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WWE WrestleMania 2000

WWE WrestleMania 2000 (2000)

April. 02,2000
| Drama Action

WWF Champion Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. The Big Show, Two Falls Match: WWF Intercontinental & European Champion Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Ladder Match: WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz, Hardcore Battle Royal: WWF Hardcore Champion Crash Holly vs. The Acolytes vs. The Mean Street Posse vs. The Headbangers vs. Kaientai vs. Tazz vs. Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly, X-Pac & The Road Dogg vs. Kane & Rikishi Phatu, Too Cool & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn, HEAD Cheese vs. T&A, D'Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan & The Big Boss Man, The Kat vs. Terri.


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A very mediocore show. HHH winning really sucked because WrestleMania is supposed to be a "Make the fans go home happy" show.Everything else was hit or miss Mildly recommended


WWF Champion Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. The Big Show, Two Falls Match: WWF Intercontinental & European Champion Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Ladder Match: WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz, Hardcore Battle Royal: WWF Hardcore Champion Crash Holly vs. The Acolytes vs. The Mean Street Posse vs. The Headbangers vs. Kaientai vs. Tazz vs. Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly, X-Pac & The Road Dogg vs. Kane & Rikishi Phatu, Too Cool & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn, HEAD Cheese vs. T&A, D'Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan & The Big Boss Man, The Kat vs. Terri. i hate the rock for hitting a girl

