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WWE Royal Rumble 2002

WWE Royal Rumble 2002 (2002)

January. 20,2002
| Drama Action

Royal Rumble (2002) was the fifteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by Square's Final Fantasy X. It took place on January 20, 2002 at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The main event was the Royal Rumble match. The other matches were Chris Jericho versus The Rock for the Undisputed WWF Championship, Ric Flair versus Vince McMahon in a Street Fight, Edge versus William Regal for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, the team of Spike Dudley and Tazz versus the Dudley Boyz for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Trish Stratus versus Jazz for the WWF Women's Championship.


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1. WWF Tag Team Title Championship: Champs-Tazz/Spike Dudley Vs. Dudley Boyz - Short match with clean victory. Tazz made D-Von submit by submission 7/10 2. Intercontinental Title Match: Champ-Edge Vs. William Regal - Card was changed. Regal scored with brass knuckles 7/10 3. WWF Women's Championships: Champ-Trish Stratus Vs. Jazz - jazz is super machine! She should won that title. But Trish defended, even with broken hand. Believable. 5/10 4. Street Fight: Ric Flair Vs. Vince McMahon - Classic match with Flair like we used to see hundred times before, but this time he won! 6/10 5. WWF Undisputed Championship: Champ-Y2J Vs. The Rock - Not that good like match on Vengeance, but still great. Chris won again! 8.5/10 6. Battle Royal - Good surprise was, that Mr. Perfect approached. No surprise was that Triple H won. 7/10


This wasn't really a bad Royal Rumble. In fact all Royal Rumble's are the best, this one was good & was definitely interesting & surprising.FIRST MATCH- TAZZ & SPIKE DUDLEY VS. DUDLEY BOYS W/ STACY KEIBLER FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPNot that much of a good opener, but this was a decent match. Tazz & Spike Dudley win after Tazz locks in the Tazzmission on Bubba for the win to retain their World Tag Team titles. 3/10SECOND MATCH- WILLIAM REGAL VS. EDGE FOR THE WWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Another pretty decent match as well. Edge beats William Regal up as much as he can but to no avail without the referee seeing, William Regal gets brass knuckles & uses them on Edge to get the win to become the new WWF Intercontinental Champion. 3/10THIRD MATCH- JAZZ VS. TRISH STRATUS FOR THE WWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: JACQUELINE Pretty boring Diva match, if they actually had a bit more time to really show their great skills, it would of been an okay match itself. Trish wins after a Chick Kick on Jazz to retain her WWE Women's Championship. 3/10FOURTH MATCH- RIC FLAIR VS. VINCE MCMAHON IN A STREET FIGHT MATCH Good match & violent with both men busted open. Ric Flair defeats Mr. McMahon in this grueling street fight contest after making him tap out to the Figure 4 Leg Lock. 4/10FIFTH MATCH- CHRIS JERICHO VS. ROCK FOR THE WWF UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP This was an okay match. Both men could of seriously done better. At one point in the match Jericho nails two Lionsaults in a row on Rock, but to Jericho's shock, Rock breaks out. Jericho is still able to steal the victory after a roll-up on Rock using the ropes for the win to retain his WWF Undisputed Championship. 4/10SIXTH MATCH- 30 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE This was an enjoyable Royal Rumble as usually most of them are. But this one could of had more superstars battling in the ring at the same time, then it would of been seriously better. But overall it was really good. The final 4 are HHH, Stone Cold, Mr. Perfect & Kurt Angle. Angle eliminates Austin after sneaking up on him & throwing him out of the ring. Austin gets frustrated for being eliminated as he re-enters the ring & knocks Angle, Mr. Perfect & HHH with a chair. All three men get up as Angle goes to clothesline HHH out, but accidentally clotheslines Mr. Perfect out. HHH the clotheslines Angle out as HHH has won the Royal Rumble & will be going to mainevent Wrestlemania X8. 6/10Not really a bad Royal Rumble, the Rumble itself could of been a bit better same as the matches. But still a great Royal Rumble PPV & a good countdown to the Road To Wrestlemania X8.Overall: I'll give it 6/10 & a D+


The Royal Rumble 2002 was a good start for the year. I was expecting more than what 2001 brought but was not completely happy about how it all came out.SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!Tag Team Championship: Spike Dudley and Tazz def The Dudley Boyz to retain the titles. Throwaway match. Nuff saidIntercontinental Championship: Willam Regal def Edge to win the title. I'm a big fan of Edge and was disappointed that he lost.Womens Championship: Trish Stratus def Jazz to retain the title. Alright match. I always enjoy watching Trish wrestle.Street Fight: Ric Flair def Vince McMahon. Two old geezers can put on a good match. Both were bleeding and both had their moments. Flair put McMahon in the Figure Four Leglock and Vince tapped like a drunk man.Undispuited WWE Championship: Chris Jericho def The Rock to retain the title. Finally Y2J was a world champion for longer than a 3 week period. I thought this was the best match of the night. Jericho plays an excellent heel. Jericho wins by putting his feet on the ropes to keep Rocks shoulders down long enough for the 3 count.Royal Rumble match: Triple H wins by last eliminating Kurt Angle. Once again this match was predictable. How else to cap off HHH's return other than him winning it. I had my money on him and once again for the 2nd year straight won 35 bucks. Strong showings by. Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Goldust, Val Venis, Mr. Perfect and Maven! watching Maven eliminate the Undertaker was great. Even better to watch his ass get handed to him by the taker. Overall 7 out 0f 10


This is one of my four favorite wwf ppv's. It was good. Even though you know who would win the rumble. HHH, after is 8 month rehabing. It was only obvious. It was good to see 4 superstars return even if you don't like them or not. I would give this rumble 10/10. It was one of there better ones. There was much more wrestling then talking this time.
