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This Way of Life

This Way of Life (2010)

March. 11,2010
| Adventure Action Documentary

Peter Karena, his wife Colleen, their six children and many horses live almost wild in the stunning beauty of New Zealand's rugged Ruahine Mountains. Until, that is, Peter's escalating battle with his own father has profound consequences for the whole clan.


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This is the most beautiful documentary I have watched this year, or indeed ever watched. It shows the true love that holds together an extraordinary family. The Karenas show that money doesn't equal happiness, that through adversity you can gain strength, and that even in the face of that adversity, with love and compassion, you can pull through. I think that Peter, speaking very candidly about his life, his perspective on existence (such as the concept of land ownership), and about what his family means to him is a wonderful example of what it means to be a real man in this country. He's obviously a hard man, but shows he has wisdom, restraint and compassion, and above all a reverence for the world. I have, since first seeing this documentary bought a copy for my own viewing, and have recommended it highly to everyone.

Rozana Helmbright

Thoroughly enjoyed the rawness of this film. Brilliant scenery, brilliant characters, brilliant direction and the most brilliant example of honorable parents in todays less than brilliant world. What more can we hope for than to have our children; the future of this world, be reared with such integrity, fierce strength of willpower, humility and kind love. If we all could instill in our children, but a portion of likewise admirable qualities then the future generations will no doubt be equipped to survive, thrive and conquer whatever the future of this globe has to throw at them. Reverting back to the way of our forefathers is indeed improbable to most, yet done so graciously and humbly by the Karena family. Emotionally moving. A true installation of hope and courage. Blessed be those who strive for that which is right and true. The reward may be long awaited, but will be GREAT - as is this must see film doc. The world is a better place for the creation of 'This Way of Life.' One can't help but leave the film hoping that one day Peter's father will watch this film and realise the error of his ways...

Sarah Watt

This small, unexpected New Zealand film is simply mesmerizing and an unconditional must-see. No, really. This Way of Life is a documentary tracking the Karena family through a story that is so remarkable, you couldn't make it up. Two parents and six children live happily in relative poverty, making ends meet by working on the land, farming pigs and riding wild horses, and living a truly wholesome "good" life. Their life is simple, and beautiful for it. But as with real life, there is drama along the way, and some of it must have seemed a Godsend to the film-makers, who can't possibly have anticipated what transpired. The interviews are heartfelt and touching, and you cannot help but leave the cinema with a new perspective on life. Highly recommended.


Simply the best movie with the best message i've ever seen!the family is beautiful, The filming is spectacular. Everything is real and it teaches you to be a better person. It helps you to appreciate the simple things in life. It shows how there's no better way to live than naturally.All of the characters are as amazing as they are because they're not afraid to open their hearts.Seeing the children grow up and learn from their parents is inspiring to make you be a good parent too. There seems to be no hate in their hearts, only forgiveness and love.
