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Skins (2002)

September. 27,2002
| Drama Action

An inspirational tale about the relationship between two Sioux Indian brothers living on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation.


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Beth Cole

Wow. If it's not too late, try to go into this one completely blind - no trailers, synopses or reviews. I have never been so drawn in by the hero's tragic flaw than in this movie, and that flaw is casually dropped all over the web. The moment of realization was gut-wrenching. Watched this as part of an Eric Schweig binge and so far it may be his finest performance from the four or five films I've seen. (Graham Greene sort of goes without saying.)


The film is very downbeat, with only occasional humor offering some relief from the plight of the reservation. At no time was I certain of the message trying to be delivered by "Skins". Vigalanteism seems like a poor solution, and really accomplished nothing. Graham Greene's performance as the stereotypical reservation drunk, is worth seeing, but the movie is choppy and not that entertaining. What you get is part message movie, part sibling drama, and no real reason to think any of the problems presented have been changed. The final act of vandalism, no matter how symbolic, really accomplishes nothing, and merely adds to the movie's mixed messages. - MERK


I feel this movie was a good depiction of life in a poor small town (having lived in several myself.) I enjoyed that it treated Indians like regular folks just trying to find their place in the world. I am irritated by the person whining about Spike Lee and stereotypes. While Spike has contributed a body of work that provokes, he is not every black man.According to his IMDb bio, Chris Eyre is Cheyenne and Arapaho. Those two tribes banded together with the Sioux to fight Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn or Custer's Last Stand. The reason for the movie's joke about the Crow is because they had been scouts FOR Custer.The point of that history lesson is that Indians are no more homogenized than white folks. To imply that one person can speak for an entire race is just plain asinine.In addition, there is a little bit of truth within every stereotype. Although alcoholism is not unique to Indians, Native Americans, natives, indigenous, aboriginals, etc... (or what ever the correct 'PC' term is this week) and I like how this movie dealt with it. I also especially enjoyed the cowboy boots with the football uniform...


The atmosphere of the film depicts bleakness and lost of hope for the future for the "red skins". The movie Thunderheart gave the same focus on the decimation of the culture. Only, alcohol is the symbolic destroyer of the family of the people and their disconnection with one another. Our heros in this film manage to keep the family together in spite of the obstacles of alcohol and violence. I highly recommend this film if you are truly interested in the current state of affairs of our indigenous brothers.
