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WWE Survivor Series 2004

WWE Survivor Series 2004 (2004)

November. 14,2004
| Drama Action

Survivor Series (2004) was the eighteenth annual Survivor Series PPV. It was presented by Microsoft's Xbox and took place on November 14, 2004 at the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio and starred talent from both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was a 4 on 4 Survivor Series match, a type of elimination match, between Team Orton (Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, and Maven) and Team Triple H (Triple H, Edge, Batista, and Snitsky). The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) versus Booker T for the WWE Championship. The primary match was a 4 on 4 Survivor Series elimination match between Team Guerrero (Eddie Guerrero, The Big Show, Rob Van Dam, and John Cena) and Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Carlito, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak).


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1st Match: Rey Mysterio vs Spike Dudley vs Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero, Fatal 4-Way match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. A very hot start to the show, remember my rule of thumb, starting a PPV with Rey Mysterio is a guaranteed win. Really unique spots and an energetic crowd, what a good way to start the show. Rating: 3.5/5 2nd Match: Shelton Benjamin vs Christian, Intercontinental Championship. This match starts off kind of slow, but definitely picks up towards the end with some really close near falls. While the match starts slow though, it did manage to hold my interest and not bore me to death. A well done match, if only for the second half. Rating: 3/5 3rd Match: Team Angle vs Team Guerrero, Survivor Series Elimination match. Pretty much a glorified squash match. Carlito's involvement in this match is less than nothing, as he was just there to get chased off by Cena. While I normally don't like squash matches, any match where a heel Kurt Angle gets beat up, is a good match. Rating: 4/5 4th Match: The Undertaker vs Heidenreich. Probably 3 minutes longer than it needed to be, but watching Taker is always fun. Weird how they were trying to get so many powerhouses over in 2004 due to Lesnar leaving, huh. I mean, Heidenreich is OK in this, but it's really just Taker beating him for 15 minutes. Not a bad match, once again it held my interest, it's just a little too long. Rating: 3/5 5th Match: Trish Stratus vs Lita, WWE Women's Championship. The pre-match video is longer than the actual match because Lita gets DQ'd within 2 minutes. Trish gets her nose busted and it pretty much just serves as a way to elevate their feud. If I wanted to enjoy watching two women for a couple minutes, I'd just watch Skin-a-max. But hey, it's way better than Charlotte and Natalya's match from Extreme Rules this year. Rating: 2.5/5 6th Match: JBL vs Booker T, WWE Championship. Well, more realistically JBL and Orlando Jordan vs Booker T. Jordan in this is like an annoying mosquito that keeps killing Booker's attempts to win, and yet gets away with it. I know, I know, what else is new, but it goes to ridiculous levels in this. At least it turns into a decent brawl when the ref gets knocked down, but other than that, it's just Booker getting trolled for 15 minutes. It's watchable, but just barely for me. Rating: 2.5/5 7th Match: Team Orton vs Team HHH, Survivor Series Elimination match. Compared to RAW's elimination match from the previous year, this is nothing. However, on it's own it manages to be pretty entertaining. There's some comedy moments, all out chaos, the crowd's really into it, and the good guys win. A feel good ending to the show. Also, Snitsky gets a literal chunk taken out of his eyebrow, but I have no idea what caused it, odd. Rating: 3.5/5 Final Rating: 6 out of 10. An OK PPV that's easy to sit through. It may not be the greatest PPV of the year, but it's way better than Taboo Tuesday from the previous month. I'd pick this any day over that.R.I.P. Chris Benoit&R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero


Just another PPV in my opinion. Match one saw Spike Dudley defending the worthless Cruiserweight championship against Chavo Guerrero, Kidman and Rey Mysterio in a very good match. Next up Shelton Benjamin puts his Intercontinental championship on the line against Christian in a very good match as well.Then Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak and Carlio Caribbean Cool with Jesus in his corner try to defeat John Cena, Eddie Guerrero, RVD and Big Show. This was poor, why Cena even bothered coming to the ring I don't know, because all he done was brawl with Jesus and gave Kurt Angle the F-U. Understandably Carlito couldn't wrestle because of his injured shoulder, but this was terrible!Next up another pointless match takes place, when Lita takes on Trish Stratus. There were no wrestling moves in this match up folks, just Lita beating up Trish, in a terrible brawl. Things get worse yet again as The Undertaker takes on Heidenreich in a 17 minute bore. Then JBL defends his WWE title against Booker T in another boring match (this was all Booker T)But light relief comes in the form of the main event. Triple H, Edge, Gene Skitsky and Batista take on Randy Orton, Maven, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit in an enjoyable main event. Benoit got eliminated first which p*ssed me off. Earlier on while The Coach was interviewing Maven, Snitsky attacked him, so the match only started with 3 on 4. Maven then came down to help Orton and Jericho, but was smashed in the head with a chair by Snitsky. One good highlight was when Edge tagged both HHH and Snitksy in at the same time. HHH shoved Snitsky and Snitksy pushed HHH over. Batista made the save when he confronted Snitsky. Enjoyable! Orton won when he nailed HHH with an RKO from no where.!Fatal 4 way - 7/10 Benjamin vs Christian - 8/10 Smackdown! elimination match - 4.5/10 Lita vs Trish - 2/10 Booker T vs JBL - 5/'0 Taker vs Heidenreich - 3.5/10 Raw elimination match - 8.5/10


