Blade: The Series (2006)
Blade is a half-man, half-vampire who employs his extraordinary powers in a crusade to save mankind from the demonic creatures who walk the night. Set in Detroit, Blade investigates the vampire house of Chthon. Along the way he forms an uneasy alliance with Krista Starr, a former military veteran who becomes entrenched in the world of vampires while investigating the murder of her twin brother.
Seasons & Episode
Krista wakes up to face the realities of her vampire state, and Marcus and explains the rules pertaining to the Houses. Blade seeks out Rev. Carlyle to get a lead on the vampiric-ash trade, then uses Krista to get information on the super-vampire Fritz.
Blade and Shen track down a vampire name Sands, who was used in Marcus's experiments. Krista visits her mom for the first time being turned, she also tries to get a sample of the vaccine and accompanies Chase to a AA meeting.
Blade is caught by a group of vampires called Bad Blood, a group that Blade first turned.
Krista hunts down Boone through their spirit connection, while Marcus sends Chase to Berlin to track down one of Dr. Vonner's pregnant patients - a woman whose child-to-be harbors a dark secret. Blade follows Chase to get the woman first, while Marcus reveals the secret of Aurora to Krista.
Krista gets some bad news about her mother. Marcus tries to find a way to get Vanessa back from Blade and sends Krista to Berlin to do so.
Blade tries to solve the murder of a cop named Flanigan who helped care for him while growing up. Flashback scenes tell how Blade's father brought in Abraham Whistler once he could no longer do anything about Balde's need to feed. Krista copes with her mother's critical condition.
Lisa Starr, now a vampire, is on the loose and it's up to Blade and Krista to find her and give her the serum. Chase gets in touch with a old flame name Alex and he wants her to leave Marcus.
After her mother's death, Krista becomes increasingly disconnected from both Marcus and Blade. Blade finds out about the liquid that was taken from Vanessa, while Damek makes his move on Marcus.
Blade and Shen learn that the White Prince, an infamous vampire and serial killer, has made a resurgence and is working out of a Detroit nightclub. Blade sends Krista into a detox after she feeds off of Marcus. And Charlotte makes a deal with Chase.