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Pony Express

Pony Express (1953)

June. 15,1953
| Action Western

Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok join forces to establish a mail route that can get mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, in ten days. Along the way they must battle bad weather, hostile Indians and outlaws intent on robbing the mail and shutting down the entire operation.


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There are just enough accurate historical elements to make this story interesting, but don't go betting the ranch on Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok working together to help establish the Pony Express. Cody did work as an Express rider, but he was only fifteen years old at the time! A young Hickok met Cody once prior to 1860, and later joined him in a stage production in 1873, but quit well before Cody formed his 'Wild West Show' in 1882.I've seen a handful of films now with the Pony Express as the principal theme, and was intrigued by the story's mention of the numbers involved - a hundred ninety relay stations, five hundred seventy horses and eighty riders making the trip between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento, California. Virtually the same math showed up in the 1939 film "Cavalcade of the West" starring Hoot Gibson. The newspaper headline in the movie dated April 3rd, 1860 was historically correct, that was the day the first rider took off from St. Joseph westward bound. What wasn't mentioned, and it wouldn't have worked for this story, was that a Pony Express Rider left San Francisco on the same day heading East to St. Joe! That relay made it in ten days as well.Adding some intrigue to this story was the idea that there were behind the scene elements who wanted to see the Pony Express concept fail, for both political and financial reasons. Stage companies delivering the mail saw a threat to their business because delivery time would be virtually cut in half. There was also a political motivation involved with those who didn't want California to join the United States, particularly on the Confederate side. That was given some prominence in the story with each rider on the maiden run voicing California's rejecting slavery.As far as the principals involved, Charlton Heston made for a resolute Buffalo Bill Cody, while Forrest Tucker was pretty much Wild Bill Hickok in name only. Neither portrayal was physically accurate to the historical characters, but if you didn't know that, it's not a deal breaker. Jan Sterling's 'Denny' character immediately brought to mind Calamity Jane, while Rhonda Fleming brings some credibility to her turn from the anti-Express faction to those supporting Hickok. The romance angle between them doesn't get very far in the story, which is just as well; I liked Sterling better as the tomboyish Denny.If you'd like to explore some more films dealing with the Pony Express, there's the one mentioned earlier, along with another picture from the same year, 1953, with Gene Autry titled "Last of the Pony Riders". Roy Rogers did one as well early in his career with the 1939 movie "Frontier Pony Express". That one's interesting from the standpoint of the story line in this film, it has Roy's character as a Pony Express rider who's approached by a Confederate Senator who's attempting to establish California as a separate republic. Even Trigger gets in on the action, as a reliable Pony Express mount he's requested by fellow riders by name!


A spectacular and mighty adventure in the early 1860s when America's destiny rode in the saddle bags of the Pony Express . As the Pony Express was a mail service delivering messages , newspapers , mail, and small packages from St. Joseph, Missouri, across the Great Plains, over the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada to Sacramento, California, by horseback, using a series of relay stations . During its 19 months of operation, it reduced the time for messages to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to about 10 days . When replaced by the telegraph, the Pony Express quickly became romanticized and became part of the lore of the American West . Its reliance on the ability and endurance of individual young, hardy riders and fast horses was seen as evidence of rugged American individualism of the Frontier times . Pony Express logo was used by stagecoach and freight company Wells Fargo, which provided secure mail service . Buffalo Bill (Charlton Heston) and Wild Bill Hickock (Forrest Tucker) work to establish the short-lived Pony Express and fight Indians along with stagecoach station owners and California Separatists who seek to destroy it . Meanwhile , they fall in love for two beautiful damsels , Evelyn Hastings (Rhonda Fleming) and Denny Russell (Jan Sterling) , Calamity Jane lookalike role .This traditional Western of the founding of mail routes westward contains thrills , rousing nice action , shootouts , Sioux Indian attacks and exuberant outdoors . Dealing with the glamorous Pony Express mail route between Saint Joseph , Missouri, and Sacramento , California during ten days , in which brave riders battling hostile Indians , cutthroats attempting on robbing , bad weather , astute bandits and many other things . As Pony Express became from April 3, 1860, to October 1861, the West's most direct means of east–west communication before the telegraph was established and was vital for tying the new state of California with the rest of the United States . The main protagonists result to be two Western legends , both of them historical figures , Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickock , and it doesn't check every fact . Although , the real Buffalo Bill , William F. Cody, and Wild Bill Hickock claimed to have won their spurs as young Pony Express riders, there is no evidence that they ever worked for the company ; in fact , concerning great adventures , bigger than they were in life , as the real Buffalo Bill was only 14 when the Pony Express was established . The film displays a colorful cinematography by veteran cameraman Ray Rennahan . In addition , thrilling and evocative musical score by Paul Sawtell. The motion picture produced by Nat Holt was decently directed by Jerry Hopper , but with no enthusiasm . Hopper firstly worked for Paramount , them he crossed to Universal and immediately proved himself on more intimate subjects , particularly those with veins of comedy or sentiment . Hopper directed all kind of genres such as Western : ¨Madron¨, ¨The Bull of the West¨ ; gritty Thriller : ¨Naked alibi¨ , ¨The Atomic City¨ , ¨The square jungle¨ ; Comedy : ¨The private war of Major Benson¨with Charlton Heston ; Adventures : ¨Alaska seas¨ , ¨The Sharkfighters¨ , ¨The secret of Incas¨ and ¨The Missouri traveler¨, it was the best of Hopper's later movies before he became entrenched in television . As Jerry Hooper also filmed a great quantity of TV episodes such as ¨Voyage to the bottom of the sea¨ , ¨The fugitive¨ , ¨Perry Mason¨ , ¨Shenandoah¨ , ¨Adams family¨ , ¨Caravan¨ and ¨Gunsmoke¨.