I watched all of the 2004 pay-per-views and Survivor Series was the best right on top of SummerSlam. The matches were great (especially the Fatal 4 Way).Match 1: Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio. Cruiserweight Championship. Fatal 4 Way.Great match to open the show. Matches like this makes WWE so great. Some incredible stunts. Like when Chavo throws Rey out of the ring and at the same time Rey performs a Seated Senton to Kidman. Chavo is about win but Kidman knocks Chavo out cold with a Springboard Legdrop. Rey then takes out Kidman and himself on the outside and Spike pins Chavo. Cole then says Chavo was robbed of the title, which is extremely wrong.Rating: 5/5 Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian. Intercontinental Championship.Shelton is the greatest athlete in the WWE, no doubt about it. There is RVD & Eddie, but they still don't beat Shelton. Christian is great too. Shelton shows some nice moves during the entire match. As usual Tyson Tomko tries to get involved but Shelton fights him off. Shelton wins after a great Exploder Suplex.Rating: 4/5Match 3: Team Angle vs. Team Guerrero. Elimination Match.Team Angle had the likes of Luther Reigns, Kurt Angle, Mark Jindrak & Carlito. A pretty strong team. Eddie Guerrero had built up a team made of RVD, Big Show & John Cena. Pretty strong too. This match looked predictable but it didn't come out the way i expected. Cena chases away Carlito before match. Angle cheats to eliminate RVD, Eddie cheats to eliminate Jindrak and when Angle is out cold Big Show eliminates Reigns with a Chokeslam. Angle is left alone and quickly gets eliminated after an FU from Cena and a Frog Splash from Eddie.Rating: 4/5 Match 4: Heidenreich vs. Undertaker.Two words. Extremely boring. I like Undertaker & Heidenreich but none of them can't really seem to find their way to being good in this match. Undertaker breaks Heidenreich's perfect record cleanly.Rating: 1/5 Match 5: Lita vs. Trish Stratus. Women's ChampionshipHere is an improvement from Taboo Tuesday in the Women's match. It isn't a "School Girl Outfit Battle Royale", like at Taboo Tuesday. This match lasts about two minutes before Lita gets disqualified for breaking Trish's nose with a steel chair. Three weeks later we see another title match where Lita wins. Then we also got to see that Trish apparently didn't break her nose...She gave it surgery! Rating: 3/5Match 6: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Booker T. WWE Championship.JBL's best title defense since the Cage Match against Eddie Guerrero. As usual the ref is out cold and Orlando Jordan gets involved. Bradshaw wins after hitting Booker with the belt. Highlights: Josh Mathews being Clothesline From Helled, Mathews knocking Jordan out cold outside the ring and Booker going for the Harlem Hangover and the Missile Dropkick.Rating: 4/5 Match 7: Team Orton vs. Triple H. Elimination Match.I had too say that i rooted for Team Orton (Chris Jericho, Maven, Chris Benoit & Randy Orton) even if i don't like Orton & Maven. The reason is that i don't like three of the guys in Team Triple H. That is Edge (the new one), Triple H & Gene Snitsky. Batista is cool. Maven doesn't start in the match because of being manhandled by Snitsky before the match. Eliminations: Benoit by Edge, Gene Snitsky by DQ, Maven (who entered later in the match) by Triple H, Batista by Jericho, Jericho by Edge, Edge by Orton & Triple H by Orton. Team Orton wins and gets to control RAW for a month. Jiipii! Rating: 3/5 Good: Benjamin vs. Christian/The elimination matches/Fatal 4 Way Bad: Undertaker vs. HeidenreichSurvivor Series Rating: 5/5


