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The Revelation of the Pyramids

The Revelation of the Pyramids (2010)

February. 10,2010
| Documentary

For centuries, the Great Pyramids have fascinated Mankind. Patrice Pooyard's The Revelation Of The Pyramids reveals what lies behind the greatest of archaeological mysteries: a message of paramount importance for humanity. From China to Peru, from Egypt to Mexico, through the world's most enigmatic and most beautiful sites, the director has spent 6 years meeting eminent scientific specialists and verifying his discoveries. The result will shake the teaching of history to its very core, and revolutionize Egyptology entirely. A great odyssey along a breathtaking route climaxes in a revelation as unexpected as it is staggering.


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I have watched this documentary at least six times as of today's date. I will watch it again and again because it is totally thought provoking. How any one person can think that the history that we teach is correct, is beyond me. Modern historians are afraid of anything not to be considered "mainstream" because it affects their livelihood. We need to look again and be prepared to re-write.We all know that the Gizeh plateau and it's pyramids are amazing but this documentary will open your mind to so much, you will start to question your beliefs.Yes, as someone has commented, there are many more pyramids in Egypt. There are definitely hundreds more on the globe yet to be discovered. Check out the recent find in Bosnia?Excellent Documentary.Six billion slaves could not have built the Great Pyramid...........in my opinion.


Evaporated myth and the truth emerged visible What is that??? Is pyramids three Giza Pyramids ??? Egypt has more than 73 full pyramid and a large number of pyramids rundown Al-Ahram out stones from the quarries in Aswan and yet exist till now As for how to build it it described precisely on the walls of temples and has already proved its potential with effort and perseverance The pyramids were built by the workers and not slaves, and Cano unpaid and reside in the buildings around the pyramid, and this is also recorded and you can visit As for the science, and it is recorded on the walls of temples And located in the temples and obelisks from the knowledge of how to build it in a much more complex than building the pyramids ..

Harvey Kong Tin

Contains spoiler(s). There seems to be 2 English versions of this documentary - with the male one being the most widely available? The woman narration has been pointed out as being the more authentic - but I haven't done a close analysis to see why is this one better?I can imagine that they don't differ widely in the general presentation given - to bring to light what measurements are contained within the Great Pyramid, and how important the Sphinx is, tied to the Great Pyramid.This is a must view documentary for anyone intrigued by the Great Pyramid and wish to know more about it. It is of course the most baffling monument from antiquity - though it's high precision can be linked to others - of the same exactness and age?What can be confirmed - is that diorite stone pounders and copper chisels were not used to carve, shape and assemble precision fitting stones together - without mortar - then, how did they do it?This documentary does not provide answers as to how did they do it? Except to say that current explanations given by egyptologists are thoroughly inadequate.Hopefully this and other such documentaries will encourage further research into this puzzles - which need adequate explanation - which should help fill in the missing gap of human history that we know so little about. That mankind is of the order of millions of years old, but we can only go back to around 12,000 or less years of human history - that the further back we go - the less we know ...It is better to disregard the Bible and of Christianity, etc - they are of no help to clear up our missing history. In that all cultures and their histories are as important as any other to help fill in the gaps - and to not rely upon one source/explanation alone - to tell the whole story. The Bible and Christianity are so overrated - and I personally think they are wildly inaccurate and unreliable for any information - the same for all religious sources - that you cannot rely on them alone to give you clear facts or information. But I don't disregard them completely - as they have their own story to tell one day - when the truth about religions be told - one day - perhaps?

Vivien Berthuol

If you have an IQ over 10, or if you have some basic knowledge in physics, after 5 min you understand that this movie is just BS. I just watched it until the end to see how stupid they could get. I would just mention one of the most absurd part, which is the alignment of the different monuments, that are not even really aligned, and there are so many other monuments across the world that are not aligned. And the explanation of the change of magnetic poles makes no sense. Why would it kill every human but not the animals, plants, etc... Anyway I won't waste my time talking about all the absurd stuffs in this movie, just the whole movie is absurd.
