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Heritages (2014)

March. 27,2014
| Drama Documentary

After being forced to leave his country three times, a Lebanese film director traces his roots and analyzes key moments of the nation's history.


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Ray Rites

Heritages is an amazing work of art. It embodies all the emotions, exciting and painful, that accompany every Lebanese leaving his country. This work made me tear up and laugh many times during the movie. While I may not be the best judge of cinematic techniques, it is definitely a movie that speaks to all hearts, especially those that left their country. Philip Araktingi made me think about going back to live in Lebanon. He reignited the belief in the Lebanese people and country as one day making it in the world. It reached to every aspect of a Lebanese life throughout its life stages: childhood through adulthood. It speaks to all of us. It is highly recommended if you are Lebanese and like the fact that you are Lebanese.

Sara S.

This "film" is weighed down by an unremarkable premise, a poor structure, cheap green screen sequences, and overall amateur directing -- it's shocking to me that this director has managed to finance his films given the lack of relevance to a contemporary Lebanese or worldwide audience. Mimics the countless Lebanese student films that are made every year, but ultimately results in self-indulgent, schmaltzy storytelling that lacks any soul or sheds light on anything new. A hackneyed approach to low-quality "documentary" films that earn Arab cinema its unfortunate reputation.If you're interested in how one bourgeois Turkish family ended up in Lebanon, then France, perhaps you'll find it a little interesting. However, considering the tens of millions of Lebanese who have left their homeland, there is absolutely nothing interesting, engaging, or film-worthy about this particular film. There are incredible stories to tell. This simply isn't one of them.
