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96 Souls

96 Souls (2016)

June. 03,2016
| Drama Science Fiction Mystery

A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.


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Sure it has a lot of the flaws you expect from this type of low budget film. The dialogue makes you wince a few times as the writer was going for clever and it just sounded clunky coming out of the mouths of the actors. But the acting was fairly solid (with a few notable exceptions, but not where it counts). The cinematography was quite good, and even the "special effects" weren't too distracting. The editing was magnificent, and in many cases that's the key difference between good and bad in films. You don't notice it unless it's done poorly, and in this case, it was pretty much seamless.Despite is flaws, there was something about the story, and the developmental arc of the characters, that kept me fascinated. I watched it more like I was watching an art project than a movie, and I was able to really appreciate what they were trying to do.I watch a lot of indie films, and some are definitely horrific (although many of them have some merit buried in there somewhere. This one was definitely worth a watch. Someone had a pretty clever idea, developed it, and managed to work in some thought-provoking philosophy along the way.


I really enjoyed this picture! This movie is timely as the story line addresses medical ethics during a period when science continues at an amazing speed to make astonishing advances in all areas. This is classic sci-fi: a scientist conducting an experiment is suddenly jolted into a bizarre new realm due to an accident in his lab. Although initially intrigued, he soon realizes that his data needs more research as his visions become terrifying. Unfortunately, those in the pharmaceutical industry who fund the scientists hear about his latest discovery, and our hero has to protect his research from being used for malevolent purposes. Thus begins a tug of war between the forces of good and evil that keeps the viewer on the edge of his seat. There are many twists and turns that lay ahead, as well as some terrific new characters going in and out of the fray. "96 Souls" is a film unafraid to ask big questions and for that reason alone is totally worth seeing.


I'm giving this movie a high 6 stars because it makes a heartfelt effort to tell a unique story. I thought from the trailer that it was an attempt at low budget sci-fi, and ultimately, it is. But more of a kind of hard sci-fi story in which morality and social conditions and consciousness​ underlie the story. Some of the acting is amateurish and same for the editing and directing, and dialogue was more like conversation, but this director shows promise (up to a point). And his story is engaging. Despite the flaws, I never wanted to stop or turn off at any point.Most importantly, it kept me entertained. And that, ultimately, is ​the task of any story. 5 stars for actual effort and an extra for daring something unique.


The movie started with what seemed to be a well executed story line but somehow lost the plot half way through. The director could have either done away with the pseudo philosophy , or at least developed it properly. Amateurish special effects and cardboard acting from some actors did not help.