Does anyone remember The Young Riders television series? Though that one got into the never never land of our old west mythology eventually at least it got it right about one thing. The Pony Express riders were in fact young teenage boys. William F. Cody was all of 13 when he was riding for them. James Butler Hickok, later nicknamed Wild Bill, was in his early twenties. So when we see Charlton Heston doing all he's doing as Buffalo Bill in this film Pony Express, he's really playing a thirteen year old living out a fantasy dream of having both Rhonda Fleming and Jan Sterling chasing him.Pony Express may in fact be one of the last of that grand tradition of B westerns where famous characters from the American frontier are taken and put into plots that had nothing to do with reality. Cody's famous fight with Cheyenne chief Yellow Hand is also included here although that in fact took place in the 1870s not in 1860.In this film, Charlton Heston and Forrest Tucker as Wild Bill Hickok stumble upon a plot to detach California from the United States while the north and south sectional conflict edges closer to civil war. Part of that plan is stop the Pony Express and its promise of quick mail delivery. Rhonda Fleming's brother is part of the dastardly scheme and Jan Sterling plays a Calamity Jane like character who has eyes for Cody, but Cody has them for Fleming.This film also marked the farewell appearance of Porter Hall who has a small role as another frontier character, legendary mountain man Jim Bridger. It's possible that Bridger, Cody, and Hickok may have all met at the same time, but I doubt it was under the circumstances shown.Don't let the A list cast fool you. What you have in Pony Express is one of that dying group of B westerns which were getting a new life on television at this time.

James Byrne

Want to win a bet with your know it all movie buff buddies? ask them in which film does Charlton Heston play a swaggering gun-nut who has violent and voluble exchanges with Michael Moore, but actually comes off the better! The answer is PONY EXPRESS, a rip-roaring Technicolor western made in 1953. Heston plays Buffalo Bill and Michael Moore, a 1950's second feature actor, is Rance Hastings who plans to split California from the Union and sabotage the newly formed Overland Pony Express mail route. After winning a battle with some Indian braves, Heston even gives us a precursor to his "Cold dead hands" NRA salute, as he taunts the very caucasian-looking Indians. Jerry Hopper, the director, later directed a few episodes of the TV hit "The Rifleman", which starred another Chuck with a gun, Chuck Connors. PONY EXPRESS, like SECRET OF THE INCAS, Hopper's next feature film, also includes a bath tub scene involving the red-headed leading lady who is engaged in dialogue about her different culture/background with the second female lead. The final few moments of PONY EXPRESS are great fun, the express riders gallop from post to post in frenzied fashion, Heston has the obligatory gun fight, and then rides off into the sunset, to a rousing musical score. A perfect mythical ending to a tongue-in-cheek western that upholds the legend of Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickock. The movie finishes with the words of Abraham Lincoln, "A grateful people acknowledges with pride it's debt to the riders of the Pony Express. Their unfailing courage, their matchless stamina knitted together the ragged edges of a rising nation. Their achievements can only be equalled ... never excelled."
