The Avengers: United They Stand (1999)
When the planet is threatened by Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical monsters or mad robots bent on the total destruction of humanity, when the forces of evil are so overwhelming that no single hero has the power to save the world, when there is no hope left…the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
Seasons & Episode

Ultron creates the Vision and sends him to destroy Ant-Man.

Wonder Man is put on life support and the Avengers must take over where he fell. Falcon joins the team and Vision is reprogrammed with some of Wonder Man's mind.

Hawkeye must face his past and his old mentor the Swordsman. Meanwhile The Avengers face a group of thieves led by Ringmaster who has robbed a biological weapons study lab.

Strange remnants of Ultron's previous experiments create terror on an island where France's main nuclear testing facility exists. The Avengers race to control or destroy these machines before they start a nuclear war. Only they haven't planned on Ultron paying a visit as well.

The Avengers must stop the Masters of Evil, who are trying to steal a shipment of highly dangerous government weapons. To make matters more difficult, Captain America comes on the scene leaving Ant-Man to work out his leadership issues while still focusing on the job at hand.

Mysterious earthquakes are caused artificially. The Avengers suspect prince Namor of Atlantis so they go under the sea to investigate. They discover Namor is not causing the earthquakes, but managed to discover that Attuma is using the Dynamo machine to create earthquakes in his plot to conquer Atlantis. Vision is jealous of Namor's kind and loving expression toward the Scarlet Witch.

When satellites are blasted out of their orbits, the whole world is threatened. Learning that the criminal organization Zodiac is behind the chaos, the Avengers call upon the help of Iron Man and rocket into space to stop the blackmail of Earth's cities.

Vision volunteers to be "bait" to allow himself to be captured by Ultron as a way for the Avengers to track him to the villain's lair. It works, but Ultron is ready for them.

Egghead initiates a plot to destroy his archrival Ant-Man by making his "Pym particles" go crazy. The Avengers must prevent Ant-Man from shrinking to subatomic oblivion.

Scarlet Witch visits Agatha Harkness accompanied by Vision to see what she can do for Wonder Man, but she is kidnapped by the Salem's Seven. Scarlet Witch calls the rest of the Avengers to help her, but they are busy fighting the Grim Reaper.

Something is dangerously affecting the magnetic fields of the Earth. Wasp realizes that her father's old business partner Cornelius Van Lundt is behind the disruptions. Wasp must face her past in order to save the Earth.

Someone wants an ancient meteorite buried beneath an island, which is the reason for the disruptions in the Earth's magnetic fields. The Avengers have a final showdown with the Zodiac gang.