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Idiots=Product+Money (2010)

November. 17,2010
| Action Comedy

The movie follows the adventures of four lovable young idiots as they embark on a journey into the underworld to save their sexy landlord's house from foreclosure. In their quest to raise $50 000 in three days, they find themselves caught in the midst of a holy war where survival is their only hope.


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Wow what a movie! When the movie ended, I just sat there wanting more...more...and more... The guy that plays the role of Jackie "YoYo" Chan (Kent S. Leung) and the the other guy that plays (Benito) Umberto Celisano are were so funny and so cute!!!! The lines in this movie were just off the charts, all I remember was, "Giz" , "cum dumpster" "cockbag", "tarp head"...I think that gives you a good idea of what going on with the language of this movie but regardless, I think the movie had a real and serious message to it. I believe what the writers were trying to say is that despite all our difference we are still "One" and that we should not allow silly divisions, religions, and belief systems separate and/or divide us because together we can overcome. Having said that, this is for sure the funniest and most outrageous movie I have seen in a long time.


I attended the Red Carpet SNEAK preview, these guys sure know how to put on a good show for their fans. That is clearly what they are all about their fans which they love and adore to no end. This movie is a great blend of controversy and humour. I've read up on their website and the full feature is expected to start filming in 2011! Cant wait..I am very excited for the cast and crew that took part in this masterpiece! The actors meshed so well with each other, which was very clear in all the well thought out scenes. The audience hooted and howled at the comedic adventures these four boys sought after. In the end all that hard work only to find out things happen the way they are supposed to. Frenchie was not forced to move back to Canada and the Boys got to keep their basement suit. I'm hoping to be able to see Andy's face in the full feature, although that was a nice touch!


I was at the Red Carpet preview of this movie, because a friend convinced me to come. Once I got into the venue and saw all the glitz, and glamour, and the barrage of photographers I knew this wan't going to be an ordinary film. I have to start by saying that I didn't expect much from this movie, after all most indie films are filed with disappointment due to budget constraints. So starting off with no expectations means you can only really go in one direction, but the opening scene of the movie caught my attention right away...as soon as I heard the first line, I spit out my drink, and the laughs didn't stop until the movie was over. I have never laughed so hard watching any other movie before. This movie was a combination of 15 years of SouthPark + Superbad on steroids+ trailer park boys all rolled into one movie.


I was fortunate to have been able to attend the to the Red Carpet Sneak Preview of this movie, and it's been a long time since I saw a movie that was so shocking, that pushed so many boundaries. The movie at first is a bit disturbing, I mean when you first hear the language, it's "cock this, cock that, cock..cock...and more cock!" While I was watching the movie I thought that I might end up going to hell just for watching it, but at the same time it's so captivating and spellbinding. Every scenes is so unique that your just hanging on the edge of your seat waiting to see what's going to happen next. I mean OMG! It's very obvious that there's a lot of sub-text in this movie, and while it hit all the stereo types, (i.e. Religious, Race, Culture, etc.) the writers and producers were careful not to focus to much on one issue. it was a good balance. There was probably over 400 people at this Pre-Screen and everybody was laughing so hard..the last time I sat to watch a movie in any theatre or venue where I heard so many people falling over and laughing on the floor was nutty professor back in the mid- 90's. This is probably one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. When the movie is formally released, I have no doubt it's going to make serious headlines.
