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ABCD (2013)

February. 08,2013
| Drama

When a capable dancer is provoked by the evil design of his employer, naturally he will be out to prove his mettle.


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Before watching this movie, I'd read some awful things about it that how it's nothing but a rip-off of Hollywood's Step-up movie franchise. I decided to watch it just the same as I am an avid dance fan, and let me tell you I'm really glad I did. Not to put the step-up movies down or anything, but of late they've become a canvass for showcasing done-to- death dance sequences without paying much attention to the story- line/script or even acting (case in point Kathryn McCormick as the female lead in the last step up movie, Step Up Revolution). This movie, although it started out like any other "jilted-dance-teacher-changes- the-fate-of-some-down-trodden-dancers" film, but as the story progresses, it develops into a moving and at times pretty funny film and you can't help but become emotionally invested in the characters. Some of the acting performances were extremely commendable especially Kay Kay Menon as the proverbial scornful yet comedic villain out to get the little guys, as well as Ganesh Acharya as Prabhu Deva's trusted and humorous side-kick. I was particularly amazed by Lauren Gottlieb's Hindi-speaking skills. For those of you who don't know her, she was a contestant on the American T.V series "So you think you can dance". At first I thought somebody had lip-synced for her, but then I found out I was wrong. Seeing as how she has no background knowledge of the Sub- continental culture or language, I thought she did a surprisingly good job. There were a couple of songs you won't be able to get out of your head,( "duhayi" and especially "bezubaan") not just because they're catchy but because their background story is so deeply stirring that they get seared into your brain. As far as the dance sequences themselves are concerned, they're nothing you haven't already seen in any typical Hollywood dance film. Save for a couple of solo performances like Rocky's (Salman Yusuff Khan)and especially Chandu's. I was also pleasantly surprised by the free- running/ parkour sequence in the beginning that was superbly choreographed and well executed. In short, this is one movie you won't be sorry to see, watch & enjoy...!

Ketan Gupta

I have always believed that music has no boundary. After watching ABCD , my saying has changed and I would say that dancing "pumps up your heartbeat , refreshes your mind and will make you forget about all the pain in life". Any Body Can Dance is the bible for dancing which will entertain right from the beginning till the end.A brilliant choreographer is fired by his own company after they claim that his dance skills are old-fashioned. To prove his mettle , he starts his own company by hiring group of wanna-be dancers and even some local goons.Directed by Remo ( FALTU) , ABCD takes you by complete surprise with excellent presentation of dancing skills and beautiful choreography. Remo , being a great choreography himself, does a superb job as director making sure that film is made with universal appeal. The story line is strong with Prabhudeva being the soul of the film. Watch for him dancing extensively in the disco scene and you will know he is one of the best dancers in the country. Screenplay is tight keeping you engaged. Cinematography is eye-catching capturing the wonderful choreography with ease. Editing is crispy. Dialogues are good. Background score gels well with the flow of the film. However , I felt music could have been better considering it to be a musical movie. Barring tuneful "Bezuban" with wonderful picturization , other songs were average. Kay Kay Menon did fine job as a shrewd as Jahangir Khan. Other performance were nice.Overall , ABCD was heart-wrenching dance movie which will leave you spellbinding with excellent dance moves and eye-catching choreography. Excellent 4.5/5


Well, as the summary above says. I find it very hard to express what I feel after watching this movie. However, since I'm writing a review, here are a few words.Dancing: 10/10 This movie offers the variety and the quality. I could hardly point any repetitions, and that's says it all in a movie with so much great moves!Story: *can't grade a taste* Well, with that being said, I personally, really loved the story. It's not too original, but certainly shown in an interesting way. Moreover, I watched the whole movie "in one breath" (and it's about 2.5 hours long).Characters: 8/10 I can't presume to know about the country and/or it's people, certainly not on a level to judge the originality or reality of the characters. Something I can say however is, Everyone will find someone to connect to. *lost 2 points simplicity for some semi-main characters.*Total: *check whats in the summary (the title of the review)* As noted above, can't express with words. That in itself says something. Feelings. Isn't that what a good dancing movie is all about? If you love dancing.. And not afraid to feel - Give this movie a chance. You won't be disappointed.Have fun!

Manav Singh

After getting mixed reviews from my friends i decided to watch this movie.I was very much satisfied both with the performances and variety of mind blowing dance moves.As expected movie begins with a dance competition which is won by a team led by arrogant and haughty Jahangir played by Kay Kay Menon and team's mentor Vishnu(Prabhu Deva).Unimpressed by jahangir's tactics and decisions Vishnu is thrown out of dance institution.Then he decides to make his own team with a bunch of local lower middle class guys..From there on movie takes a consistent flow with nice story,stunts and plethora of dance styles..Kay Kay Menon played the negative role well.Prabhu Deva believes more in actions than words.As an actor he was just O.K in first half but picked up his performance in next half.His character was from Tamil Nadu so no issues with his Hindi speaking skills.He danced like master and acted well.Ganesh Acharya over acted a little bit,but was just fine.Dharmesh,Puneet,Salman and co(Dance India Dance dancers)were really good and danced awesomely.Their stunts when they were being chased by police were treat to watch which reminded me of French action movie District B13..Director Remo's choreography is brilliant.Background score and songs are nice.Last 45 minutes kept me on the hook and are worth a watch especially a scene where Dharmesh has to jump on Salman's thigh and roll backwards.I could'nt move my eyes off screen during those last moments.Overall ABCD is a delight to watch.You must go for it.I rate it 8 out of 10
