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The Sentiment of the Flesh

The Sentiment of the Flesh (2010)

December. 29,2010
| Drama Thriller Romance

During a medical exam, Helena, a student in anatomical drawing, meets Benoit, a young radiologist. Their mutual fascination for the human body incites them to start a passionate romance. Helena's capability to memorize every detail of Benoit's body and Benoit's irresistible curiosity to uncover the 'interior' secrets of Helena's body lead them to a dangerous journey with no limits...


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Claudio Carvalho

Héléna Onelli (Annabelle Hettmann) is an intern of Medical Illustration in anatomical drawing in a hospital and obsessed by the human body and internal organs. She complains of pain on her back and is submitted to X-Rays by the radiologist and professor Benoît Govion (Thibault Vinçon) that does not find anything wrong with her. Their mutual interest in human anatomy leads them to a love affair based on sex. Héléna asks Benoît to go further in his exploration of her body and the lovers have no limits in their intercourse. Héléna continues to complain of pain on her back and Benoit examines her with the MRI machine and does not find anything wrong with Héléna. However, she wants him to explore her internally and Benoit breaks up with Héléna afraid of how far he could go in his curiosity and exploration."Le sentiment de la chair", a.k.a. "The Sentiment of the Flesh" is an erotic romance with a great chemistry between the gorgeous and hot Annabelle Hettmann, who is unknown in Brazil, and Thibault Vinçon. After a promising beginning, the author and director Roberto Garzelli is completely lost and does not know how to develop the story of obsession for anatomy of the two lovers. The disgusting conclusion spoils what could have been a reasonable romance. My question to the author is how insane would be a radiologist and professor to operate like a surgeon, without anesthetist or nurse, and bury his mouth in the flesh of the patient? My vote is one.Title (Brazil): Not Available


A female art student and a male radiologist discover that they share a fascination for certain body parts - those that are inside the body. This is an unbelievably dull movie. There is hardly any plot. The only point of the movie is that the two main characters are obsessed with internal organs. They talk about the organs endlessly. The man then gets off by doing an MRI on her and lusting after her organs. This works for a while but then looking at pictures of her organs is not satisfying enough for either of them. Hence, it is taken to the next step where he must touch her organs...and the film takes a turn from merely boring to disgusting.


Psychopathology and sexuality. OK. Yes, an attractive young man and woman have an intense sexual relationship based on, guess what? ... anatomy. She's an artist, he's a radiologist. No surprises so far. The errors in the medical details make this film painfully amateurish for anyone familiar with hospital practice. A few examples: The radiologist is actually taking the plain films, alone. This is about as likely as the bank manager being at the teller's window. The radiologist does an MRI on the girl, again, alone. Where does he get the contrast? How does he think nobody will see the images, since they are all on the computer? The machines don't work until all of the patient information is entered, etc. (Billing, you know.) The coup de grâce for silliness (not to mention disgust) is when he gives her a spinal anesthetic and opens her abdomen, again, alone, and buries his face in her lower abdomen or pelvis, filling her peritoneum with virulent organisms from his mouth. She can't be enjoying it since there are no sensory nerves to speak of inside of that area, and she has a spinal. Really silly. The French make some wonderful films. This is not one of them.


Héléna, who is pursuing a degree in anatomical drawing meets Benoît, a radiologist and professor, when she sees him for X-rays after complaining of lower back pain. Their mutual interest in human anatomy draws them into an intense relationship where they explore each others bodies in unconventional ways. Héléna has a photographic memory, and and uses it to create detailed drawings of the human body and its internal organs. Benoît develops a fetish-like obsession with the human skeleton and internal organs while working with X-ray and MRI images. The MRI imagery even becomes an art medium to him, stimulating his fetish.After no cause for the back pain is found on Héléna's X-rays, Benoît offers to examine her with the MRI machine. Héléna agrees, and Benoît's insatiable curiosity about the internal details of Héléna's body leads to increasingly dangerous acts of exploration.Héléna (Annabelle Hettmann) and Benoît (Thibault Vinçon), are a fairly attractive young couple with good on-screen chemistry. The directing and camera work were good. The screenplay was good enough to hold my interest, but with a major flaw. There is a dramatic plot twist about half way through that is inexplicable to me. I watched the movie all the way through twice, and I can only conclude that the writer wanted to insert some drama, without being too concerned about developing it plausibly. The subtitles contained many incorrect translations. However, the translation errors didn't affect the meaning significantly, and may just be a result of the translator taking liberties.The writer went for extreme shock, in a morbid way for the ending. I think this was overdone, and a decent storyline was instantly reduced to cheesy, laughable, B-movie status.