The Survivor Series card looked promising and it didn't fail to deliver. It kicked off with a great cruiserweight match. Here is the review:Match 1: Fatal 4 Way Cruiserweight ChampionshipA very good way to open the show. It doesn't contain anything we haven't seen before but the smoothness of the grapples and reversals and the well executed high-flying spots make this a very entertaining opener. Like every other 4 way match, there are always two wrestlers recovering on the outside, but I'll let it pass this time. Unfortunately Michaels Cole tries his best to ruin the match with his awful commentary; First he incorrectly notes that Chavo and Rey are friends. Then he says Chavo was ROBBED of the title, when Kidman breaks his cover so Spike can get the pin! What the f#ck?Match Rating: 4/5Snitsky confronts Heidenreich backstage and says he likes Heidenreich poems. Hilarious segment. Words can't do it justice.Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian. Intercontinental Championship.Nice mat wrestling to start. Shelton outwrestles Christian and shows some nice new moves. Very well built up match where every move make sense in context to the match. Shelton is a total boredom on the mic but I'm willing to accept him as a face only because of this bout. Fantastic performance by both men. It looked predictable and uninteresting on paper but turns out to be one hell of an exiting match. Tomko gets involved but Benjamin fights him off. In a nice booked finish, Benjamin hits the best Exploder Slam (T-bone suplex) I've ever seen for the three-count. Wrestling-wise this is a five star match. Match Rating: 4/5Kurt Angle meets Edge and Eugene backstage. I'm not even going to try to do this segment justice. Awesome!Match 3: Angle, Reigns, Jindrak and Carlito vs. Eddie, Big Show, RVD and Cena. Elimination Match.Cena chases away Carlito to the back so it starts off with four men against three. Eddie's team clearly dominates this match. Reigns and Jindrak are quickly eliminated. With Angle left alone against Cena, Eddie and Show the result is obvious. Not exiting at all, but the booking is logical and every elimination match cannot end with only one survivor.Match Rating: 3/5Maven is interviewed by Coach, who doesn't think he deserves to main event. Maven doesn't get any time to answer because Snitsky comes from behind and destroys him. Snitsky looks and acts like a complete psycho. Another funny segment here.Match 4: Heidenreich vs. The UndertakerHeidenreich's music hits. Heil Boredom! My brother predicts that the first one to pull off a wrestling move will win the match. Could be a long night. Surprisingly good start to this bout. It's going back and forth with no botched moves. Good booking makes the match about as exiting as a match between these two can get. A little too long though. Undertaker wins with the usual.Match Rating: 2/5Bischoff interview backstage. The Bisch looks better in his new haircut. Can we hope Booker T loses a Hair vs. Hair match too?Match 5: Lita vs. Trish. Women's Championship.Match ends in one minute when Lita gets disqualified for using a chair. A story was told to this match as we actually saw a match promo before it started (how many times do we see a promo for a women's match?). Hard to rate.Match Rating: 2/5Match 6: Booker T vs. John Bradshaw Layfield. WWE Championship.Match starts off great. Booker's offense looks more intense than usual and the crowd responds with a "Booker T" chant. I like how Orlando Jordan is used in this match. Booker goes for some classic WCW finishers like the Missile Dropkick and the Harlem Hangover. Nice. Jordan gets involved after the usual referee bump and in the end Bradshaw gets the pin after hitting Booker with the belt in 14:40. Overbooked, yes, but exiting and perfect match length. Bradshaw's best title defense?Match Rating: 3/5Match 7: Orton, Jericho, Maven & Benoit vs. Triple H, Snitsky, Batista & Edge. Elimination Match.Angle: The winning team gets control of Raw for one month. Interesting indeed. Maven is unable to wrestle due to Snitsky's beatdown. All seven men are tagged in early. Match fires up when Benoit takes out Triple H's team but eventually falls victim to the Pedigree. Benoit eliminated. Snitsky almost gets into a fight with Batista and Triple H. I really like the idea of the heel team having disagreements with each other. Batista is the next one to be eliminated and then Snitsky, via disqualification, when he uses a steel chair on a returning Maven. HHH then pins Maven and Edge takes out Jericho with The Spear, making Orton the only man left on his team. Orton gets way too much offense in for my liking. He eliminates Edge with an RKO when Edge accidentally spears HHH. And after reversing a Pedigree, Orton hits another RKO to pick up the win for his team. Certainly not a perfect match, but very entertaining and that's the reason we watch wrestling, right?Match Rating: 4/5The Good: A very solid show with Shelton/Christian as a stand out. Match was close to a 5/5 rating and definitely a match of the year contender. No failing matches, Survivor Series had a good mixture of everything. And last but not least, the backstage segments were hilarious. The Bad: Undertaker/Heidenreich lasted too long. I was hoping for a new WWE Champion. The Elimination Matches (and the p.p.v. itself) were not quite as good as last year, but that's almost too much to ask for.Survivor Series Rating: 4/5
