian went through the table. 7.5/10 Rocks awful promo and let's have a match.7. WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-Kurt Angle Vs. The Rock - Match was one of the best title matches I've seen in a while, crowd shouted like crazy. Shame for that one screwed pin, which had Rock surely won. The second one, he got. 9/10


Here is my review of a classic World Wrestling Federation Pay Per View Event that is called NO WAY OUT 2001This event has been called a huge hit with the fans of the World Wrestling Federation and wrestling fans in general.The build up for this PPV one of the best well done story telling and story lines in wrestling history.Match 1: The Big Show vs Raven for the World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title. This was a very violent opening match however it was a short match.Score 6 out of 10Match 2: Chris Jericho vs Chris Beniot vs X-Pac vs Eddie Guerrero 4 Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship. This match is very solid with four great wrestlers that always have fast and furious matches.Score 8 out of 10Match 3: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs Trish Stratus. This match was build up for weeks because those two women hated each other with a passion because of a mess understanding when Triple H try to teach Trish a wrestling move and Trish's relationship with Vince McMahon who is Stephanie's Father.They work a good match to my surprise both work very well together.Score 7 out of 10Match 4: Triple H vs Stone Cold Steve Austin 2 out of 3 falls match. First Match: Normal Match Second Match: Street Fight Third Match if needed: Steel Cage MatchThis is my personal favorite match from No Way Out this match was to end Triple H and Stone Cold rivalry that has been going on for two years beginning in 1999. This is one of my favorite feuds in wrestling they had so much going on in their feud. This is the final match in their war.They work a wild match and the fans were into this match all the way from start to finish The first match was just a straight up one on one match then it turn into a street fight where they beat the heck out of each other. Finally The Steel Cage match was the best way to settle the score once and for all.This match is my favorite match on the show because it was made to be a classic one of my favorite matches ever so this is the reason you need to watch this show for their match. It won 2001 WWF Match Of The Year and it deserve it.Score: 10 out of 10Match 5: Steven Richards vs Jerry "The King" Lawler. Personally this match had one of the worst gimmicks in wrestling history the Right To Censor one of the worst groups in the WWF still it is what it is. Both are good wrestlers but this match was not one of their best in their respected careers Jerry left the WWF a week later after this event.Score 5 out of 10Match 6: The Dudley Boyz vs The Undertaker and Kane vs Edge and Christian Triple Threat Tables Match for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships. This is my third favorite match on the show each team was giving their all for this match they work a great match and that helps makes the show a hit.Score 9 out of 10Match 7: The Main Event of WWF No Way Out 2001. The Rock vs Kurt Angle for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. This is my second favorite match of the show. The Rock and Kurt Angle work a very solid match they were giving the fans their money worth both the fans that order the show on ppv and were at the show.The Rock and Kurt Angle went back and fourth this match was made to be a hit and is clearly one of their best matches in their careers.Final score 10 out of 10.Overall I am glad to say that No Way Out 2001 is a classic ppv event that should be enjoy by all wrestling fans you have to watch this show.I give World Wrestling Federation No Way Out 2001 a 9 out of 10

Spawn Devil

