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Show Me

Show Me (2004)

September. 23,2004
| Drama Thriller

When two squeegee kids descend upon Sarah and her luxury sedan, the fuse is lit on a tense cat and mouse tale of captors and captives. Sarah is forced to continue her trip to an isolated cottage where the twisted trio bait and entice one another in a reckless search for truth.


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Show Me (2004): Dir: Cassandra Nicolaou / Cast: Michelle Nolden, Kett Turton, Katherine Isabelle, Gabriel Hogan, J. Adam Brown: Independent thriller about inner demons. Michelle Nolden is carjacked by two teenagers and forced to drive to a remote cabin where they tie her to a chair. Effective setup derails into episodic scenes. Conclusion is unsatisfactory but credit must be given to director Cassandra Nicolaou for creating detail within the lives and struggles of the characters. Obvious questions arise such as what was done with a body that does turn up. Perhaps it was buried but it is never really dealt with. Nolden plays a strong heroine whose own secrets slowly unfold and become apparent. She will make the obvious escape attempts until she becomes intrigued and curious within her situation. Kett Turton has behavior disorders that cause him to fly into violent outbursts. He counters this by swimming in the lake watched by camera. Katharine Isabelle cuts herself and then conceals the scars under thick clothing. Gabriel Hogan is also featured although supporting roles are not an issue in terms of being broad or written with any detail whatsoever. The conclusion doesn't quite have the strong pitch it needs although there is a strong theme regarding inner trauma and the reality that these issues need to be revealed in order for healing to begin. Score: 6 ½ / 10


At the beginning of the movie, the Squeegie kid/ kid-nappers, were trying to flee some rival Squeegie kids / or Squeegie enforcers. That would have been a more interesting story than this one.I'm always down for a taught psychological suspenseful thriller. And any film cover that has a woman tied to a chair while another woman holds the rope, well I'm down for some lesbo S&M (BOUND) bondage as well as the next guy. Howeva this film had none of the afore-mentioned in it. Yes it was well written well acted well shot, but boring. Hhe hostage 'helsinki thang" well if you've seen "DOG DAY AFTERNOON" you know how Captives identify with their Captors. The big chunk of of RED-WOOD RED-NECK HILL-BILLY MAN-MEAT, that shows-up specifically to confront the girl that cut him and robbed him the other night. Well I've gone thru worse than that for a piece of "strange". I'd call that robbing, fore-play. real pros, play in pain. The problem is the three main characters or boring, they're boring some violent drug addicted teens trying to flee the city, kidnap some rich woman in a committed lesbian relationship, and hold her hostage. There is no "COME TO Jesus MOMENT" no daring retrospective or stories of hustling or abuse. It's just a boring movie a well-done but boring movie.

Gatis Morgan

I wanted to see this movie all the time but had no chance to get it! Just because Katharine Isabelle is in it, it was a "must see" for me! I wasn't really expecting anything from this movie but it was actually pretty damn good.I don't really wanna tell you much about the story but it's about Jenna (Katharine Isabelle) and Jackson (Kett Turton) who kidnap a woman (Michelle Nolden). They go to the woman's little house in the forest and tie her up and then the fun begins...It has some really intense and moving scenes. The acting was really good from all the actors. Katharine was so superb like in every movie, i mean she really fit in Jenna's role. Way to go Canada!


Excellent acting all around and some good dialog can't quite save this film from some ridiculous, implausible plot twists.****SPOILER WARNING**** Basic question: If a strange girl cut you on the cheek with a switchblade and robbed you, would you go--ON YOUR OWN--to her house the next day to confront her about it, ignore her boyfriend glaring at you with an axe in his hand and saying "Who the f**k are you," and then push past the boyfriend, turning your back on him? ****END OF SPOILER**** I mean, there does come a point where characters have to behave in a SOMEWHAT plausible manner, and this scene just flat out ruined the film for me.But I was impressed with the VERY fine acting from the entire cast (comprised of only five actors).
