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Another Heaven

Another Heaven (2000)

April. 29,2000
| Horror Crime Science Fiction

A pair of hard-boiled Tokyo cops are investigating a gruesome murder: after killing the victim, the murderer cut his skull open and cooked his brain in a stew. As they try to track down the killer, they discover that, quite literally, everybody is a suspect. Will they bring the terror to an end, or will they become part of it themselves?


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This was the film that introduced me to J-horror. I caught it on a late night showing on The World Movie channel and I was instantly hooked. Another Heaven is the kind of movie that Hollywood wishes they could make. It has all the ingredients of the perfect horror. Atmosphere, chilling scenes, great performances and and a tightly plotted script. The very first scene sets the pace when the police discover a murder. The pot bubbling away on the stove holds horrific contents and from there the police detectives follow a pattern of gruesome murders that are actually in fact supernatural. The scenes between one of the detectives and a doctor are very powerful. The film over all has a sense of menace that seems to be lacking in many horror films today. If you want to get a good introduction to Asian horror, Another heaven is the place to start.


I have a very high tolerance for the derivative, the predictable, the bad, the boring, and the flat-out awful, but it took me two sittings to get through the entirety of this very silly film about fallen angels. Other reviewers have compared it to David Fincher's Se7en, and I can see why--this is, after all a slasher film infused with garden-variety Christian mythology, but that's as far as that comparison goes. This films lacks the energy, style, and originality to carry its audience well past the point of disbelief. It belongs to the school of thought that the supernatural just takes care of itself--it needs no explanation and no logic.While the running time exceeds two hours, and the same level of detail could have been achieved in the shortest of films. I didn't find the ending to be as anti- climactic as other reviewers did, but then again I thought this was monotonic from start to finish.


George Iida created a masterpeice with this film. The lighting, the soundtrack (with my favorite song by Luna Sea "gravity used as the theme) Yokusuke Eguchi is awsome as Manabu. He and Yoshio Hirada just ooze cool as they are on the screen and Takashi Kashiwabara is actually scary as Kimura. There are cool guys, scary scenes, a great ending, and hot girls. What more could a Japanese horror fan ask for? I dont recommend this film to fans of american horror or as an introduction to japanese cinema as it may seem to tame to them. On the other hand if your idea of amazing cinema is battle royale and Gojira (1954) then this movie is for you!


just watched it and it is a waste of time :(but one thing to watch this show for is the look at the lead's girlfriend... she's really a wonder of nature... big eyes, long neck, long and slender limbs... she looked quite amazing ;pbut story wise, it was quite lame. The show is undecided what it wants to beHorror homicide detective story ? Alien ? Ghost ?bad bad bad
