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WWE Judgment Day 2003

WWE Judgment Day 2003 (2003)

May. 18,2003
| Drama Action

Judgment Day (2003) was a PPV presented by Clearasil that took place on May 18, 2003, at the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was the fifth annual WWE Judgment Day event and featured wrestlers from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The first match from the SmackDown! brand featured WWE Champion Brock Lesnar's title defense against The Big Show in a Stretcher match. The second match from the Raw brand was between Kevin Nash and World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Three matches were featured on the undercard. The first match featured Women's Champion Jazz defending against Victoria, Jacqueline. and Trish Stratus in a Fatal Four-Way Match for the title. The next was a Battle Royal featuring Christian, Val Venis, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Test, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Goldust and Booker T for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The final was between the team of Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri, and the team of Team Angle in a ladder match for the WWE Tag Team Championship.


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This came as a good surprise for me, I mean so many people have commented this being a bad event, but it was really good.As the show began, Stone Cold Steve Austin came out & said that he would be on the top of the fans watching the show from his Skybox. He then gives Tazz a beer then leaves off through the crowd as the show begins.FIRST MATCH- JOHN CENA & F.B.I {JOHNNY STAMBOOLI & CHUCK PALUMBO W/ NUNZIO} VS. CHRIS BENOIT, RHYNO & SPANKY {BRIAN KENDRICK} IN A 6-MAN TAG TEAM MATCH Before the match, Cena makes a very good rap about himself & the F.B.I. Even though this match was only 4 minutes, it was fast-paced & contained great wrestling from all 6 competitors. After a double-team by F.B.I, Spanky gets pinned as John Cena & the F.B.I have won this match. 5/10SECOND MATCH- LA RESISITANCE {SYLVAN GRENIER & RENE DUPREE} VS. SCOTT STEINER & TEST W/ STACY KEIBLER Surprisingly this was an okay tag team match, which came as a surprise to me as Test & Scott Steiner are real bad wrestlers. Test accidentally hits Steiner with the Big Boot, which leads to La Resistance nailing their double-team move for the victory in their first PPV appearance. 5/10THIRD MATCH- EDDIE GUERRERO & TAJIRI VS. WORLD'S GREATEST TAG TEAM {SHELTON BENJAMIN & CHARLIE HAAS} IN A TAG TEAM LADDER MATCH FOR THE WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Tajiri was taking up Chavo's spot as he was injured. The best match so far, & easily the match of the night. While Eddie is climbing up the ladder, Benjamin tries to intervene, but Tajiri nails him with the Green Mist as Eddie Guerrero grabs the belt to become the WWE Tag Team Champion with Tajiri. 6/10FOURTH MATCH- SABLE VS. TORRIE Wilson IN A BIKINI CONTEST SPECIAL GUEST: TAZZ I had to fast forward this one because it was a bit to roud as my sister was watching. Great hot bikinis, but a waste of time in my opinion, Torrie is hot. Torrie wins then gives Sable a kiss on the lips, then leaves. 3/10FIFTH MATCH- OVER THE TOP ROPE BATTLE ROYAL FOR THE VACANT WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Superstars in this match is Booker T, Kane, Goldust, Chris Jericho, Christian, Rob Van Dam, Test, Val Venis & Lance Storm. I like battle royals, & this one was really good & entertaining. Booker T eliminates Christian, but the referee was down, so Christian enters the ring, nails Booker T with the IC title, the throws Booker T out of the ring as the referee sees it & Christian is the new WWE Intercontinental Champion. 5/10SIXTH MATCH- MR. America W/ ZACH GOWEN VS. ROWDY RODDY PIPER W/ SEAN 'O' HAIRE Before the match, Mr. America introduces Zach Gowen to watch his match from ringside. Very boring match, it takes some interference from Sean 'O' Haire to try & build the pace of the match a bit. Sean 'O' Haire accidentally nails Roddy Piper with a steel pipe, which leads Mr. America to a leg drop for the win, while Zach Gowen stops Mr. McMahon from interfering. 3/10SEVENTH MATCH- TRIPLE H W/ RIC FLAIR VS. KEVIN NASH W/ SHAWN MICHAELS FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Before the match, Michaels & Flair brawled all the way to the back, leaving Nash & HHH to fight in the ring one on one. I was expecting more from this match because it was for the World title, but it was more of a brawl rather than a wrestling match. HHH hits the referee with a sledgehammer, making him disqualified. After the match, Nash goes berserk & Jacknife Powerbombs HHH through the Raw announce table. 3/10EIGHT MATCH- JAZZ W/ THEODORE LONG VS. VICTORIA W/ STEVEN RICHARDS VS. JACQUELINE VS. TRISH STRATUS Another boring match with Divas in it. It's like watching two single Diva matches. Jazz wins after a DDT on Jacqueline for the win & to retain her WWE Women's Championship. 3/10NINTH MATCH- BROCK LESNAR VS. BIG SHOW IN A STRETCHER MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP Great & acceptable main event as Brock Lesnar topples down the Big Show in this grueling fight. The real highlights off the match is when Brock Lesnar drives a forklift through the arena, & Rey Mysterio interfering during the match. Brock Lesnar nails an F-5 on Big Show then puts him on a stretcher high in the air with a forklift past a yellow line to win & retain his WWE Championship. 5/10A very good event, with most of the matches being excellent, while others being let downs. But still a very good event as Raw & Smackdown prove that combined they produce good events.Overall I'll give it 7/10 & a C+


