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Twice Two

Twice Two (1933)

February. 25,1933
| Comedy

A year prior to the first scene, Stan married Ollie's sister, and Ollie married Stan's sister in a double wedding. They all live together and Stan and Ollie work in the same office.


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The boys marry the sisters of their partner. So Ollie is Stan's wife (in drag of course) and vice versa. The women have the same personalities as their brothers (make sense?) and so they have some of the same issues as the boys. Since it is their first anniversary, the ladies decide to have a party rather than go out. Nothing goes right, including Hardy's sister getting a cake in the face. The funniest scene involves Stanley going to the corner to get some ice cream and some phone calls he has to make because the store doesn't have the flavors they are looking for (for obvious reasons, which I won't let on). The strength of this hilarious little episode is the intersection among the "four" characters. Wonderful stuff.


This is one of Laurel and Hardy's weaker efforts with only limited laughs and some horrendous dubbing of female voices for the characters of Stan and Ollie's sisters (played by Stan and Ollie). There's also something a little unsettling about each of them being married to their friend's identical twin sister... The funniest moments come in the earlier part of this 20-minute short when the boys are at work and taking part in their usual tit-for-tat abuse - Ollie blowing ink down the phone in an attempt to spray Stan only to receive it in his own face gets the biggest laugh. The rest of the film is amusing enough but never comes close to the heights of their better shorts.

Jackson Booth-Millard

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Ollie (brain specialist) and Stan (associate adviser) have married each other's twin sisters (played by themselves), and it has been one year since, so they need to head home for an anniversary meal, and there is apparently a surprise for Ollie, that Stan wasn't meant to tell him about. It should be said that the twin sisters are just as clumsy and argumentative as their brothers. Stan is sent out to buy some strawberry ice cream, but he manages to go into the wrong place (it was next door) and spend the 15 cents on the three phone calls to home. There is the final squabble with all arguing about family differences, and it ends with Stan's sister "giving" a new anniversary cake to Ollie's sister. Also starring Charlie Hall as Delivery boy. Filled with good slapstick and all classic comedy you want from a black and white film, at just over an hour, it is an enjoyable film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Worth watching!


"Twice Two" isn't among the most consistent or hilarious Laurel & Hardy shorts but it still is fun and good enough to watch.The boys in drag isn't exactly the greatest style of humor. The concept even got a bit tiresome after a while in the movie. The movie goes on for a bit too long with its gags and isn't the best paced Laurel & Hardy short.Yet the movie is filled with some truly great and well timed moments, that without doubt will make you laugh.A fun movie but with a far too long stretched out concept and storyline.7/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