Spawn Devil

Match 1: Big Bossman and Bull Buchanan vs Godfather and Dlo Brown Bull and Dlo started off the match. Dlo hit Bull with a heel kick. Double team work by Godfather and Dlo on Bull. Bossman is tagged in and Godfather knocks him down with two clotheslines. Dlo backs Bull into the corner for ten shots to the head. Bull hit a top rope clothesline on Dlo. Bull drop toe holds Dlo neck first onto the ropes. Bull with an axe kick on Dlo for a two count. Bull and Bossman double team Dlo while the ref is fighting with Godfather. Bossman with a backbreaker on Dlo for a two count. Godfather crotches Bull on the ropes. Dlo with a huricanrana on Bull from the top rope. Dlo finally tags in Godfather who cleans house. Godfather hits the hoe train on Bossman. Out of no where, Bossman hits Dlo with a sidewalk slam followed up by a top rope leg drop by Bull for the win. Winners: Big Bossman and Bull BuchananMatch 2: Hardcore Battle Royal for the Hardcore Title. The entrants are Tazz, Viscera, Pete Gas, Rodney, Joey Abbs, Hardcore Holly, Taka, Funaki, Mosh, Thrasher, Faarooq, Bradshaw, and the hardcore Champion himself- Crash Holly. Pinfalls count all throughout the match. Who ever has the belt last when the 15 minutes are up is the winner. Match starts off with everyone brawling. Tazz immediately pins Crash with a head and arm Taz plex. A few minutes later Viscera pins Tazz on the outside. The Posse are attacking Viscera with every weapon possible. The aPa start focusing their attention on Viscera. Hardcore busted Crash open. Crash is bleeding heavily. Viscera regains his momentum and starts attacking the aPa. Bradshaw lays about everyone out with cookie sheet shots to the head. Joey Abbs knocks Tazz to the ground with several shots to the head with a cookie sheet. The aPa slam Viscera from the top rope. aPa continue their double team on Viscera. Funaki sneaks in and gets a cover on Viscera for the pin. Funaki runs to the back with the Posse chasing him. Rodney pins Funaki. Joey Abbs pins Rodney with a gutwrench suplex on the concrete. Thrasher pins Abbs. Thrasher runs back to the arena with all the wrestlers chasing him. Pete Gas pins Thrasher after a fire extinguisher shot to the head. Tazz pins Pete Gas with a suplex on the outside. Holly Cousins start double teaming Tazz with less than three minutes to go. Holly's start fighting with each other, both wanting to make the pin on Tazz. Crash knocks down Tazz with a cookie sheet shot to the head for the pin. With 30 seconds left Tazz puts the tazmission on Crash. Hardcore comes in and makes the save and makes a pin attempt on Crash. Hardcore barely gets the 3 count. The replay showed Crash kicking out before the time ran out. Winner and new Hardcore Champion: Hardcore HollyMatch 3: Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs Test and Prince Albert Before the match Al got on the mic and said he had a surprise for Blackman. Chester McCheese, a human block of cheese, came down to the ring. Al instructed for him to chat "Lets go HeadCheese." Match starts off with Test and Blackman going at it. Al is tagged in and gets double teamed by T&A. Blackman knocks Albert down with a running shoulder block. Snow and Blackman double clothesline Albert for a two count. Blackman with a flying headbutt on Albert for a two count. Albert with a double arm suplex on Snow. Test with a sidewalk slam on Snow. Blackman makes the save. Snow hits a moonsault to the outside on Albert. Albert press slams Test on Blackman for a two count. Albert press slams Blackman followed up by a top rope elbow from Test for the pin. After the match Snow appologizes to Blackman, then they both start beating on Chester McCheese. Winners: Test and Prince AlbertMatch 4: Three Way LADDER Match for the World Tag Team Titles Christian and Edge vs Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys Match starts off with everybody fighting on the outside. Buh Buh backs Jeff Jardy into the corner and slaps at his chest. Buh Buh with a sit-down atomic drop on Jeff. Christian brings the first ladder into the ring. Matt Hardy throws a ladder right in the face of Buh Buh. Matt comes off the top with an elbow drop on Dvon who was laying on the ladder. Jeff misses a 450 splash and lands right on the ladder after Buh Buh moves out of the way. Dvon places a ladder on top of Edge. Buh Buh starts knocking everyone who comes after him out with the ladder. Edge and Christian dropkick the ladder in Buh Buh's face. Christian climbs to the top of the ladder and launches himself out to the floor on Jeff and Buh Buh. Edge springboards off the ropes and spears Jeff right off the ladder. Christian knocks Dvon off a ladder by throwing another ladder at him. Buh Buh hits a modified version of the 3D on Christian off the ladder which was absolutely amazing! Hardys come off opposite ladders at the same time landing on Dvon. Edge and Christian double suplex Dvon from the top of the ladder. Edge hits Matt with a neckbreaker off the top of the ladder while at the same time Matt hits Christian with a facebuster from the top of the opposite ladder. All 3 ladders are set up and all 6 men are on them. All the ladders fall and all 6 men fall in opposite directions. The Dudleys sandwich Christian between 2 ladders. Dudleys hit the 3D on Edge. The Dudleys now put some tables in the