This was in my view the best of WWE pay-per-view of 2003 F.B.I & John Cena vs Spanky Rhyno and Chris Benoit-i thought this was a very good and entertaining match. I think if it would have gone on a little longer it could have been an instant classic. 4 1/2 /5 Scott Steiner & Test vs La Resustance- Boring match, Scott Steiner and Test had the potential to be a great team but just weren't good together, la resistance doesn't help because they really suck also. 1 1/2 /5 Team Angle vs Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri- Great match, definitely the show stealer. Team Angle proved that they are multi-talented in the ring proving they aren't just great mat technicians, but they can brawl to. Eddie Guerero(RIP) and Tajiri were great together being that it was the first time they tagged together- 5/5 Battle Royal- Pretty good battle royal, I've seen better though, surprised by the ending as well i truly thought Booker T was going to win.Bikini challenge- WOW what can i say torrie Wilson and Sable. This was one of the best bikini challenges WWE ever had! Torrie was smokin in that sparkly really small bikini. 600000000000/5 Mr. America vs Roddy Piper- An okay match considering the age of these guys, but an overall good match. 3/5 Triple H vs Kevin Nash- Not as bad as some will tell you. A good fist fight brawl, sure it could have been better but pretty entertaining and the powerbomb through the table is great. 4/5 Trish Stratus vs Jaqueline vs Victoria vs Jazz- eh, just ok-2 1/2/5 Brock Lesnar vs Big Show Strecher Match- This was a good match, i was actually a little disappointed( but still an excellent match) I thought there would be more weapon use but still brutal nonetheless. 4 1/2 /5


I agree with the other imdb user. This PPV was the pits, ladder bout aside. The segments between Austin-Bischoff were amusing but we dont buy the PPVs to watch interviews. This was probably the worst card since King of the Ring 95 and that event was just inferior to this one. If you havent seen this event, DONT.

Gary Ballance

The May PPV Judgment Day shows just what is wrong with WWE at the moment- stuff like A) not giving matches enough time, B) favouring feud-building, promos and storylines over actual wrestling, C) giving main event slots to the bigger, slower guys and burying the talented smaller guys in pointless feuds or on Velocity/Heat. I've been watching wrestling for 11 years and I'm sad to say that (despite an extensive and talented roster) this is the worst it's been for some time! Judgment Day went down like this: (Spoilers)MATCH 1- The FBI (Palumbo & Stamboli) and John Cena vs Brian Kendrick, Chris Benoit & Rhyno. Great potential for this match, but it was given less than 4 minutes. That's a travesty! They could have easily ditched a few promos and the pathetic bikini contest and let this match go longer. Disappointing. Kendrick, on the other hand, is fantastic- he seems to be really popular with the crowds and he always looks to give 110% in the ring. (So like I said, next stop Velocity!) FBI get the win with the Kiss of Death, a double-team move resembling Demolition's old finisher. Good match, which I can't rate, due to its brevity.MATCH 2- La Resistance vs Test & Steiner. Less said about this the better. Double-team spinebuster on Steiner for the win. The whole "hate us, we're French" thing is so damn lazy as a gimmick and I'd be surprised if they continue 'getting heat' on a long-term basis. Bad stuff here. (2/10)MATCH 3- Eddy Guerrero & Tajiri vs Team Angle--Ladder Match for the SD! Tag titles. Impressive ladder match. Guerrero's frog splash was tremendous and Shelton's leap off the ladder (a la The Beverly Brothers) looked nasty! Ouch. Good win for Eddy & Tajiri, who was filling in for an injured Chavo Guerrero. (7/10)MATCH 4- Battle Royal for the returning IC Title. Poorly put together. Most of the guys (RVD, Kane, Storm, Val Venis) were gone after about a minute and a half! Came down to Jericho, Booker T & Christian. Christian won, under somewhat controversial circumstances (ripping off Austin's Royal Rumble 'win' in 97) I'd like to think that they're not giving Jericho the title because they're setting him up for a shot at Triple H. Yeah, right. They should've never taken him off Smackdown! Huge mistake. (4/10)The bikini contest was up next. An utter waste of time (and pointless, since both Sable & Torrie were in Playboy.) Sable got a bigger cheer, but oddly, Torrie was declared winner.MATCH 5- Mr America vs Roddy Piper. How can this pathetic Mr America thing be Smackdown's top plot? Shocking stuff. I'm not gonna comment on the match- the rating speaks for itself. (0/10)MATCH 6- Triple H vs Kevin Nash--World (RAW) title match. Awful feud, awful match, awful finish. This piece of crap is gonna drag on into Bad Blood as well. Cheap DQ finish and a totally undeserving challenger in Nash. His kickout of the Pedigree actually managed to piss me off! If the move (used once) can beat talented guys like Angle, Jericho and Booker, why does Nash get to kick out of it? Only highlight was the post-match Jackknife through the announcer's table. Oh yeah, Triple H's purple boots were really dodgy! (2/10)MATCH 7- Fatal 4 Way for the Women's title- Trish vs Jazz vs Victoria vs Jacqueline. Good show from the women. Trish took a hard landing out on the floor and busted her lip, but still kept going. Fair play to her. RAW really needs more women wrestlers (or at least stop letting Jazz squash Molly & Ivory!) Jazz DDTs Jackie for the 1-2-3. (7/10)MATCH 8- Brock Lesnar vs Big Show--Stretcher match for the WWE (SmackDown!) title. Just one big brawl up until the disappearance of Brock and the appearance of Rey Mysterio. Things get really good after that! Brock makes novel use of a forklift to move Big Show for the win. (Bit boring up til Mysterio) (4.5/10)Poor show from the WWE. No Goldberg, no Kidman, Hurricane, Matt Hardy- this PPV could've done with a dose of Mattitude! The PPV split is very dangerous from WWE's point of view. RAW is noticeably the weaker show- something drastic will have to be done.Some awful matches, too many promos and bad time management led this to be one of the worst PPVs in the past few years.
