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Black Angels

Black Angels (1970)

October. 14,1970
| Drama Action

When an African-American biker gang is tricked into believing that a white biker gang is planning a war, all hell breaks loose.


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Lizardman fourtwenty

Judging this from the German dubbing "Black Angels - die sich selbst zerfleischen", I have to say the dialogue in this one is funny as hell, just as in almost every other 60/70s biker movie.This one features a black biker gang (the Choppers) that lives in harmony with a white biker gang... until circumstances are stirring both gangs up against each other.The film contains bike rides, weird side characters, surprisingly not-that-cool music and a really funny bar brawl scene that features funky 60s posters (Weedies, Speed Kills, Hendrix), including a huge poster of Fonda in "Easy Rider", a nice meta-joke. There are even real-life wildcats in this one. Also, a character wears an outrageous Shakespearian shirt and urinates on another character while sittin on a tree.But... The potential of the Blaxploitation-like title is never really "exploited", the film even revolves a lot more about the white gang (the Satan's Serpents) and there is a sad lack of cool black bikers riding bikes. The topic of racism is introduced as a minor character who plays a significant role in the movie's illogical conclusion. An ending that nevertheless features a satisfying final battle.Still definitely one of the better biker movies if only for the trash-nostalgia.


While many have compared this to levels of an Ed Wood film; I would agree regarding the lesson learned from Ed Wood films which seems to be lost here. Just because a film is poorly made that doesn't mean it's not entertaining. This film is great within the realm of down & dirty exploitation trash. It manages to offend and show all forms of humanity at their worst. Everyone gets slammed particularly minorities. Women here are all masochist drug takers, gays get slapped around, Caucasians are strictly white trash; the only dignity shown is amongst the Black Bikers although they too are a vicious, violent lot. Acting wise; it's not nearly as bad as an Ed Wood film. The fight scenes may not be particularly well choreographed, but they are nasty and loaded with dirty low-blows. Plenty of good looking bikes, enthusiastic aggression, sex and drug enjoyment. Truly a blast of eye candy trash.


I say "Ouch!" 'cause this one is painful to watch. My video has major problems...The sound comes and goes and the picture is grainy and streaked. Probably the best thing about this movie! WOW! Remember the little boy who rides his bike with no hands? I think HE wrote, produced and directed this one. Plot? Can't find it. Acting? Where? I like the (little) comedy in it, such as the nun who M.F's the biker. The drunk was kinda cool, too. I couldn't watch this one all the way through. Got at about one hour and eight minutes into it. I had found something better to do that was less painful. I had to go out in the garage and crush my hand in my bench vise. I collect "cheap biker movies" and this one is the worst/best. "Chopper Chicks From Zombie Town" was the worst until I saw this one. CCFZT took me a few years to watch it. I got about 1/2 way through and couldn't take it anymore. Broke it out a few years later and finished it. I'll probably not finish "Black Angels". That's how good it is.


I agree with the other comment posted here - we're talking Ed Wood bad -- we're talking Plan 9 might have to step down. This movie is so full throttle awful - you wont believe it - bad writing, awful camera work, ugly chicks, for no reason live raccoons and a mountain lion partying with the bikers sas they drink beer and smoke weed, the WORST fight sequences, terrible "rock" songs with a message and one of thos early 1970's downer endings that supposed TO MEAN SOMETHING, MAN!!!! My friends and I howled and hooted and applauded. Some of the acting is so bad, you are left numb. Fight scenes that my brother and I did better when we were 6 and 7 "fighting" in the back yard. I cant believe this movie isnt more famous on the Midnight movie circuit!!! If you love turkey cinema - go on and feast!