ring. The Dudleys place a table across the top of 2 ladders making themselves a platform. Buh Buh sets up a table out on the floor. Buh Buh drags Matt on top of the spanish announce table and powerbombs him through the table that he set up. Jeff tried doing his running off the security railing, but Buh Buh threw a ladder right in his face. Buh Buh now sets up a ladder in the entrance way. Buh Buh then sets up a table right in front of that ladder. Christian hits Buh Buh with the ring bell. Buh Buh falls on top of the table. Jeff sees it and climbs the ladder. Swanton bomb from the top of the ladder on Buh Buh through the table! Matt hits the twist of fate on Dvon inside the ring. Matt and Christian climb the platform that the Dudleys built. Edge follows them up and knocks Matt off the platform through a table. Edge and Christian then grab the title belts for the win. Winners and new Tag Team Champions: Edge and ChristianMatch 5: Cat Fight Match. The Kat (with Mae Young) vs. Terri (with Fabulous Moolah) Val Venis is the referee. Val of course did some mic work before the match. Match starts off with Kat shoving Terri. Val and Terri start kissing. Terri throws Kat down by her hair. Kat takes Terri down with a spear. kat threw terri out of the ring but Val had his back turned paying attention to Mae. Mae kisses Val while Kat throws Terri out of the ring again. Moolah pulls Kat out of the ring and Terri runs back in. Val finally got away from Mae and seen that Terri was the only one in the ring and declared her the winner. After the match Mae puts the bronco buster on Moolah. Kat starts stripping Terri but Moolah ends up covering her up. No nudity. Sorry folks :( Winner: TerriMatch 6: Too Cool and Chyna vs. Eddy Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn. Match starts off with Scotty Too Hotty and Eddie Guerrero going at it. Scotty with a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Eddie. Scotty tags in Chyna but eddie runs and tags in Dean Malenko. Chyna and Grandmaster Sexay double suplex Malenko. Sexay with a belly to back suplex on Guerrero. Saturn knocks Sexay off the top before he could hit the hip hop drop on Guerrero. Saturn and Malenko double clothesline Sexay. Scotty tagged in and Guerrero hangs him out to dry on the ropes. Guerrero gets a cheap shot in on Chyna. Sexay suplexes Guerrero out to the floor. Scotty dumps Saturn on his face then does the worm on Saturn AND Malenko. Saturn hits a top rope elbow drop on Scotty. Scotty crotches Guerrero on the ropes. Scotty follows Guerrero up and hits a superplex. Scotty tags in Chyna. Guerrero tries to avoide Chyna while she takes care of Saturn and Malenko. After several high spot moves by Chyna, Guerrero low blows her. Chyna grabs Guerrero right in the family jewels. Chyna then grabs Guerrero in a sleeper then drops him to the mat for the pin. Winners: Too Cool and ChynaMatch 7: Two fall Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental and European Championships Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle Match starts off with Benoit attacking Angle before he can even enter the ring. Jericho dropicks Benoit into the corner. Jericho went for a springboard but Benoit tripped him up. Jericho finally pulls off the springboard dropkick and knocks Benoit and Angle off the ring apron. Jericho chops Benoit in the corner. Benoit knocks Jericho off the top rope face first into the announce table. Jericho with a missile dropkick on Angle, Benoit makes the save. Jericho with a bulldog on Angle for a two count. Jericho puts Benoit in a modified version of the camel clutch, Angle breaks it up. Angle puts the crossface chicken wing on Jericho. Benoit breaks it up by dropkicking Angle in the head. Benoit with a top rope headbutt on Jericho for the pin. Benoit is now the Intercontinental Champion. Jericho crotches Angle on the ropes. Benoit comes up and crotches Jericho on the ropes right behind Angle. Benoit with a belly to back suplex on Jericho. Angle follows up by missing a moonsault. Yes, a moonsault. Jericho puts Angle in the Walls of Jericho, Benoit breaks it up. Jericho hits Benoit with a spinning heel kick. Jericho double powerbombs Angle but Benoit breaks it up. Benoit with multiple german suplexes on Jericho, Angle breaks it up. The ref gets knocked out. Benoit puts Jericho in the crippler crossface. jericho tapped out but there was no ref. Jericho gets out of it and puts Benoit in the Walls of Jericho. Angle breaks it up by hitting Jericho with the belt. Benoit with a belly to back suplex on Angle then goes to the top to miss the diving headbutt. Out of no where Jericho hits the springboard moonsault on Benoit for the pin. Jericho is now the European Champion. Winners- Chris Jericho- New European Champion Chris Benoit- New Intercontinental Champion Match 8: Kane and Rikishi vs. X-Pac and Road Dogg Before the bell rang, Tori and Paul bearer were arguing. Tori slapped Bearer. Kane went after her but she ran into the ring thinking she was safe. Rikishi was fixing to stick his ass in her face but Xpac and RoadDogg pulled her out. Xpac with a spinning heel kick on Rikishi followed up by the bronco buster. RoadDogg does the juke n jive then the shake, rattle, and knee drop on Rikishi. Kane is tagged in and cleans house. Bearer throws Tori in the ring. Rikishi finally rubs his ass in