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Guyver: Out of Control

Guyver: Out of Control (1986)

December. 13,1986
| Animation Horror Action Science Fiction

One night, high school student Sho Fukamachi discovers a mysterious metal object. Then in a blinding flash of light, Sho finds that he has accidentally fused with the Guyver, a mecha of mysterious alien design. Now, to save his girlfriend, Mizuki Segawa, along with the entire world, Sho must become the Guyver to fight the Chronos Corporation and their biocreatures, called Zoanoids, who are hell-bent on world domination.


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This movie seems to be a highly condensed retelling of the opening chapters of the Guyver manga series which then spins off into a whole new story onto itself.From the get go, this 50 odd minute long OVA seems to be a prime example of "style over substance". Character development here is a totally alien concept. Our main character of Sho appears for like one minute, has some dialogue with his dad and his girlfriend and then we get thrown headlong back into the action. I get that the director is trying to show the main protagonist's sense of fear and shock at suddenly being in possession of an alien symbiotic weapon (the Guyver unit), being hunted by monstrous assassins and having his friends die around him, but the lack of characterization just does not allow the audience to relate to Sho as well as they could have. There are some flashbacks that I am guessing are supposed to instill a sense of pity for the character. But due to slipshod character development (or rather, an overall lack of character development) those scenes come across as a cheap attempt to milk a tear out of the audience for an otherwise uninteresting protagonist.The much hyped and largely extolled action in this movie is not just violent, it is excessively so. It seems like every monster and villain that ends up shedding blood just so happens to have, like, a thousand arteries running through the same spot. Blood is not shed; it is splattered, sprayed and splashed with all the wild abandon of a kid playing with the garden hose. The monsters are at first creepy in the opening scene where one of them attacks a truck driver on a dark and stormy night. But once the scenes move to the daytime, the monsters come across as looking only slightly better than those in Power Rangers. The whole story seems to be centered on the fights, causing the entire movie to spiral quite literally, (as the title says) out of control as it heads toward its halfway mark.The next hyped aspect is the female guyver(wow a guyver with boobies. Woop-de-doo). What is up with you people?! The character of agent Valucia adds nothing to the story and her only purpose for being there to give those hot blooded and deprived otakus something to salivate over. Tastelessly and unnecessarily over-sexualized, the director takes every opportunity to either show her naked or huffing and puffing away, all sweaty in the gym. The only times she keeps her clothes on are just like a transition from one naked scene to the next. There's even a full minute worth of anime tentacles going all over her un-clothed frame.This movie should appeal to only the most die hard of guyver fans and anime otakus looking for a violent and borderline hentai anime fix. For those of you looking for an adaptation of the Cult manga series "Guyver" with a good coherent story and characters we can actually care about, look elsewhere. Anything you'll find in this movie is bland, brainlessness and bloody.


This is by far the better adaptation of one of the greatest manga series on the planet. Take the monsters anime and special fx and, Out of Control is a perfect example of how the world is like today. I can't help but feel sorry for Sho though: The armor takes over him, he was unconscious during his first kill so I can imagine the shock that he has when he realized what he was and what he did. His friends get shot right in front of his eyes in public. His girlfriend gets kidnapped by an evil organization that seems to have operatives both human and zoanoid in almost every media outlet and civil service and want his power and to top it off he gets his ass kicked by a girl that despite working for that company seems to want to kill him rather than take him alive which the superiors want. aside from that this is a pretty decent movie.


I have been a fan of the "Guyver" series for over 10 years. I only fairly recently found out that this movie existed and it took me quite some time to track down a copy. The beginning of the movie pretty much follows the story line of the original manga, but after the G-Unit bonds with Sho the story line changes somewhat. For instance: Guyver II in this variation of the story is a female Chronos operative (the scene where the unit bond with her is essentially a rape scene, but lets be clear, this is not hentai!).The animation is generally pretty stylish and slick (considering its a 1986 release! And its certainly more impressive than the poor animation quality of episode 7 onward of the 1989 12 part adaption), but suffers at times when certain scenes are re-used time and again. The story line goes nowhere and degenerates into a big fight between guyver I and II (guyver III appears later, but no explanation is given as to his identity and he disappears pretty quickly). Its almost as if they writers read Yoshiki Takaya's manga up until the Sho discovers the guyver and then they thought: "Bugger this, this is boring, lets just have a big fight scene!" If you are a guyver committed fan, this is a must to complete your collection, but be under no illusions: Underneath this anime's flash facade there is a giant void!


I saw Out of Control along time ago, and recently bought it on Ebay.I had heard that this OAV (Only Available on Video)is how the Guyver creators wanted it to be, and its animation is at least 10 times better than the Bio Boost manga series.It is also incrediably dark and almost scary. The Bio booster series had some cute and some funny moments, and was full of different characters, while this short film however, has anything but. Sho Fukamachi is still the main character, but gone are Agito, Tetsuro and any of the characters you met along the way. Mizky is still Sho's love, and that is also sharply brought more into focus. Chronos also seems more powerful in this episode... we see the Special task teams sent out to get the lost Units, we also see Zoanoid Cops, crooked Government Officials, and most impressively, Guyver II is female. (Oh, and does she ever give Guyver I a butt whoopin!!)Guyver III makes a special appearance at the end, but we are never clued in as to whom he may be, as this was never further developed.The whole episode also shows the true downside of being a super hero, where as the series makes you think of how great it would be to have these powers. For example some of Sho's close friends are wiped out while right in the middle of school and Mizky is kidnapped only to get Sho to reveal he is the Guyver.The last scene also shows the difficult choice Sho must make if he wishes for his loved ones to return to a normal life.