Match 1: Hardcore Championship Raven vs Big Show Match starts off with Ninja lady getting Big Show's attention on the ramp. Raven ran up there and attacked Big Show but it didn't last long as Show quickly regains momentum. Raven sprays a fire extinguisher at Show. Raven with a baseball slide dropkick. A popcorn vendor, apparently Crash Holly, attacks Raven during the match. Show lays out Crash. Blackman comes in and lays out Show with the kendo sticks. Billy Gunn comes in and hits Raven with a move and gets the pin to win the title. But the match continues. Blackman and Hardcore Holly double team Gunn. Show throws Hardcore out. Raven pins Gunn to win the title back. Show launches Crash in the air. Ninja woman comes back down but Molly Holly intercepts her. Show chokeslams Raven on top of a trash can for the pin to win the title. Gunn starts attacking Show. Show dumps Gunn out. Show posts Gunn then leaves with the belt. Winner: Big ShowMatch 2: Intercontinental Championship Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs. X-Pac vs. Eddy Guerrero Match starts off with Benoit and Guerrero rushing the ring. Jericho kicks Guerrero in the corner followed up by chops. Jericho clotheslines Guerrero for a one count. Benoit and Guerrero double team Jericho. Jericho forearms benoit and hits Guerrero with a spinning heel kick. Double team on Xpac. Crossface on Xpac, Jericho breaks it up. Jericho throws Benoit out and follows. Guerrero hits a frogsplash on Xpac, Jericho stops the count. Benoit with a short clothesline on Jericho, Guerrero puts Jericho's foot on the ropes. Benoit snap suplexes Xpac for a two count. Xpac with a spinning heel kick on Benoit. Jericho hits Xpac with a missile dropkick. Benoit german suplexes Jericho, Guerrero breaks the count. Guerrero and Benoit start fighting. Xpac and Jericho fight on the outside. Guerrero with a belly to back suplex on Benoit for a two count. Guerrero with a modified brainbuster on Benoit. Guerrero goes up top and Benoit follows. Benoit hits the superplex knocking both men out. Xpac and Jericho make opposite covers for two counts. Jericho and Benoit trade chops. Benoit clotheslines Jericho for a two count. Benoit kicks Jericho down in the corner. Benoit with a belly to back suplex on Jericho for a two count. Walls of Jericho on Guerrero, Xpac breaks it up. Credible comes out but gets knocked off the ring apron by Jericho. Xpac and Crediible double superkick Benoit on the outside. Lionsault on Guerrero, Xpac breaks the count. X-factor on Jericho, Benoit breaks the count. Crossface on Xpac broken up by Guerrero. benoit suplexes Guerrero. Benoit goes up top and hits the swan dive. Xpac breaks the count. Jericho rolls up Xpac for the pin. Winner: Chris JerichoMatch 3: Stephanie McMahon vs Trish Stratus Match starts off with a spear by Stephanie. Stephanie pulls Trish off the ropes onto her head. Clothesline by Stephanie. Short arm clothesline by Stephanie. Hair mare by Stephanie. Stephanie tosses Trish to the outside. Trish throws Stephanie over the railing into the crowd. Stephanie jumps off the railing and hits Trish with a clothesline. Back in the ring Trish hangs Stephanie's neck over the top rope. Trish smacks Stephanie in the corner. Bulldog by Trish for a two count. DDT by Trish for a two count. Trish chokes Stephanie in the corner. Stephanie slams Trish off the top.Stephanie tosses Trish to the outside. Stephanie slams Trish's head three times into the announce table. Stephanie throws a pitcher of water on Trish's chest. Trish slams Stephanie's face into the announce table. Back in the ring Stephanie powerbombs Trish for a two count. Stephanie pulls Trish's shorts down and spanks her. Stephanie then chokes Trish with her shirt. Stephanie and Trish slam each other's faces into the mat at the same time. Regal comes out and drops the ref on his head. Regal puts Trish on top of Stephanie. Regal changes his mind and puts Stephanie's leg on the ropes. Trish slaps Regal. Regal drives Trish to the mat and then leaves. Stephanie covers Trish for the pin. Is this what Vince wanted? Winner: Stephanie McMahonMatch 4: Steve Austin vs Triple H The match will be two out of three falls, with the first fall being a regular match, the second fall being a street fight, and the third fall (if necessary) being a cage match! Regular Match Match starts off with Austin rushing the ring. Both men trade punches. Austin with a back elbow. Austin kicks Triple H down in the corner. Clothesline by Austin. Austin backs Triple H into the corner for ten shots to the head. Clothesline by Austin. Austin tried the Lou Thez press but they were too close to the ropes so Triple H took advantage of it and dropped him across the ropes. Austin slams Triple H's face into the ring steps. Austin wraps Triple H's arm around the ring post. Back in the ring Austin continues working on Triple H's left arm. Lou Thez press by Austin. Austin drops the elbow for a two count. Spinebuster by Austin. Austin comes off the second turnbuckle and lands on Triple H's