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Fist of Jesus

Fist of Jesus (2012)

October. 12,2012
| Horror Action Comedy

When Jacob tells Jesus that Lazarus, his son, is dead, he goes to his house to raise him from the dead.


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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Fist of Jesus" is a 15-minute live action short film from 4 years ago and do not be fooled by the English title. This one is in Spanish and I highly recommend getting subtitles if you are not fluent in the language. Writer and director here is David Muñoz, who I have not come across so far, but here he shows us that he can come up with really funny stuff. The politically incorrect comedy is exactly what I appreciate so much here. There were 3 genuinely funny scenes I think. The first was Jesus' high-pitch screaming when the zombies appear for the first time, the second is when he revives Judas and he dies again and the last is the scene with the leper guy. So wrong, yet so funny. Overall, I recommend this little movie. It brings some a nice mix of comedy and horror, but the comedy definitely prevails here. Check it out.


Very very very VERY gory Spanish short with English subtitles. Jesus helps Lazarus rise from the dead. Very good but Lazarus is now a flesh-eating zombie! Jesus screams like a girl and, with Judas following, runs to escape. However they're surrounded by Roman soldier zombies and cowboy (???) zombies. What follows is an incredibly gory (and incredibly funny) fight between Jesus and Judas and zombies! The Catholic Church will probably go crazy if it ever gets a look at this! It tears into Jesus and the Bible with glee with tons of gore and blood. The special effects are excellent and look very realistic. This is basically a must see for gore fans who aren't loyal Catholics. A 10 all the way.


Remember that vicar in Peter Jackson's splatter classic Brain Dead who used his martial arts skills to smite zombies in the name of God? Well, here we have another fellow kicking undead arse for the Lord… none other than the son of God himself, Jesus Christ (Marc Velasco), who takes extreme and very gory measures after accidentally starting a zombie outbreak while showing off his power to resurrect the dead. With a little help from pal Judas (Noé Blancafort), JC chops, saws, hacks, punches and kicks his way through an army of mouldy flesh-eaters (which includes Pharisian zombies, Roman zombies, and Cowboy zombies—yes, you read that right… Cowboy zombies!) with only an endless supply of fish for weapons (it's that kind of film).Incredibly stupid but also incredibly entertaining, Fist of Jesus is fifteen minutes of pure, unadulterated gore-drenched fun, directed with plenty of flair and energy by Adrián Cardona and David Muñoz, whose irreverent splat-stick style has clearly been inspired by the early work of the aforementioned Mr. Jackson. Guts are ripped, bodies torn asunder, piranha fish thrown and heads crushed, with as much blood and body-parts chucked about in the process as the budget will allow. By the end of the film, Jesus's traditional white robes have turned bright red. Needless to say, devout Christians should probably give this a wide berth: a healthy sense of humour about all things Biblical is a must.8.5 out of 10, rounded up to 9 for IMDb.

George Live

Jesus Christ resurrects Lazarus, who promptly begins to chomp on the multitudes. It is left to the son of God and his faithful disciple, Judas, to fight off the resulting zombie horde with multiplied fishes.PROS: In case the synopsis didn't advertise it, this wildly funny film plays the Biblical story for bloody laughs. The inventive gore, which rapidly escalates throughout the picture, is matched only by Jesus' madcap use of fish as weaponry. The poster advertises the Monty Python connection, but the festival audience I saw it with got the Peter Jackson connection. "Fist" features fountains of the red stuff, but it's so ridiculously over the top that no one will take offense. And who can resist the cowboy zombies? CONS: This isn't the most original idea. "Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter" springs immediately to mind. Despite the recycling, however, "Fist" is the best made and most fun of the bunch.
