Late Night with David Letterman (1982)
Late Night with David Letterman is a nightly hour-long comedy talk show on NBC that was created and hosted by David Letterman. It premiered in 1982 as the first incarnation of the Late Night franchise and went off the air in 1993, after Letterman left NBC and moved to Late Show on CBS. Late Night with Conan O'Brien then filled the time slot. As of March 2, 2009, the slot has been filled by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. It will be filled by Seth Meyers in the spring of 2014, after Fallon becomes host of The Tonight Show.
Seasons & Episode
• Clip from December 10, 1987: Steve Martin's card trick. • ""Best of Stupid Human Tricks,"" including Scott Vassil using his tongue to stop an operating electric fan (first performed on February 25, 1987). • Reprise of ""The Strong Guy, The Fat Guy, The Genius.""
Clip from March 28, 1989: Pestering Joan Collins on the ""Live At Five"" set.