her face. Kane tombstones Xpac for the pin. After the match Too Cool come to the ring. The San Diego chicken also comes into the ring. Kane looks at the chicken thinking he might be Pete Rose. Finally, Too Cool, Rikishi, and the chicken dance. After the dance Kane grabs the chicken but the real Pete Rose sneaks up behind Kane with a baseball bat. Kane turned around and caught him with a chokeslam. Rikishi then rubs his ass in Pete Rose's face. For the third year in a row Kane has taken care of Pete Rose. Winners: Kane and RikishiMatch 9: Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship The Rock vs. Big Show vs. Mick Foley vs. Triple H Match starts off with all 4 men going at it. Triple H pounds on Foley in the corner. Foley with a running knee on Triple H. Big Show double clotheslines Foley and Triple H. Big Show press slams The Rock, then Triple H. Foley jumps on Big Show's back. Big Show just falls backwards putting Foley to the mat. Big Show with a sidewalk slam on The Rock. Foley, Rock, and HHH triple team the Big Show. Foley clotheslines Triple H out of the ring. Foley hits Triple H in the abdomen with a chair. Shane gets on the ring apron and Rock knocks him off. Foley hits Big Show with a chair. Rock then eliminates Big Show with the rock bottom. Triple H tries to persuade Foley into double teaming The Rock. Foley says no. Triple H then tries the same thing with The Rock. Rock says yes then he and Foley double team Triple H. Foley and Rock double clothesline Triple H. Foley slings Triple H into a clothesline from The Rock on the outside. Rock nails Foley by accident with the ring bell after Triple H ducked. Foley pulls out his 2x4 wrapped in barb wire. Triple H racks Foley before he can hit him with it. Foley puts the double arm ddt on Triple H followed up by the mandible claw. Rock comes in to put the people's elbow on Triple H but Foley puts the mandible claw on Rock. Triple H low blows Rock and Foley. Rock clotheslines Triple H. Foley clotheslines Rock for a two count. Foley with the double arm ddt on Rock for a two count. Foley grabs a chair but Rock kicks it back in his face. Rock with a ddt on Foley, Triple H makes the save. Foley and Triple H start double teaming Rock. Foley and Triple H double suplex Rock. Foley holds Rock so Triple H can nail him. Rock started making a comeback but Foley hit him with the ring steps. Triple H lays Rock on the spanish announce table. Foley comes off the top turnbuckle onto Rock. Foley hurts himself at the same time. Back in the ring, Foley kicks out of a pedigree from Triple H. Triple H hits a homerun with a chair on Foley's head. Pedigree on the chair and that's it for Foley. Foley walks out to a standing ovation. But Foley turns around and heads back to the ring. Foley grabs the barb wire and nails Triple H with it. Foley finally ends up leaving. Rock covers and gets a two count. Rock clotheslines Triple H out of the ring. Rock drags Triple H up by the Titan Trons where he suplexes him on the concrete. Rock drags Triple H back to ringside where he bounces his head off the timekeeper's table. Triple H regains momentum after hitting the ring steps back in The Rock's face. Triple H then piledrives Rock on the steps. Triple H puts Rock in the ring and makes a cover and only gets a two count. Rock counters a pedigree by backdropping Triple H out to the floor. Rock drags Triple H out into the crowd and finally back to ringside. Rock with a spinebuster on Triple H on the floor. Rock suplexes Triple H through the main announce table. Triple H drop toe holds The Rock face first into the steps. Vince throws Triple H into the ring post. Shane comes out and rams Vince's head into the TV monitors. Vince gets up and hammers away on Shane. Shane knocks Vince out with a chair shot. Vince is busted open and gets carried to the back by Patterson and Brisco. Rock with a ddt on Triple H for a two count. Rock with a tilt a whirl slam on Triple H for another two count. Triple H nails Rock with a facebuster and then the barb wire. Rock catapults Triple H right into Shane. Rock bottom on Triple H. Shane picks up the chair but Vince runs back down into the ring and attacks Shane. Vince grabs the chair and hits Rock in the head with a chair. Triple H makes the cover but Rock kicks out. Vince hits Rock again with the chair. This time Triple H gets the pin. After the match Vince and Stephanie hug while the fans shower them with drinks. Shane comes back into the ring. Vince tells him to get away from them. Rock runs back into the ring and puts the rock bottom on Shane and Vince. Stephanie slaps Rock then Rock puts her in the rock bottom and then the people's elbow. Winner and Still WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple HI didn't think this was a very good Wrestlemania. For a Wrestlemania event I would expect better matches. This PPV was just plain dumb and boring. I thought a lot of matches could have been better or scraped. This PPV deserves a C

Dudley Boyz

This was the best ladder match in wwf history.Even tho wrestling is fake this proves it's not.Jeff Hardy did a senton bomb off of a 20-25ft ladder on to Buh Buh Ray Dudley laying on a table outside of the ring,and Buh Buh Ray Dudley powerbombed Jeff Hardy on a table off of a commentery booth on to the mat.If you are a wrestling fan you'd love this tape.
