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The 36 Crazy Fists

The 36 Crazy Fists (1977)

January. 01,1977
| Action Comedy

When a young man's village is destroyed by a band of thugs, he seeks help from a great kung-fu master, but his real lessons come from a drunk old man, he basically learns kung fu by accident and seeks his revenge.


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36 CRAZY FISTS, while directed and choreographed by martial-arts legend Jackie Chan, doesn't feature him in any recognizable role. One is inclined to feel cheated because of this, and I would generally have to agree; 36 CRAZY FISTS may've been a great film if it had starred Chan, but as it stands, it is simply a mundane movie.It features the overly-typical revenge plot, along with the old master, the bumbling sidekicks (complete with trombone "waaahh" sounds!) and the clever-yet-flighty girl we've all come to know and love (?) from the kung-fu genre. The fight scenes are not all bad, especially the final few between the old white-haired guy (a sure sign of martial-arts mastery, apparently) and the young student. Also along for this final fight sequence are the student's two (count 'em, TWO!) teachers, a fellow disciple of the old man, and at least three other guys who just throw around insults. Wow, that's some fight!Maybe the most notable thing about 36 CRAZY FISTS (and this isn't a good thing) is its title; it suffers from PNS (Poorly-Named Syndrome), in that the 36 "crazy fists" are only one of dozens of technique the student learns. Moreover, they aren't even fists but sweep-chops! Oh well.In short, this movie doesn't have anything special going for it...move along, move along. My rating: 5.5/10

dragon ma young

Wow, this movie was TERRIBLE! The plot goes somewhat like this: A young man learns kung-fu from a shoalin master to avenge his father's death(he was killed by gangsters). I liked Drunken Master, which this movie reminded me a lot of, but this movie wasn't funny. It tried despretly to be funny, but never got close. Every single time someone fell down or made a stupid face, it would make this loud WA WA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA sound, that was so annoying, i wanted to hit the screen. Another thing that made me mad is that Jackie Chan was on the box and the back of the box said he was IN the movie, but he wasn't in it AT ALL! Oh,and I hate that drunk old man with a stick. The young man(I never can remember his name)always walks down the road carrying water for his master, and this drunk old man with a stick jumps out of no where and starts to beat him up. Every time he does, The young man gets better at kung-fu. If I was a better fighter every time I got beat up, I could kick ANYONE's a$$!The young man does learn kung fu,and avenges his pop's death. I just feel so cheated out of the 2 bucks I payed for this terrible flick i wanna puke. NOTE: this movie really isnt as bad as i say. just because jackie isnt in the movie, doesnt mean it cant be good. and i dont hate the drunk old man with the stick(R.I.P), i was just angry. see it if you dare folks.


Wow,this movie was TERRIBLE!The plot goes somewhat like this:A young man learns kung-fu from a shoalin master to avenge his father's death(he was killed by gangsters).I liked Drunken Master,which this movie reminded me a lot of,but this movie wasn't funny.It tried despretly to be funny,but never got close.Every single time someone fell down or made a stupid face,it wold make this loud WA WA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA sound,that was so annoying,i wanted to hit the screen.Another thing that made me mad is that Jackie Chan was on the box and the back of the box said he was IN the movie,but he wasn't in it AT ALL!Oh,and I hate that drunk old man with a stick.The young man(I never can remember his name)always walks down the road carrying water for his master,and this drunk old man with a stick jumps out of no where and starts to beat him up.Every time he does,The young man gets better at kung-fu.If I was a better fighter every time I got beat up,I could kick ANYONE's a$$!The young man does learn kung fu,and avenges his pop's death.I just feel so cheated out of the 2 bucks I payed for this terrible flick i wanna puke.

. "themollineaux" (themollineaux)

My gosh, you can't go anywhere without hearing about how great this movie is. Everyone feels that they need to point out the greatness of this movie, 36 Crazy Fists, but I just don't get it. The climaxic battle scene between the hero and the "gray monkey man" seemed flat and lifeless, (not to mention long) and the training scenes were neither "genius" or "inspired." Some people have told me that this movie had changed their lives, but I really have trouble believing that after finally watching the film.Overall, the film is good, but not all that I thought that it would be. You probably should see it if you want to, but don't do it solely out of peer pressure. Thank You.
