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Willy (1954)

September. 18,1954
| Comedy

Willy is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 18, 1954 to June 16, 1955. The series centers on Wilma "Willy" Dodger, played by June Havoc, a lawyer from rural New Hampshire who elocates to New York City to represent a vaudeville troupe.


Seasons & Episode

Seasons 1 : 1954


25 Episode


Episode 1 - First Case
September. 18,1954

Episode 2 - Get Charlie's Goat
September. 25,1954

Episode 3 - New York Colleague
October. 09,1954

Episode 4 - New York Colleague
October. 09,1954

Episode 5 - Willy Decides Not to Run
October. 16,1954

Episode 6 - Willy and Muller vs. Muller
December. 04,1954

Episode 7 - Willy and the Crook Julius
October. 30,1954

Episode 8 - Willy Waves the Flag
November. 06,1954

Episode 9 - Puppy Love
January. 29,1955

Episode 10 - Willy and the Mystery Package
February. 05,1955

Episode 11 - Willy Doubles in Brass
February. 26,1955

Episode 12 - Willy vs. Muller and Muller
December. 04,1954

Episode 13 - Willy's New York Neighbors
April. 07,1955

Episode 14 - Papa's Birthday
December. 18,1954

Episode 15 - Willy and Eccentric Henrietta
June. 09,1955

Episode 17 - Willy and L'Affaire Paul Revere
January. 08,1955

Episode 18 - Willy and Aunt Cora's Beau
January. 15,1955

Episode 19 - Willy and Grandpa's Piano
January. 22,1955

Episode 20 - Puppy Love
January. 29,1955

Episode 21 - Willy and the Mystery Package
February. 05,1955

Episode 24 - Willy Doubles in Brass
February. 26,1955

Episode 25 - Willy and the Farewell Dance
March. 05,1955

Episode 29 - Willy's New York Neighbors
April. 07,1955

Episode 37 - Willy and El Flamenco
June. 02,1955

Episode 38 - Willy and Eccentric Henrietta
June. 09,1955

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