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Seven Steps of Kung Fu

Seven Steps of Kung Fu (1979)

December. 31,1979
| Action

A general and his band of thugs plot to take over a village. Tiger, a local kung fu protege, brings this information to his uncle, a master of the seven steps style of kung fu. His uncle teaches him the style, and together they take on the general and his thugs.


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There were a lot of Spaghetti Easterns churned out in the 70s and 80s, and this particular movie is good, but not great. This is product, nothing move, with the obvious intention to fill 90+ minutes of screen time and get the product into the theaters as part of a double or triple feature. Then go crank out some more, rinse, repeat....Still "7 Steps" feels to me as if someone(s) on a tight budget and schedule went to the effort to make something solid and enjoyable for their audience.The camera and photography spend enough time on the scenery and the sets that you get a nice sense of atmosphere; the costumes are fun and interesting; and the endless plethora of fight scenes have a lot of energy and flow in fun and surprising ways (there are a few moves and stunts here that I don't recall seeing anywhere else). The cast is especially solid; these guys are mostly stunt men and fighters, not "actors", but you can see the fighters going through various emotional changes and states of mind during the fights (my criteria for a well made kung fu movie). Even the plot even has a slightly fresher approach; instead of the "single hero revenges his fallen master/fights the evil dynasty" trope, the hero and his teacher team up in each major fight scene to beat (and mostly kill) each individual member of the gang of bad guys who want to take over their village. In fact, they are fairly ruthless and sneaky about it! Bonus: the sound track,while muffled in spots,has some dynamic range and textures instead of the usual flute and trumpets motifs.In short, if you like this kind of thing, you'll probably enjoy "Seven Steps". If not, this probably won't convert you.


Tiger, who's sweet on Miss Chiao Lan (? The dubbing was bad on the copy I saw, so it was hard to understand just what some of the translators were saying from time to time...), defends her when she's put upon by a local gang. His master, Li, turns out to be an old enemy of The Five Hand Gang, so, when Tiger turns up with a medallion belonging to one of the Five Hand Gang members, he instructs his pupil to inform him immediately if he sees any strangers in town. Before young can count to five, Tiger sees a woman in a sedan chair he's never seen before, as well as a mysterious, "powerful man carrying a spear." The two are headed for Kung's house. Kung, it turns out, is working with a white-haired general, Kwong (? Again, the sound on my copy sucked.), whose intention is to take over the area. Tiger kills the spear-wielding man and the proverbial s--- hits the metaphorical fan. At one point, Kwong kills both Miss Lan and the woman in the sedan chair, although they profess their innocence. "What does innocence gotta do with it?" he counters. There are a lot of fight scenes throughout, which keeps the pace brisk and helps make SEVEN STEPS OF KUNG FU worth a look.


Classic Kung Fu, fairly fast paced choreography, great Kung Fu action throughout, especially the ending scene is a fan-honored fight of the 70s. A ruthless white-haired general intends to take over a small town with the help of his posse, "The Five Hands Gang". A local tearaway and kung fu kid, Tiger, learns of their plot and informs his uncle Lee San Pai, master of the seven steps style of kung fu and sworn enemy of the Five Hands Gang. The old master instructs Tiger in the art of seven steps kung fu and together they tackle the white-haired general and the Five Hands Gang. A true classic that shook late night! A ton of long fight scenes and some very creative choreography make this old-schooler a clear stand-out from the crowd.Absolutely recommended to any Kung Fu fan! The top villain is marvelous, 8 out of 10.

Alexandre Bender

Kung fu of seven steps is a standard martial arts movie from the seventies. There is a lot of action but the story is pretty weak( a young fighter joins the mayor to fight the bad guys who want his place). Worth a rent if you enjoy this kind of movies..................................................7,5/10
