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Saladin the Victorious

Saladin the Victorious (1963)

February. 25,1963
| Drama History War

The first Sultan of Egypt and Syria leads the Muslim military campaign against the invading Christians from Europe during the Third Crusade.


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Now we start to see this as a real challenge to Kingdom of heaven. Why?Historically the Muslims didn't know about siege towers as was shown in Kingdom of heaven mainly because the Muslims are more used to open fields of war so there was no necessity for too much siege engines.It is true the the Chritsians when they entered El - Kods they killed most of the population. That's why it was very hard to see the majority of the inhabitants in Kingdom of heaven was dressed in Arabic style.It's true that El Naser Salah el Dine has his own historical inaccuracy but it's far more better than trying to put through your mind that the Muslims had only Salah el Dine as a great leader....& that Salah el Dine is one of a kind for the Muslims....as Kingdom of heaven tries to show.


It is one of the Greatest movies I have ever Seen all over my life.it clearly show the good relation between Moslems & Crestians & how the Moslems role Jureslam & area around it (muslims & Crestians )fairly & it show How this man was a legend in his method of thinking .It show also his characteristics ;& his friends Moslems & Crestians How all of them love & respect him & how he gain his enemies Respect it show the real Moslems characteristics.& it is the best film for Youssef Chahine the director.he is also Crestian & the producer of the film also is Mrs Asia is Crestian . & she pay all her money on this Film balance . the movie is In color & with translation (English )subtitle. You should see itMahmoud


One of the greatest Egyptian and Arab movies of all time. It is a beautiful portrayal that is worthy of Salah al-Din. It shows Salah al-Din as the man he was, one of the greatest leaders of all time, a man at all times humble, who was able to unite a fragmented Arab world, and free it from its invaders. It is an enlightening film for most Westerners who only learn of the Crusades through traditional Orientalist views. It does a great job in eliminating typical stereotypes of the Arab world at the time, but is fair in its representation of both sides. The film shows the aggressiveness of the Catholic armies, but also the treachery and deceit that plagued the Arab world. It also treats Richard the Lion-Hearted with the respect he deserves, and the most spectacular scene is a split screen comparison of Salah al-Din and Richard, that shows how the men were so alike, but caught on opposite sides of a war. Fantastic film, a must see.


Not only an extraordinary piece of epic filming, but also, in typical Youssef Chahine vein, a very humane view of territorial struggles and religious warfare. A remarkably pacifist outlook for 1963, preaching tolerance and honest diplomacy, decrying the crude pursuit of Glory at the expense of the lives of humble soldiers.
