Julie Farr, M.D. (1978)
Julie Farr, M.D. is a short-lived American television show that aired on the ABC network in 1978. It followed three television movies called Having Babies which aired from 1976-78, and was not renewed after its initial run of episodes aired in March-April 1978. The show began airing as Having Babies but was re-christened Julie Farr, M.D. during its run after its lead character.
Seasons & Episode
A couple's ten-year open relationship is in Jeopardy by the birth of a child and a young married couple each suspect the other of being the source of a mysterious infection they share.
A pregnant woman infected with malaria who illegally entered the country to join her husband runs away from the hospital. Meanwhile, inexperienced honeymooners have comedic wedding night, and an overworked businessman discovers that success is killing him.
Parents demand that their mentally disabled daughter have an abortion. Also, an old vaudeville comic comes to the hospital to die. However, Dr. Danvers refuses to let him give up on life.
Love hurtles into Dr. Julie Farr's life on a powerful motorcycle forcing her to evaluate her planned life style and structured medical career. A newborn child threatens to breach a twenty-year friendship.
Julie's college acquaintance, the Iron Firefly, whisks her into the world of the beautiful people. Meanwhile, a young music tycoon tries to pressure his wife into a corrective surgery that terrifies her.
Dr. Franklin, an aging surgeon, refuses to accept the fact that time has eroded his surgical skills. Meanwhile, an early birth jeopardizes a woman's career, and an efficiency expert tries to organize his wife's pregnancy.
Julie faces an agonizing crisis when her young niece develops a malignancy and Julie's erratic sister threatens to seek a miracle cure for her daughter.