boot. Swinging neckbreaker by Triple H. Neckbreaker by Triple H. Triple H drives his knees to the back of Austin's neck. Triple H kicks Austin in the corner. Triple H clips Austin's knees. Triple H wraps Austin's knee/leg around the ring post. Triple H drives his elbow into Austin's chest. Austin posts Triple H. Triple H clips Austin again. Triple H props Austin's leg on the bottom rope and drives an elbow into it. Austin tries to fight back but Triple H kicks him back down. Triple H puts the figure four on Austin. Austin reverses the figure four. Triple H makes it to the ropes and the hold is broke. Triple H with repeated elbows into Austin's knee. Lou Thez press by Austin. Austin drops the elbow on Triple H for a two count. Clothesline by Austin. Triple H shrugs off the stunner then hits Austin with a neckbreaker for a two count. Austin punches Triple H in the corner. Triple H kicks Austin between the legs. Triple H comes off the top but gets caught in the stunner by Austin for the pin. Winner: Steve AustinStreet Fight The second fall starts off with Austin suplexing Triple H on the ramp. Austin hits Triple H in the head with a monitor. Austin throws three chairs in the ring. Triple H tries to leave through the crowd but Austin goes after him. Austin throws Triple H back in the ring. Austin nails Triple H across the back with a chair. Austin repeatedly hits Triple H in the knees and elbow with the chair. Austin hits Triple H in the chest with the chair for a two count. Austin brings the ring bell in. Austin punches Triple H on the outside. Austin slams Triple H's head into the timekeeper's table. Austin finds a 2x4 wrapped in barb wire. Triple H blocks the 2x4 shot. Triple H hits Austin in the face with the 2x4. Austin is busted open. Triple H knocks Austin over the announce table. Triple H hammers on Austin on top of the announce table. Austin blocks the pedigree and backdrops Triple H through the spanish announce table behind them. Austin grabs a beer and hits Triple H in the head with it. Back in the ring Triple H hits Austin with the ring bell for a two count. Triple H with a neckbreaker on Austin on the chair for a two count. Triple H reverses a sleeper and suplexes Austin on a chair for a two count. Austin blocks the pedigree and backdrops Triple H out to the floor. Austin nails Triple H in the head with a chair. Triple H is busted open now. Austin hits Triple H in the head with the ring steps. Triple H slams Austin's head into the ring steps. Triple H finds a sledgehammer behind the announce table. Austin blocks the sledgehammer shot. Back in the ring Austin kicks Triple H down in the corner. Triple H shrugs off the stunner and hits Austin in the face with the sledgehammer. Pedigree on Austin for the pin. Winner: Triple HCage Match The third fall starts off with both men trading punches. Triple H rams Austin's head into the cage. Triple H punches Austin in the head in the middle of the ring. Triple H rams Austin into the cage again. Triple H scrapes the barb wire 2x4 across Austin's face. Austin hits Triple H in the face with a chair. Austin throws Triple H into the cage then rubs. Austin rubs the 2x4 across Triple H's face. Triple H ddt's Austin onto a chair. Austin fights back with right hands in the corner. Triple H falls flat on his face and Austin gets a two count. Triple H tries to leave the cage but Austin pulls him back in. Triple H slams Austin's head into the cage, Austin falls and crotches himself on the ropes. Austin slams Triple H from the top turnbuckle for a two count. Triple H shrugs off the stunner and hits the pedigree for a two count. Triple H hits Austin in the head with a chair. Austin counters the pedigree and catapults Triple H into the cage. Stunner on Triple H for a two count. Austin and Triple H hit each other at the same time with the 2x4 and sledgehammer. Both men fall out but Triple H falls on Austin for the pin. Winner: Triple HWinner of the contest: Triple H After the match Austin gives Triple H the stunner. Austin walks to the top of the ramp and stairs at Triple H. Austin gives the two finger salute and leaves.Match 5: Jerry Lawler vs. Steven Richards If Richards wins, then Kat belongs to the Right to Censor. If King wins, then Richards will allow Kat to disrobe! Ivory comes out with Richards. Kat comes out with Lawler. Match starts off with Lawler punching Richards. Richards immediately rolls out. Clothesline by Lawler. Lawler slams Richards then drops a