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Looking for Love in 30 Days

Looking for Love in 30 Days (2004)

January. 09,2004
| Drama Comedy Romance

When lifelong friends Keke, Gwen, and Olin embark on a quest for love by making a pact to find boyfriends, their tight-knit bond is put to the test.


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30 Hari Mencari Cinta is a romantic comedy, about 3 girl betting to find love in 30 days. This movie was a hit when it came to Indonesia, with bucket-loads of 15-20 yr old gals screaming for tickets and such. It has elements of teen comedy, teen humor, teen romance and lots and lots of cheesy sugar coating.This movie is probably aimed for audiences up to 15-17, probably less. When I first saw this I actually loved the movie, but the more I think about it, the less it has for me. Its just your stereotypical teen romance story, with some humor, that's all. This movie probably will never appeal to audiences 28+, unlike My Sassy Girl, which is more comedic, romantic, and better made, which even mothers would find appealing. My recommendation: go see it only if you are a teenager and YOU are a fan of movies like Cinderella Story, Honey, and Eiffel...I'm in Love. You will LOVE it. If you aren't, perhaps the more dramatic and touching Eiffel or My Sassy Girl will appeal to you.SCORE: 6 out of 10 (Not Bad for a Low Budget Teen Movie)


`30 Hari Mencari Cinta' (Searching for Love in 30 days) is a cutting-edge romantic comedy for young and fresh audiences. Maybe, because of that, this movie doesn't require a deep character development or complicated plot line. The story goes so simple and so does the characters. Three best friends, Keke (Dinna Olivia), Gwen (Nirina Zubir) and Olin (Maria Agnes) are making a bet, in 30 days they must have a boy friend of their life. Well, as we can predict just even before the credit title, everything is goes wrong and their friendship is in a stake. Yes, `30 Hari Mencari Cinta' is routine and by the book and fit all the clichés that a romantic comedy used to be, but Upi Avianto as the director made it with the heart and that make this movie is so enjoyable and I don't feel so deceived by it. Her experiences as a video music director produced a good and beautiful pictures for the scenes, that makes this movie so subtle. In acting department, MTV's VJ Nirina is performing a good appearance and so does with Maria Agnes, only Dinna Olivia (from Tusuk Jelangkung) a little weak in her acts. The rest of the characters are plays flamboyantly and they contributing the rich color for this movie. The blatantly vie for a romantic comedy is so obvious in this flick and it's not make it as a good romantic comedy either, but the attempt to create an enjoyable movie should appreciate more form the audiences. `30 Hari Mencari Cinta' maybe light as a feather, but at least still deliver the good times.7/10


I have never been to a movie that makes me totally upset as this one! I don't mind bad movies, really, as long as they're not offensive. But, the writer, director and (especially) producers of this "movie" clearly have zero knowledge on how to present a good story.Three pretty single girls are living in a house full of expensive stuff. Why they are still single? Nobody knows. Why they are rich? What do they do? And how come they live together? Really ... God himself will be wondering why!Here comes the problem: they have a menace, that is an even prettier and boobsier girl, who intimidates them merely because they're single (stupid reason), and who spreads rumour that the three are lesbians. She got the punch on the nose from these three girls who always pronounce the word "lesbians" in a disgusting way. Oh, God ... forgive their sins!Hence, they place a bet between themselves (silly, huh? Not with the menace, but betting between themselves) that they will find a true love in thirty days. They then meet one weird guy to another, as if there is totally no decent guy in this whole world. Okay, feminist director Upi Avianto ... you're going too far with this!Then, these three girls with no distinctive character (every one of them is dull, clumsy, airhead, high-tempered, prejudgemental) finally land on three male creatures: the first one is a sex maniac (played awfully disgusting by someone who's still learning how to speak), the second one is a rock star wannabe (and this character confirms the whole world that every rock star wannabe is a total loser ... thanks for the support, Upi!), and the last one is this twink who knows everything about make-up. Even a retarded old woman with Parkinson can tell that he's gay, yet the pretty girl who falls for him cannot notice the fact under her nose.Okay, this is too much! All the three main characters are dumb, and nobody will like them.The "script" has no structure, the "story" is stupid. Then, the producers claim that this is a merely entertaining movie with no heavy message. Oh, really? First: this is not entertaining. Second: the message is clear: you guys can't make a movie.This so-called "movie" is a big shame!

Heru Harry Rahadi

Well, actually, it's better than what I expected after seeing the - not promising and not seducing - trailer. Its character building is OK, the lines quite fine and as the matter in fact, I like the potential acting of one of the character, Gwen (played by Nirina). It's fresh! (even it's excessive sometimes).But for Dinna Olivia, please, learn to act more natural, girl! You got the best opportunities in script, but you ruin it.And none of the boys can act well. Hmm ... Revaldo is quite good as dumb, airhead boy, but ... he's not acting, he's playing as himself.OK, the story is about three girls want to have boyfriends and they make a bet. Whoever has a boyfriend within 30 days, she'll be the winner. And the story goes with their search.Overall, the movie is plain. It lacks the edge, it's not biting, not gripping, not touchy. There's something wrong with its problem resolvement.
