Carnival Row (2019)
In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.
Seasons & Episode
Lovers Philo and Vignette risk their lives to help the oppressed Faefolk of Carnival Row.
When Philo plots to challenge Jonah's hereditary claim to the Chancellorship, Vignette intervenes.
While Philo investigates the murders of the Black Raven’s leaders, Vignette plots revenge.
Philo races to stop Vignette’s revenge before the Black Raven spark even worse violence.
Philo plots Vignette’s rescue with an unlikely ally. Jonah discovers Sophie’s treachery. The murderer strikes again.
A painful truth haunts Philo as Carnival Row faces reprisals for the horrific events at Bleakness Keep.
Torn between his Human and Fae sides, Philo makes a choice.
Reeling from the consequences of his choices, Philo rejects defining himself as either Human or Fae.
Justice later through peace, or now through blood?
The epic finale of “Carnival Row.”