right hand to the face. Richards gets mad and rips his shirt off. Lawler throws Richards to the outside. Kat slaps Ivory in the face. Richards posts Lawler. Richards misses the ho train. Lawler backs Richards into the corner for ten shots to the head. Bulldog by Lawler for a two count. Richards with a suplex for a two count. Richards brings a chair in the ring. Lawler low blows Richards. Two ddt's by Lawler. Ivory throws her belt to Richards but Lawler counters. Lawler slams Ivory. Kat hits Lawler in the head with the belt by accident. Richards gets the pin. The rest of the RTC come out and carry Kat to the back. Winner: Steven RichardsMatch 6: Triple Threat Tables Match for the Tag Team Championship Dudley Boys vs Edge and Christian vs The Undertaker and Kane Match starts off with a big brawl on the ramp. UT throws Dvon and BuhBuh off the ramp. E & C set up the Dudleys table at ringside. UT throws Christian into the ring steps. UT and Kane slam E & C into the announce table. Dudleys finally come back and nail UT and Kane at the same time with chairs. Dvon clotheslines Edge. Buh Buh backdrops Christian. E & C put Buh Buh in the tree of woe then step on his crotch. E & C flapjack Dvon. E & C bring chairs in the ring. Buh Buh ducks and they hit each other. Whassup headbutt on Edge. UT and Kane intercept Dvon from getting the table. Christian with the tomakazie on Buh Buh. UT and Kane do double powerslams on E & C. UT and Kane do double top rope clotheslines on E & C. Kane and UT put two tables in the ring. Kane with a big boot to Buh Buh. Dvon and Christian double team Kane. Edge and Buh Buh double team UT. Dvon sets up the table. E & C go to suplex UT through the table but Kane moves it out of the way. UT and Kane chokeslam E & C. UT and Kane chokeslam the Dudleys. UT and Kane set up the tables. Haku and Rikishi come down and attack UT and Kane. Rikishi posts UT. Rikishi hits UT in the head with a chair. Buh Buh moves out of the way from a spear and Edge hits the table but it does not break. 3D on Christian through the table. UT and Kane stare from the ramp in disgust. Winners: Dudley BoysMatch 7: World Wrestling Federation Championship The Rock vs Kurt Angle Match starts off with Rock ducking a belt shot from Angle. Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Knee to the gut by Angle. Back elbow by Rock. Rock with a side russian leg sweep for a two count. Clothesline by Angle. Angle punches Rock down in the corner. Angle with a drop toe hold followed up by an ankle lock. Rock makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Overhead belly to belly suplex by Angle. Rock with a hip toss slam. Rock with a flying forearm on Angle followed up by the sharpshooter. Angle makes it to the ropes. Rock with a samoan drop for a two count. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Angle goes up top and gets crotched by Rock hitting the ropes. Rock follows Angle up and hits a superplex for a two count. Angle tosses Rock over the top rope. Rock's knee is hurt. Back in the ring Rock hits a ddt. Big Show comes out and chokeslams the referee. Show then chokeslams Angle. Show chokeslams Rock then leaves. Two more referees come out to help and replace the original referee. Angle goes for a cover and gets a two count. Rock grabs the belt and hits Angle in the face with it for a two count. Angle with an anklelock takedown on Rock. Rock makes it to the ropes but the damage has been done. Angle stomps away on the injured ankle of Rock. Spinebuster by Rock. Rock hits Angle with the people's elbow for a two count. Angle low blows Rock. Angle exposes the top turnbuckle. Angle counters the rock bottom and shoves Rock into the exposed turnbuckle. Olympic slam on Rock for a two count. Rock shoves Angle into the exposed turnbuckle. Rock bottom on Angle for a two count. Another rock bottom. this time for the pin. Winner and New WWF World heavyweight Champion: The RockThis PPV deserves a C+


this tape rocks! 3 great matches and 2 pretty good ones as well out of 7 make this the best ppv I think I have seen in years...Austin vs HHH is just brutal..they totally kill each other here....Rock vs Angle was an emotional roller coaster for me...I am a HUGE Angle fan....Jericho vs Benoit vs Guererro vs X-Pac is a fast paced thriller too....even an amazingly decent woman's match between Trish Stratus & Stephani McMahon..over all this is a great show and I plan on buying it as soon as I can a must see! 10 for 10
