Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1995)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is an animated television series based on the film of the same name. The series was produced by Morgan Creek Productions and Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. It aired for two seasons from 1995 to 1997 on CBS. A third season and reruns of previous episodes aired on Nickelodeon from 1999 to 2000.
Seasons & Episode
Episode 1 - Witch's Brew
October. 29,1999
Halloween special.
Episode 10 - When Nature Shrieks
December. 10,1999
Ace is hired to track down an mysterious creature known as the Wooly Howl. It's actually called Putt Detective and involves Ace saving a gopher at a golf course.
Episode 11 - Exor-Kitty
January. 07,2000
Ace is called in to exorcise a cat.
Episode 12 - Ace of the Jungle
January. 14,2000
Ace gets stranded on a tropical island.
Episode 13 - Cyber Ace
January. 21,2000
Ace gets trapped in cyber space.
Episode 14 - Circus Ace
January. 28,2000
Ace has to solve a mystery in a circus.
Episode 15 - The Cat Who Paints
February. 04,2000
Ace has to find a cat that can paint.