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Bulldog Drummond's Bride

Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939)

July. 12,1939
| Action Thriller

Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.


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The final Bulldog Drummond movie in the Paramount series stars John Howard and finally has Drummond marrying longtime fiancée Phyllis (the delightful Heather Angel). But before they get hitched there's another last-minute interruption in the form of a bank robber, a radio, and a trip to France. The cast of regulars (Reginald Denny, E.E. Clive, H.B. Warner, and Elizabeth Patterson) are all fine. Eduardo Ciannelli plays the villain and hams it up nicely. There's even more comedy than usual in this one. Some of it is funny but most of it is just stupid, particularly where Algy is concerned.Bulldog Drummond would return to the movies after WW2. First at Columbia, then Fox and MGM, with yet more actors playing the role (including Tom Conway and Walter Pidgeon). But none of those would be quite as enjoyable as the Paramount series. Which isn't saying a lot since these movies were never better than time-passers anyway. But I can honestly say I never found any of the movies bad, just ranging from 'ok' to good. Even this final one, while weaker than the others, is still watchable. And it's not even an hour long so it's hard to argue against giving it a shot when you have time to kill.


Bulldog Drummond's Bride has John Howard teetering once again on the steps of matrimony. Will he get another postponement because some daring crime caper needs him and his expertise to help Scotland Yard? Will Heather Angel finally get him signed, sealed, and delivered at the altar?A very daring bank robbery in broad daylight is pulled off by Eduardo Ciannelli using nitroglycerin like bottle bombs. And in getting away Ciannelli comes to Drummond's new flat as a painter and pulls a crazy act to get away, but not before stashing the loot.The accent is more on comedy on this one as Howard, best friend Reginald Denny, and butler E.E. Clive pursue Ciannelli to France where he has fled in pursuit of the loot which he stashed in a radio that Heather Angel took to the continent.This entry in the Drummond series borders on the silly at times, still fans of the series will like it.


A bank-robbery in London prevents - again - the marriage of Bulldog Drummond with his girlfriend. But this time when the delinquents are caught it will be celebrated at last.Or will it?I'm not a huge fan of these Drummond films. They are very formulaic.Plus, their under an hour running time feels like 4 hours.In fact, this one is a bit more boring than the others I've seen.It will likely be the last


This short Bulldog Drummond film opens with a bang when a bank robber blows the vault in a London bank and makes off with ten thousand pounds. The police quickly set up a cordon but the robber has a plan… he stashes the cash inside a radio in a flat that is being renovated then pretends to be a decorator who has gone insane to be driven through the cordon in an ambulance. By quite a coincidence the flat has been bought by Drummond and his bride to be Phyllis. Inevitable the robber returns for the radio but by then it has been sent to France where Phyllis is preparing for her marriage. The robber and his sidekick head over to France and Drummond, his butler Tenny and his friend Algy follow and Drummond promptly gets arrested by the French police who believing him to be a spy following a tip off from Scotland Yard where the police aren't pleased with Drummond leaving London when they had asked to come in to help with an identification.This was a rather fun film the drama was decent enough with a few fights and explosions. There were also quite a few laughs; mostly provided by Algy and the French Police Chief/Mayor. The scene where Algy confronts the thief, who is pretending to be mad, was a particularly fun bit of slapstick. While one never has any doubt that Drummond will solve the crime there is one question that will be on the viewer's mind… will Drummond finally marry Phyllis?! John Howard puts in a solid performance as Drummond and Heather Angel makes as welcome return as Phyllis, although her character is slightly underused… but not as underused as H.B. Warner's police inspector Colonel Nielson. Overall a decent instalment in the series where the laughs seem more important than the drama.
