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When Soldiers Cry

When Soldiers Cry (2010)

February. 02,2010
| Action War

1965 South Vietnam, two American Soldiers find themselves trapped in the Jungle with a War surrounding them. The only thing keeping them alive is the promises in their hearts they kept to their families - to return home at any cost.


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This has to be by far the worse movie of my life time, not authentic in any way shape or form, wrong uniforms, carrying fake guns used for high school honor guard, terrible, did I say terrible acting and directing. Save yourself some time and run now. I have seen high school kids with a camera put out better stuff goofing around. As a member of the military they could at least get the setting, uniforms and equipment right. How anybody can put this out and call this a movie is beyond me. Why netflex or anybody would even list this as a movie baffles the mind. No true plot to boot, just rambles on with no reason to it. I should have been paid for my time just watching this unfortunate piece of work someone tried to pass off as a movie.


This is not a "movie" that should of ever found it's way on to Netflix, let alone made available for sale on Amazon.com or anywhere. Let me say I pride myself being able to push through a bad movie or book hoping it will redeem itself somewhere along the journey. Not with this movie; I lasted for about 10 minutes (even that was painful). The opening credits were cheesy, a ominous warning of what was yet to come. The opening scene with protagonist, mouth agape, looking like some retard holding a plastic gun made me feel sorry for the guy where I sat. The next minute of listening to him moan, while he was intermittently in and out of frame made me cringe. I watched on figuring this was going to turn into a B movie spoof of Vietnam flicks. To my utter horror I realized they were trying to be serious. That made it impossible to overlook the 3rd grade camera work, toy guns, Appalachian environment (supposed to be the Vietnam jungle), and jaggoff acting. I paced ahead on fast forward and even found that difficult. I wouldn't doubt if this was filmed in one day.Really folks this is just horrible. I looked around online to find a little background on the "talent" behind this film. I wasn't surprised to find out the "director" was a janitor. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, however, janitors should know what to do with garbage...toss it out. Others are community college film class flunkee's with pretensions to call themselves "actors" "directors" and "producers". Serioulsy dudes, you should have made this for yourselves, got a case of Miller High Life and enjoyed with a few close friends. I cannot believe that all of you don't walk in shame knowing that this "movie" is available anywhere. But then I investigated to find out that you are all self reviewing this film on IMDb, amazon, even Netflix. One of the "actors" went so far as to rate it a 5 star film and give himself a glowing review on amazon.com. What the idiot didn't realize is that Amazon's real name feature, posts the reviewers real name to their reviews....so Jess Weber, nice job reviewing yourself. Stick to your day job buddy.In short I was just disgusted by the movie itself, and the sinister attempts by those affiliated with the film to prop up its rating. Hey Joe Black....stop reviewing your own movies, okay dude? Don't waste your time folks!

Fred North

A look at the bottom of the page shows similar movies in genre to this one. Apocalypse Now, All Quiet On The Western Front, The Thin Red Line, Tears Of The Sun & Cross Of Iron are all classic war movies & how this one could even show its face on the same page is a mortal sin. I bought this DVD thinking I was in for a treat & whoever this Tom Konrad guy from Independent Film Quarterly is, who wrote 'A gritty tale of war-torn valor & action set in Vietnam's heart of darkness', what a load of rubbish! I visited their website in order to read Tom Konrads review but couldn't find it. If he has seen the movie & wrote that then he needs to seek other employment. This movie in my humble opinion (and quite a few others by the look of things) is a sham & should never have seen the light of day. A look at the voting pattern as I write this is rather suspicious. On counting the names associated with this movie (note I don't say ACTORS), it adds up to 23. Now 21 people have given this 10 out of 10 & 3 people have given it an 8. I wonder who has been giving it 10. Be honest Joe Black! Undo all those 10's you & your buddies have given this & you are facing the deserved title of worse movie of all time! 53 out of 89 people give this only 1 out of 10 & if there was a zero button I would be pushing that one. So what about the picture itself? What picture? Here we have a bunch of the worse actors in history gathered in a field with a guy who doesn't know how to use a camera, with no script & whatever footage they managed to capture in a few hours was glued together & the outcome is 'When Soldiers Cry'. If I could sue you for selling goods under false pretences I would but I will in fact keep this disaster because I know this will sink to the bottom of the worse 100 movies of all time list & when my movie club friends call round & we discuss what we have seen, I can dig this one out & show them the first 2 minutes (that's all is needed) thus stopping them & everyone they know from being ripped off like I was. Shame On You Joe Black! My advice to you is watch some proper war movies & get rid of that camera. I hear McDonalds are looking for someone to wear the Ronald suit, Go For It!


Wow the "Weighted Average Ratings system" really got messed with on this one. 7.5 Stars at the moment, no way.All bad. Some thing I can point out are: First scene we see, a soldier with a revolver next to sewage pipes in the jungle, the first hit guy just lays down instead of falling (and the moaning...), the rifles are being held like they are made of plastic (they are), then there is some acting as in with something like a script looks like they are reading the script from autocue or something sometimes running a bit slow, characters are kinda ripped of of full metal jacket, oh and the gun holding M16 with 1 hand strap dangling about...After half an hour I really had seen more than enough. Please don't be mislead by the rather high rating on-top of the page, hope that changes soon.
