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Hell (2005)

June. 23,2005
| Horror Mystery

While traveling, a crew of documentary makers meet a horrible fate when their van falls off a cliff. Though only one of them really dies, the rest are 'accidentally' dragged into hell where each are tortured according to their sins.


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This is a pretty scary interpretation of hell. This is like Hellraiser (1987) but with more time spent in hell. It does make the mind think that if there was a hell you would not want to know what it was like. I also thought that once you are dying you may as well accept it as there is nothing much you can do. The story was a bit confusing and that was a shame. The love story rubbish was also misplaced. Watch for images of hell.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

Usually Thai movies are good and of enjoyable character, but of course every now and then a wide swing and even wider miss will be made. "Hell" (aka "Narok") was one such movie.The story is about a group of people who are in an accident and end up in Hell because of their sins and behavior. Yep, that's right! Some parts of the scenes in Hell were good, but in overall this movie was just too much of a snoozefest and offered very little entertainment.The acting in the movie was adequate, although it is nowhere near impressive. It was as to be expected of a movie such as this.The movie has an appropriate title, because it was Hell getting through it, and a constant struggle not to get up and find another movie to watch.I wasted my time and money on this movie, so you don't have to. And now the DVD will just land on the DVD shelf to fade into oblivion, never to be watched again.


At first I didn't like this filmBut after viewing it a few times it started to grab my mind for a whileFirst of all the movie is set hell, and of course that is a place nobody wants to go, and this movie kinda show why one shouldn't be there, it's very dark, the sins that is portrayed are very brutal, and it seem no way to be redeemed even if you risk your life so save your friend (two character did that but still got to pay for their sins)But I like the idea that the main characters who ended up in hell actually try to escape even a place like that where everything seems hopeless, is show how strong the will power can go.It's not a masterpiece but it's a guilty pleasure and I recommend this film just for that but not for sensitive viewers


I enjoyed the wild ride that is Hell. I'm not saying this is a great movie, it's not, but it was an interesting 90 minute Thai excursion into Hell.I don't know a lot of the Thai culture so I'm sure some of the subtleties were missed on me, but my Christian background more then made up for the holes that I saw.The cgi effects were pretty bad, but not every movie is a 100 million dollar Hollywood blockbuster, so that's OK. The over all look of the movie, obtained by filtering the lens and funky colors in the studio, was effective. Some of the scenes in Hell were quite graphic, so I was impressed by them.One real complaint that I have, is that I wish the Sanskrit speeches were translated with the rest of the dialog.
