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Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey

Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey (2000)

October. 22,2000
| Action Documentary

Documentary on the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, with a focus on the production of his unfinished film Game of Death. Using interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Lee aficionado John Little paints a portrait of the world's most famous action hero, concluding with a new cut of Game of Death's action finale, reconstructed from Lee's notes and recently-recovered footage.


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This is one of the best documentaries out there made about the greatest martial artist ever appeared on the silver screen. 'Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey' doesn't concentrate not so much about the legendary actor's career in films, but more on his philisophies on fighting, film making and life in general. Most people know Bruce Lee as one of the greatest film stars and action heroes throughout the film history, and that's it. Actually Bruce was much more - he was philosopher at first, all the reast came after that. And this documentary does excellent job to explaining Bruce Lee's mindset.The second part of the movie contains the completed footage of 'The Death Game' like Bruce had intended to be with original dialogue. To know how much effort Bruce put into 'The Game of Death' it is almost painful to know about the botched up 1978 versioon directed by Robert Clouse. One can only think, if only. . .Bruce Lee was highly skillful martial artist (who turned his body into piece of art itself), thoughtful philosopher, dedicated actor, masterful filmmaker. And he didn't let his sudden stardom get into his head. All he wanted to do was to create great art.


The only regret I had watching "Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey" was that Bruce, the master of all masters, wasn't still alive to see what great tribute is being paid to him with this documentary. He would have been so proud. What a shame it is that such a young, handsome man is ripped out of this life by some, well, whoever it was - IT WAS WRONG!!! The documentary contains great footage of Bruce, the master, and of his movies, too. I especially liked the parts from the movies, since they reminded me of the time I was watching them. I didn't miss a single movie, and I say that with the proviso that I am not capable of understanding Chinese. Therefore I have even more regrets that he only got to making one English movie before the tragedy. So people out there, don't miss that great account of a great master, Bruce, in a great documentary. It's really a great experience and shouldn't me missed by anyone. I enjoyed it a great deal and I am very choosy, for example I didn't like Star Wars.


This documentary shows you Bruce Lee's life, how he went to be as good in Martial Arts as he was. There are also a great look at the original version of the "Game of Death" fighting in the Tower scenes. These scenes are just great, very different from the 78 version. And they are never been showed before. So take a look here, and see how Bruce Lee takes his one inch punch and much more....


Short and sweet: If you're a Bruce Lee Fan, You have to have this DVD. If you're not, you will be. Watching this Doc/Feature was like going back to the early 70's. Seeing this never before released footage reminded me why I became a fan. It's a treat to have the "Real Bruce" visiting us again. The original 30 minutes or so of Bruce's (not Robert Clouse's) "Game of Death" makes this DVD a must have. Anyone that does have the Clouse's version can now dump that film in the trash. Why settle for a film with 7 Bruce Lee imitators when you can have the one-and-only. "Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey," though only containing 30-or-so minutes of the original "Game of Death" is (the real) Bruce Lee's last film. Enjoy :-)
